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A horse is a horse...

Posted on Fri Mar 29th, 2019 @ 1:17am by Lieutenant Sandra Adamson

Mission: Sojourn
Location: Marga III
1610 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

"Are you certain you are ready for this?" Sekat asked as he escorted his boss towards the transporter room. "Let me rephrase, are you certain you want to do this?" he had spent years training himself to simply remain on a horse. Riding one, in his own opinion, was another skill entirely. And now, with his limp, he wasn't even sure if he had the strength to remain on one himself.

Yet here they were, no here he was, hoping to introduce his girlfriend into something he enjoyed doing in his spare time.

Sandy looked a moment to Sekat. She took a deep breath and said, "Yes!" She got on the pad. "It is something you like to do and this is the first time I am in a relationship, I think it's good I do things you like. Besides, if there is something I like to do, there is no chance you would back out, cause I did something you like." She pulled him on the pad. "Don't worry about the leg, your doctor is with you." She grinned.

"How did you know I was concerned about it?" He asked, frowning ever so slightly. Did she know him that well already? "And I would engage in activities you enjoy regardless of my personal feelings of them. A relationship includes sharing things with each other. If you find yourself not liking this activity then we will find something else to do." Taking her hand, he guided her up the pad before moving to his own. "Energize."

As they got to the planet she turned to him and pulled him closer. "Sekat, I want to do this, otherwise I wouldn't stand on it so badly. Not just to blackmail you with it." She chuckled a bit. "I want to do it, cause you like it. And I like you. So I like what you like. Which is logic!"

"Logic?" He smiled as he pulled her towards the stable. "These should be mild mannered. You have been near horses, correct?"

Sandy nodded. "Yes, my uncle had a few horses on his farm when I grew up. My aunt loved to ride. I sat on one, once or twice."

"That simplifies things considerably," Sekat answered, "I arranged for saddled horses to be ready for us." He pointed at a grey stallion. "I am told this one is called Ed... shall I help you get up?"

Sandy looked to the stallion. "You think you can hoist me up on your leg?" She looked around. "There must be something that could help me get on it, without pressuring you?"

"I will be fine," Sekat answered, then pointed at the stirrup. Put your foot in there and grab the knob.on the saddle. I will give you a little push up and you swing your leg over. When you are settled put your other foot in on the other side."

She did as he said and as she sat down on the saddle she position her other foot. She took the reigns. "Ok, so far so good, I would say." She looked around from the height of the stallions. She had to get used to the height she was at now. "Yep, all good." She tried to hide she was actually a bit nervous on the horse.

Checking to see if she really was all good, Sekat nodded and hauled himself up on his own horse. "Let us start at walking them so you can get a feel of the horse and he can get a feel of you," Sekat suggested as he attached his cane to the saddle. "I will stay close to you, just relax, the horse will know if you are nervous." He cast her an encouraging smile as he had his animal walk up to hers. "Just walking until you are comfortable," he promised.

Sandy sighed a bit to release some tension. "Alright, just walking. I can do that." She pulled the reigns as she gently used her legs to get the horse to start moving. "I didn't realize the horse would be so big."

Pulling up beside her, Sekat reached to touch her hand. "If you would rather not do this I will not be offended," he promised her, "it is not for everyone. I do not wish for you to be uncomfortable during your holiday."

"No, it's fine," Sandy said as she looked down to the horse. "I just need to get used to sitting on this horse. I am not afraid of heights, I am afraid of the dark remember." She grinned.

"I remember, and we are working on that." He observed her as the horses walked on. "Perhaps it is something we can continue to train tonight. For now, I recommend you relax and let the horse do most of the work. It will feel your body language and will respond accordingly."

Sandy nodded and took a deep breath as she calmed down a bit. She let the horse walk as she just looked around and enjoyed their surroundings.

Steering closer, Sekat reached out towards her, taking her hand. "Are you enjoying your leave?" he asked quietly, "I mean, are you taking proper time to relax?"

"I am now," She replied and smiled to him. "So where did you plan on taking me?"

"I do not know," the Vulcan confessed, "where would you like to go? My original thought was to make you familiar with a horse but I had not considered any plans beyond this."

Sandy thought a moment. "Maybe we could go for some lunch or dinner after this." She looked around. "Know any good places to eat?"

"I am certain we can find somewhere suitable." He spurred his horse on after several minutes of just walking. "You will need to help me get off," he commented dryly, "I will not be able to do it on my own."

Sandy did her best to follow up, but the horse didn't seem to have any trouble to catch up. "Of course I will help you come off." She winked to him.

"There," Sekat pointed after a while, "we will dine there." He lead the both of them towards the cottage-like restaurant, then reigned in his horse to a full stop. "You will be sore later," he predicted.

Sandy nodded as she climbed off the horse and tied the horse down. She then turned around to take over the horse from Sekat, tying him down as well. She then stood next to the horse to help Sekat down. She reached out her arms to him.

Using his bad leg to swing over the saddle, he held on to the saddle for dear life, trusting her to catch him as soon as he set his foot down. He pulled his cane from the saddle and let it drop to the floor, unable to hold on and use it all at once. He felt his leg give as soon as he set it on the ground.

She caught him quickly as he came down, putting both her arms under his arms. He was much taller then her, but she was able to support him. She pushed him to his good leg as she was still holding him. She helped him to the horse so he could lean on the horse as she picked up his cane and handed it to him.

"Thank you." He cast her a grateful smile as he accepted his cane. He patted the horse's rump, before scratching it behind the ears. "They are good animals," he said as he turned to her, offering her his other arm. "Shall we go inside?"

She put her arm in his. "Yes, let's." She walked beside him, letting him pick up the pace. She would have dragged him inside, that's how eager she was sometimes. "Have you been to this planet before?"

The Vulcan doctor shook his head, drawing her closer to him. "Negative," he answered her, "I have never been here. However I have taken the liberty of researching the area." Leading her inside, he led her straight towards a vacant table. "What would you like to have for dinner?"

She looked around the table and picked up the menu. "Ehm....I should've done that. Research the planet. But I am so busy. Ah..." She turned the menu around to let him look. "They have pasta."

"Pasta it is," Sekat smiled at her, "though I will have one without meat." He looked up at the waiter who had approached and took their order, then back at the woman sitting across from him. "Are you enjoying your holiday so far?" he asked earnestly.

"Oh yes," Sandy said, "The planet is beautiful, and the company is great." She smiled to him. "Maybe after this we could go swimming?"

"I would like that, though I am not the best swimmer around." He inclined his head in agreement. "It would certainly ease some strains," he admitted, "you will not be the only one who will be sore. Perhaps we can float in a spa for a while afterwards? Or go to a hammam, or a sauna?"

"Either of that sounds good too," Sandy said as their food was put in front of them. She smiled. "How about some ice cream after?" She asked.

"Excellent," Sekat smiled as he raised his glass. "To an enjoyable vacation, and may we return to the ship well rested and ready for the next adventure."

She smiled and nodded as she held up her glass, slightly touching his as she took a sip.

Lieutenant Sandra Adamson
Chief Medical officer

Lieutenant j.g. Sekat
Medical Officer
pnpc Lhaes


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