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A Tisket, A Tasket

Posted on Mon Sep 14th, 2020 @ 4:19pm by Hak & Captain Jane Saulitis (P)

Mission: Torn- Parallel Majestic
Location: Parallel Universe - USS Majestic
610 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Anger flared in Jane. "You say that so calmly. You had suspicions your wife might betray you?" She was heading for the bridge. There was no way that she was handing this ship over. Even if there was no Starfleet to repot to she had a responsibility of keeping this weapon out of the hands of others who would use her for ill. And while she thought that Meriven only wanted it for it's resources to help her people, it still didn't justify her actions.

Hak rushed to keep up. "I didn't know she would do this," he insisted. "But it has her name written all over it.. Jane? Jane!" He put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her attention to face him again, even if for a moment. "Don't hurt these people. They're innocent. I'm begging you."

As though on cue, the ship's internal lighting dimmed and red panels blinked to life along the tops of the wall panels, calling all personnel to their stations.

She blinked at him. "That's not my intention at all. Read me, you can feel that." Jane tried to reassure him. "But I can't let them take Majestic."

Hak pointed in the direction of the station outside. "And those are my people. Innocent people. I'm not sure if I should go over there and talk some sense into her or stay here and advocate that you don't blow up everyone I love. I don't know you and I apparently don't know her as well as I thought, either," He shook his head heavily. "I need to try to talk to her."

"I know that. I'm not going in guns blazing. I'm just trying to lock down the ship. A different you knows me and trusts me. I don't kill people. I've been Captain of Majestic for nearly two years, we haven't had to fire a shot yet." Jane tried to reassure him. "By all means talk."

Hak knew she was telling the truth and he felt guilty, both for thinking she might do something against the station in retaliation and also putting her in that position because he had trusted Meriven. "I'm sorry, of course," he said hurridly. "I'll head to the airlock and try to get to the station that way, then."

She nodded, "Good luck then." Jane turned to head toward the bridge but she stopped suddenly and looked back. He wasn't her Hak, but at least he was a decent person, she was sure of that now. But she had other things she needed to keep her mind on, like keeping her starship safe from that backstabbing bitch.

When Hak arrived at the airlock he found it heavily fortified by Starfleet security officers, and for good reason. The airlocked had been sealed closed, but it was obvious that someone on the other side was attempting to breach it.

"I need to get onto the station," Hak explained urgently.

"I don't see how that's going to happen," one of the security officers said as she shook her head. "They started open firing as soon as we closed off the airlock."

Jane came on the bridge and everyone was a bit too distracted to notice, not that she liked someone announcing her presence anyway. "Report," she barked a little harshly than she meant to.

A scared looking Lieutenant answered, "Docking clamps are locked down, they attempted to force the doors before we sealed them and I've heard reports of actual weapons fire, though I'm not sure what kind."

"Any demands? Has anyone taken responsibility or spoken to us?"

"Not that I'm aware of Ma'am."

[To be continued...]


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