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A new boss... of sorts

Posted on Thu Jun 3rd, 2021 @ 12:13am by

Mission: End of Line
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: TBD
1753 words - 3.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Coen's meeting with Lilly a day or so previous had been very telling in its own way as to the state of the crews moral, and subsequently Doctor Marlow had stepped down. This was something that he would need to address in his role as the ships Counsellor and soon. Something needed to be done to pull moral back. First and foremost though he needed to report to the new Chief of ship board Medicine.

Sickbay was quiet as the young Napien entered and the lighting was on low but one light spilled out into the main sickbay facility coming from the CMO's office. He approached and leaned against the doorframe, knocking on the inside of the office as if a door had been in place.
"Sorry to intrude... I thought I should introduce myself!"

Lhaes turned, tugging his tunic down. "Come in," he said, smiling ruefully as he caught a glimpse of himself in the office windows. "You caught me," he chuckled, "I've worn several colours before now but this is my first time in teal. It's taking some getting used to. "Lhaes Sommers," he introduced himself, though he didn't offer his hand.

"Coen Zacci, your new head shrink and walking lie detector!" he smiled at the other man, noticing his Vulcanoid decent immediately and taken aback for a second at his ease with language... "Romulan or Vulcan hybrid?"

"Full Romulan," Lhaes replied, sizing the man up. "Walking lie detector hm?" he added, instantly on guard, "how do you mean that?"

"Napien" he pointed at his cranial ridge and smiled. "Empathic but I can assure you I do not look in on someone else without consent!"
Without needing to read his direct commanding officer he could already see that he was going to get along well with him. Direct, straight forward and likely honest.

"Neither do I," the newly appointed CMO responded, returning the smile. "Though I can only get strong surface emotions, and anything more intense always wears me out." He grimaced. "A meld always knocks me cold so I do try to avoid those. I grew up on Betazed, it's still a miracle my telepathic talent wasn't discovered sooner. It wasn't until i was in my twenties, when it was actually discovered. I'm... not very good at it, obviously."

"Its a miracle that you have the ability at all Commander. I thought Romulans had lost that ability after the separation of the Romulan people from their Vulcan genetic ancestors!"
The Napien wasn't much of a scientist but this was truly fascinating. He had never heard of a Romulan with this talent before.

'It's a rarity yes." Lhaes nodded in acknowledgement. "And the Tal Shiar got wind of it too. Thankfully, I managed to escape them and return to the Federation. I was raised by Betazoids, which is probably why it wasn't discovered sooner. Who'd expect a Romulan child to be telepathic? Touch-telepathic but still...." He shrugged. "My time there made me who I am, drove me towards a need to help people. Yes, I have killed by order and when I needed to, I needed to preserve myself. These days, I'd prefer not to kill if I can avoid it." He patted the weapon he always carried, the Honour Blade he had earned for himself. "Most Romulans coat it in poison, I do in a sedative."

The Romulan chuckled absently. "Yes, I have cut myself too," he admitted, "it knocked me cold for several hours."

"One of the hazards carrying the cutlery with you on duty I suppose" the Counsellor chuckled along with the Chief Medical Officer. "I have spoken to Captain Rutherford before we arrived and I have spoken to Doctor Marlow but I am still trying to get a sense of the crew and what happened in your last assignment!"

"Well...near as I can tell, a computer program gone haywire, or worst case... sentient with a twisted sense of humour. I'm not quite sure but I can tell you that the sensation of being drained by a vampire like creature wasn't exactly pleasant. Just as I felt I was going to die, I was transported away."

"A Vampire... A Human thing I'm guessing?" Coen had never paid much notice to the Humans social culture. Very confusing species in that regards.

Lhaes nodded. "A human thing yes. Zombies too. Utterly disturbing, and a frightening experience."

"Zombie... Sounds lovely!" he added while pulling a less than happy face at his Romulan superior officer. "Are there any that are in need of my service to your knowledge at the moment... I have already started meetings with one person but I may as well start of at pace and jump right in!"

"I think most of the senior staff could use a chat," Lhaes mused, "I recommend just scheduling them at least for a get to know you chat, and go from there. As I have only just fully transferred to medical, I am not up to date with medical files myself."

