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Dinner for two

Posted on Wed Sep 5th, 2018 @ 1:10am by Lieutenant Sandra Adamson

Mission: A Majestic Affair
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 1 1800 hrs
1913 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Sandy rolled a trolley of food to the bed Sekat was laying on. "Sekat," she said softly. "Are you awake?" She took her tricorder and scanned him to check his wounds and dressings. She waited for him to wake up, so she could help him sit up and she could change his dressings and give him another treatment.

"I am awake," he replied soflty, allowing the assistance in sitting up, "how long have I been asleep?" The aroma of the food on the trolley was wafting his way and he realized he was actually hungry.

She scanned him with her tricorder and then put it aside. She then got him a plate of food and handed it to him. " There you go." She rolled a chair to bed and sat down. She got a platter herself. "Well, bon appetit!" She smiled.

Sekat stared down at the plate sitting on his lap. "Thank you," he said as he studied the food items. "Am I doing better?" He asked as he scooped some of the food up with his fork.

Sandy just put a fork full in her mouth. She swallowed and then answered, "It looks good, but I will know more in the morning. I'll just give you a few more treatments tonight." She smiled and continued, "I am sure you'll be ready for duty in two days."

Two days. "What am I expected to do in two days ma'am?" he queried while scooping up more food. "Surely I should not take up a bed when I do not really need it?"

"You're a doctor, this is sickbay, there's a lot you can do here for me." She grinned.

"But not from this bed I hope." He arched an eyebrow at her. "How does ready for duty in two days rhyme with there is a lot you can do fhere? If I am not ready for duty, what could I do?"

"Oh I forgot you're Vulcan. I meant I need you back working on the second day." She grinned as she put some more food in her mouth.

"I meant...what am I to do in the meantime, until I can get back to work," the Vulcan clarified, "I can still do rounds. I have been using a cane for a few days now and it does not hinder me. There is nothing wrong with my eyes or my hands. I am not contageous... what if I work half a day?"

Sandy gave a little chuckle. "I am sure I could find you something to do in the meantime."

"That would be preferable to being confined to a bed," Sekat admitted, smiling ever so slightly once more. "Thank you. Tell me...have you always wanted to be a Starfleet doctor?"

"I wanted to be a doctor, just never thought it would be in starfleet. I never thought it would be going in to space. The great unknown, or not so unknown anymore." She smiled. "It's a bit scary, but here I am anyways. At least there are lights on starships." And she cleared her throat. "And curtains."

"Curtains?" He arched an eyebrow at her. "Why curtains?" he asked curiously, not connecting them at all to her apparent fear of the dark.

"Cause it's dark in outer space. Very dark. the stars aren't helping." She laughed a bit nervous. "Yea, I should probably maybe do something about it."

"I see. I had not realized outside darkness could be a problem too. But would curtains not make it darker?" He was trying to understand, not quite understanding her nervous laugh either. "That is entirely up to you. I do not believe there is anything wrong with being afraid of something. Irrational perhaps, but still. Fears define you for who you are, even if overcoming them might help you grow. I have offered my assistance, and I will help when you feel ready to accept it." He gave her a more visible smile now. "I will not ask, but I am here when you decide."

"Well some people got drapes that keep out light, I got drapes that reflect light and keeping the darkness outside. Those ship windows can still be dark when not covered properly. Just saying." She looked away from him and sighed. "I'll let you know."

"That is an interesting concept," Sekat mused, "how does that work?"

" I don't really know how it works, just that it works. But I would be happy to show you," Sandy said and smiled to him.

"Yes please. Perhaps it is something we can employ here, especially for young patients?"

Sandy nodded. "Of course, but how do you mean? Don't the parents on the Majestic prefer their children to sleep in the dark?"

"Probably," Sekat agreed, "but a medical facility can be daunting. If we can somehow use what you are using to create a night sky on the curtains, perhaps that will make them less afraid of this strange place?"

"Oh now I want them to have a chief medical who isn't afraid of the dark," Sandy said with a bit of a sad face.

"Sandra.." Sekat reached out to her. "I already told you, there is no shame in being afraid of the dark. And when you are ready we will work on it." He pulled his hand back. "But children will be children, and we must work to keep them comfortable. Perhaps, in time, a star field will make you feel at ease too."

"I know, Sekat," She said, "But first, you need to be better. You need your strength if you want to help anyone."

"That I do." He craned his neck to look at the tray she had wheeled over. "Did you bring any dessert?"

"Ah, yes," She bent down and took out two small platers. "Pudding! I didn't know what you like, but it's my favorite." She gave him one.

