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Mon Cher Frere

Posted on Mon Apr 15th, 2024 @ 12:38am by Lieutenant True Keading

Mission: A New Beginning
Location: DS9
Timeline: Prior to leaving DS9
441 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure

True decided to step off the ship one last time before they departed. Although she had plenty of time to explore the station, she just wanted to do a bit of shopping; perhaps find her family some tokens to send to let them know she was doing alright. Her aunt always appreciated the little things she sent, well, at least True thought she did. Smiling to herself she fingered a Bajoran silk scarf hanging just outside a shop filled with handmade items when someone's hands came over her eyes.

Her first response was to scream but something made her pause. These hands had a familiar feel to them, they had calluses in the right spot and there were tiny drops of paint that she could discern by the way they smelled, even if she couldn't see them.

"William?!" She responded, completely shocked.

"Hi little sis," He said with a grin as he released her. His chestnut colored hair was wavy and was always brushed back from his dark brown eyes though a few strands refused to behave and fell forward right by his left eye. True had the sneaky suspicion he trained them to do so because it gave him a boyish, rebel look.

"What are you doing here?!" She realized her voice was probably higher than it needed to be and his laughter in response told her she had been correct.

"I can't come visit my little sister once in a while?"

True huffed out a breath. "Of course you can, but how did you know I was here? And how did you get here?"

"Vern told me where you were stationed and I hopped on a transport, several transports in fact." He set his bag down. "What no hug?"

She stood there still looking stunned so he grabbed her for a hug since she wasn't offering one. She pulled back right away however. "Look, I'm very glad to see you, stunned though. Are you staying on the station?"

"Actually . . . Vern pulled a few strings and well. I'm coming with you!"

"Coming with me? On Majestic? As what, the entertainment?" That had been slightly below the belt and she winced when it just came out like that.

"No," Will replied, keeping his calm. "I want to join Starfleet." He knew she'd be standing there for a while longer if he didn't force her to move. "How do we get to the ship? It's this way isn't it?" And he picked up his bag and set off without another word, forcing True to follow him if she wanted more answers.

Lieutenant True Keading
Chief Counselor
USS Majestic


William Keading
Civilian Artist


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