"If you need any help going through them then give me a shout... I won't keep you though Doc".
Coen started to back out of the room but stopped short, realising he had one thing he needed to do but as with most Starfleet Officers was not a big fan. Still he made the offer.
"Give me a shout when is a good time Doc and I'll come down for my physical as well... I won't bother you now."

"Now is as good a time as any, if you have time." Being of a mind to avoid being a patient himself, Lhaes knew what the man was thinking. "The sooner you get it over with, the sooner you're rid of me," he chuckled.

Had he just been caught out in trying to avoid his physical or was it just coincidence... or maybe his own fault for saying anything at all? Either which way he couldn't avoid it now so he may as well just get it out of the way.
"I'm all yours Doc!"

"All mine?" The Romulan's light grey eyes sparkled in amusement. "No counselor I doubt you would want that. And I'm happily married at that." He walked the man over to one of the beds, waiting for him to hop on as he flipped his tricorder open. Though he still carried his old trusty intel tricorder, he actually picked up a medical one this time. "Any allergies I should be aware of, prior to having seen your medical records? Any recent illnesses?"

"No allergies or illnesses that I am aware of!"
In fact he prided himself on his physical condition, often in the gym keeping himself in shape was very important to him and his only form of therapy should he need it... Who counsels the Counsellor and all.

"That you are aware of," Lhaes echoed with a smile. "Well then I do hope you remain blissfully unaware, and that you never encounter something you find yourself reacting badly to." He snapped his tricorder shut, replacing the diagnostic wand in the top. "I can say from experience that discovering an allergy is no fun endeavour." The Romulan put the tricorder away, then turned off the bed's diagnostic functions. "Looks like you're as fit as the supposed proverbial fiddle, whatever a fiddle might be."

Coen couldn't help but allow a crooked smile to grace his features. It looked as if he wasn't the only one with a dubious grasp of Human sayings and culture.
"Well, I will get out of your hair Doc... I'm sure you have a lot of things to do to settle in. I will ask for everyone to make some time to see me during the first senior officer briefing I attend".

"I will make time for you," Lhaes promised, "unlike some I have no issue making time for a counselor. I've been seeing them since I was just six years old."

Coen stopped, was this something he needed to be aware of? Had he already landed his first ongoing patient? Perhaps he needed to take the time to investigate his previous counterparts medical records at a more accelerated pace.
"Something I should be aware of?" he questioned tentatively moving back to the doorway with the intent of stepping through allowing the doors to close should this be a private conversation.

"Nothing that inhibits me from doing what I have to do," Lhaes answered, "when I was six, my birth parents were murdered. I was supposed to have died with them but instead I was witness to their murder because I was... disobedient."

"Oh my god!" was all Coen could say, his professional veneer slipping somewhat before he recovered himself. Granted Romulans were different, sterner, more harsh than most civilizations but still witnessing the murders of parents would be enough to scar anyone for life.

"They were diplomats assigned to Betazed, I still do not know who ordered their -and technically my- deaths. I was adopted by a Betazoid couple, and encouraged to enter Starfleet. I did spend four years working for the Tal Shiar as they pretty much abducted and coerced me. I had little choice but to do as I was told, but after four years I returned to Starfleet, who treated it as an undercover assignment. I did learn a great deal, even skills I still prefer not to have, but they have served me well in my profession as intelligence officer." It was perhaps a bit funny, as he was talking so freely to a counselor. But as he had already indicated, he was fine with doing so. Barring occupational secrets, he felt he had nothing to hide.

"You are a very complex individual Commander... I look forward to peeling away some of these layers while getting to know you better!" Zacci smiled again, feeling the composure from his superior officer and realising he had nothing to worry about on a professional level here. "Well if you will excuse me, I have an office to find and make my own!"

"Just down the corridor," Lhaes smiled easily, "and I don't feel very complex at all. Just a man of many secrets, that's all. If you need anything just give me a shout, I should be here for a few more hours."

"Thanks Doc, see you soon!"
He smiled and waved as he left sickbay in search of his office and to see what he would need to do to make it feel like his own.


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