"What is this?" he asked as he sniffed at the plate she handed him, "it smells familiar but I do not recognize this."

"It's vanilla. I kind of like that.," She grinned at the look of the vulcan sniffing the pudding. "Try eating it, it's sweet."

"Vanilla pudding," Sekat murmured as he stuck in his spoon. "This has a very odd texture and you are correct, it is very sweet. Not unpleasant though. Is it your favourite?"

Sany nodded. "Uhuh. I also like vanilla ice cream."

"Believe it or not, but I have never had ice cream..." The Vulcan took another mouthful of the pudding. "Perhaps I should treat you to a Vulcan dessert some time.."

"Ooh, that sounds nice, I'll accept, if you'll join me in having some ice cream. Is that a deal?" She asked.

"As long as it is not chocolate, Vulcans do not take well to it. At least not that amount," Sekat agreed. "Did you intend to have it now, or another time."

"Oh," she put the pudding away."Yes! Let's go, we can have vanilla, strawberry, oh pistachio, you must try that. That is also so good." She took his hand. "I am your doctor, I say we can go !"

He blinked in surprise at her sudden enthusiasm but allowed her to pull him along. "Easy," he suggested as he slid off of the bed. "Should I not get dressed?" Or at least get a robe? He shook his head, wondering how embarrassing his current state of undress would be. A doctor out in his PJs...

"Oh right." She went to get him a robe and helped him in it. "Now let's go!" She smiled, gently leading him by his hand.

"Easy," he warned her again, making a grab for the cane he'd been using to get around. "I am not so fast on my feet at the moment doctor. Where are we going?"

"The lounge of course," she said, "get us some ice cream. Or would you rather stay here in sickbay?"

"I would not," Sekat countered, "though I would prefer to go to my quarters in that instance, surely my replicator can produce this ice cream as best as the one in the lounge?" Clearly, he was not comfortable with being in public in a robe. But if she insisted, he would go with her, anywhere was better than sickbay.

"Oh, right, sorry, your quarters sounds nice," Sandy said with a little nervous chuckle. "Maybe you should lead now, I don't want to hurt you again." She said let go of his hand.

"You were not hurting me," he assured her, offering her his hand. "For stability," he said, in the hope she'd buy his excuse to hold her hand, "but yes, I will lead." He led her to his quarters, then stepped aside to let her into his sparsely furnished living space. "Please use my replicator as you need to," he invited.

"Oh.." She walked towards the replicator. She ordered a huge bowl with several different flavors of ice cream. She put the bowl and two spoons on the table. " Ok the green one is pistachio, and the pink one is strawberry. this is banana. And melon. Try everything. It's great." She grinned. "Oh and Ice cream is best shared."

Never having shared a single dish, Sekat stared at the singular bowl containing two spoons. Wasn't this highly unsanitary? Yet, not wanting to offend the doctor, he sat down on the couch, assuming she'd sit next to him to hold the bowl. "Everything, but the chocolate," he commented dryly. "You can have that one entirely for yourself."

"Eheh," She laughed weakly, "There is no chocolate ice cream on this one. I am not a fan of the chocolate variety. I guess. That brown ice cream is coffee flavored. It's really more light brown." She took a spoon full of vanilla ice cream in her mouth.

"Coffee flavoured ice cream?" He arched an eyebrow at her, "and what about that oddly brownish grey one?" He scooped up a spoonful, sniffed it first, then tasted it. "Very odd...a little salty, a little sweet. I can make nothing of it." He held out his spoon to her, fully intent on her having a taste.

She took the spoon in her mouth and then tasted the ice cream. She was deep in thought as she placed the taste. Then she nodded. "Yep, that's licorice." She smiled. "I haven't tasted that in a while."

"I have never had licorice before," Sekat admitted, scooping up another small sample of the oddly coloured ball. "Very weird, I am not certain I like this... do you like licorice?"

"I do," She smiled. "But I like vanilla more." She licked her spoon. "So, I'll see you in the morning from 0900 till 1400 then? She asked carefully. "Maybe some filing and do a check up of the medical supplies. Might be doable for you, right?"

"I will be here at 0900," the Vulcan promised with a somewhat cheeky smile. After all if he was stuck in this bed, he would certainly be here at 0900. "Sharp," he added as he put down his own spoon. "Check up first or straight to work?"

"Check up first, then work," She replied. " I want to make sure you won't exsurge yourself."

"I see..." He arched a single eyebrow at her, feigning innosence . "Is that a date?" he queried.

"If that's what you want, sure," Sandy said with a grin.


Lieutenant Junior Grade Sandra Adamson
Chief Medical Officer


Lieutenant j.g. Sekat
Medical Officer


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