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Murphy, lets talk

Posted on Thu May 16th, 2024 @ 5:45pm by Captain Elijah Rutherford & Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy

Mission: A Day In The Life
Location: Murphy's quarters
1895 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Elijah sat in his own quarters, it being rather quiet. Jasmine and the kids went off to have a playdate with some of the other crews kids and so he had the place to himself. Right now though he was restless. Most times he would enjoy the evening to himself. Just not tonight. Drawing in a breath, Elijah came to a decision he was going to go talk with Murphy, his second officer. Rising up from the sofa where he had been sitting, and staring blankly at the stars, he was going to go to Murphy's quarters, to see if he was there.

With a firm resolve, Elijah left his quarters and made his way to Murph's quarters and rang the chime.

The Chief Engineer's quarters were adjoining to his office on the main engineering deck, but this time of day, the engineering deck was staffed with Gamma shift and not as fully staffed as the other shifts.

Murphy sat at the table in grey lounge pants and a loose green tunic over a replicator meal of a green olive and sausage pizza. The quarters were a haven of newfound bachelorhood and freedom, that is to say a bit on the unkempt side. Nothing too egregious, but definitely not as tidy as they should be.

"Come," he called when the chime rang. He stood up to greet whatever wayward junior engineer was calling at this hour.

It wasn't the engineer that Murphy was expecting instead it was Captain Rutherford. "Thanks for letting me come in." Elijah said in greeting giving a smile. "I figured I'd come pay you a visit."

"Captain Rutherford," Murphy greeted with obvious surprise in his tone. "Well, that sounds a bit ominous. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?" His brow furrowed a bit, but he did not seem too upset by it.

"Actually this is basically to get to know you. We've not really had a proper conversation since well I came onboard and there was a... wedding...." Elijah's voice faded away, feeling like he had brought up a sort of taboo subject. He was the officiate of a wedding between Murphy and Patrick. Then Patrick just up and left.

"Oh, you're talking about that wedding." Murphy shook his head. "It's fine, Captain. Not the most pleasant thing I've been through in my life, but far from the worst."

He motioned to the dinner and the table. "Slice of pizza? Still fairly fresh. From the replicator. Patrick used to get so mad at me for eating out of the replicator. He was convinced it was subpar. Maybe it is, but I don't mind it."

"I don't mind it either and a slice of pizza sounds great. Now I am wishing I had brought a six pack of beer with me." Elijah cracking a smile. "Or even root beer." giving a shrug as he took a seat. "How have you been?" picking up a slice of pizza, and catching the string of cheese that tried to escape.

Murphy went over to the replicators and ordered two frosted mugs of root beers, which he brought back to the table and set one down in front of the captain. "I've been alright. Work is getting done. Engineering is running smoothly. We've got some efficiency projects that I'm pretty excited about, they'll be in my next report." He sat back down in the seat he was in before Rutherford had showed up. "Sorry, I'd have gotten you an actual beer but I think the counselor may be keeping tabs on me."

"Root beer pairs rather well with Pizza." Elijah remarked. "I am glad to hear about the progress that is happening. I've got a counselor keeping an eye on me as well. I am married to one." A bite of his pizza, then he commented, "this is really good." gesturing towards the slice of pizza. He looked around just taking in the atmosphere of Murphy's quarters. It had the look of being lived in, and seemed rather comfortable. "You've got a nice place, it looks comfortable." giving a smile before he took another bite of the pizza.

"Mm. Right, I forgot that you're married... and kids, too, right? I haven't met them yet. They are aboard, no?" Murphy asked, ignoring the comment about the comfortable room, which in his mind was a nod to the unmade bed and smattering of laundry piles on the arm of a chair. "It's the olives. The key to a good pizza is green olives. The other colors of olives are no good, they have to be green. Gives it a briny kind of kick."

"I agree, I do prefer the green olives to the black olives."Taking another bite of the pizza. "Yes I've got kids, they've been kept busy. Love them quite a bit. My wife insisted that she come aboard the ship, she was worried that she was going to lose me when I was on my other ship. And my wife is a very determined woman, and I can't blame her for wanting to be with me. Even if it is dangerous." picking up the root beer and taking a drink. Setting it down he wiped away the foam from the rootbeer off his upper lip with the back of his hand. "She's a good woman though."

"And you're not worried about your family being here? Patrick always wanted kids and I didn't want them to grow up in constant danger. It was a point of contention... maybe the ultimate point, in hindsight," Murphy admitted in reflection, then sipped on his drink.

"Oh I am worried, however my wife argued the point that in essence, pioneers went out to discover new country make their way to a new world that they took their kids with them. It was filled with danger, deaths but there was also rewards as well. I am glad my wife and kids were not on my previous ship, and they wouldn't be allowed due to it being a battleworthy escort ship. Case in point almost lost the ship, lost quite a few crew, almost lost me." He took another bite of the pizza as he mulled over the current conversation. His mouth cleared, Elijah then added, "I am glad my wife is here, this way I won't miss out on the developments of my kids, I almost missed their first steps. It was something to behold, so amazing, and I was there for their birth. I have missed out on some events, like their first birthday. I regret doing so."

"Understandable. I'm sure they'll forgive you," Murphy held the mug in his hand as he thought about that. "I suppose that's why I didn't want kids at all. If we were going to be here, then it did mean they should be here. Eh. Regardless, it's not happening now anyway," he smirked. "I actually do have a god-daughter. She visits from time to time... and I worry for her, but I am still glad she's not here all the time."

Elijah gave a nod, "I can very well understand that. All we can do is do our best with where we are at. Though I do appreciate having my family here with me. It makes me be a bit more mindful of things, which maybe I need to be?" giving a smirk. He then laughed, "Not to worry, I am not a careless man, not with all those here on this ship. Jane..." he said thoughtfully, as he took a drink from his mug. "She entrusted me with her ship. I still feel very humble for her doing so."

"I don't think you're a careless man, it's just a hazard of duty. Even Jane Saulitis put the ship in plenty of dangerous situations," Murphy replied, eventually picking up a piece of pizza and putting it on his plate. "Anyway."

Elijah thought over what Murphy had said as he took another bite of his pizza, just this little talk with Murphy was helping out quite a bit. He washed down his pizza with a drink from his mug, setting the mug down. "Thank you Murphy, I appreciate what you said. Also about your god daughter, when was the last time you have spoken to her or seen her?"

"Oh, Min sends me a video at least once a week," Murphy said as he picked an olive from the slice on his plate and popped it into his mouth. "I'm sometimes not the best at responding right away, but if I don't she gets worried so I try my best." He gave a shrug.

"I am glad to hear that you do keep in touch with her. Family is important. Be they blood relatives or adopted ones. " Elijah popped into his mouth the last bite of his pizza as he chewed it, he thought over what they had been talking about. After taking a drink of his root beer, he asked, "I need your thoughts on something, what would you think about a fourteen year old coming into engineering and doing some work around the ship? Lieutenant Teach had asked me about that. His wife is guardian of her two siblings, fraternal twins. Damian, he is very much interested in working in engineering."

"I don't run a daycare," Murphy snapped back, though his tone was still pretty even. He seemed to realize the words were a bit sharp, even for him. He clarified, "It's no place for civilians, let alone children."

"Engineering labs, Murphy?" The captain calmly asked. "Recommendations? I do understand your objection though, I will let his guardians know that it would be best for something else to be set up. The young man I am speaking of, is someone from what I am learning, wanting hands on training. There have been training classes from ages 14 up to sixteen where at the age of sixteen they can enroll into the academy."

Murphy seemed to mull on the topic a bit longer as he listened to the captain's words. He still disliked the idea very much. "Have him come down to engineering on Tuesday, 0800 hours. He can shadow .... someone."

"Okay I will let them know then." Elijah taking the last bite of his pizza. He wiped his mouth, drank the last swallow of his rootbeer. "I had best get going, thank you for letting me bend your ear and have some male bonding time." flashing a grin at Murph. "Sometimes a man needs to be with other males. Especially when one is a friend."

"That sounds like pretty old-fashioned thinking," Murph wiped his lips with a napkin and discarded it onto his plate, then stood up to see Elijah out. "But it doesn't mean you're wrong, guess." He was quiet for a long moment as he wended his way toward the door, shoving his hands into the pockets of the civilian pants he was wearing. "Thanks, I really appreciate you coming to see me," he said sincerely after his moment of brooding. He looked over at the captain, "Next time though, give me some warning and the pizza might be fresher."

Elijah laughed, "Fair enough, I'll give you a bit more warning next time."clapping a hand upon Murph's shoulder. "I'll see you later, Murph." with that Elijah made his way out of Murph's quarters, heading for his own.


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