
Do You Want To Meet A Dragon? (Part II)

Posted on Sat Feb 8th, 2025 @ 10:50pm by Lieutenant Lily Marlow & Ensign Koziki Thass & Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi

Mission: A Dragon named Guardian
Location: Cargo Bay
1500 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure


"I am sorry to hear about your loss. As for me, I am from Florence, Oregon, I've got a large family, and I'm the baby of the family. Mom is a Naturopathic doctor, and my dad is a fabulous chef and runs a restaurant. I went to college at my mother Alma mater, along with my best friend Annabelle." her eyes darkened for a moment as she mentioned the name, "I had a boyfriend, for a time, but it didn't work out." she took a sip of her tea before Lily continued. "I graduated then joined Star Fleet. I wanted to go see what was out here, and to well.. escape some sad memories. A fresh new start you know?"

Vanya wondered if those sad memories included a former boyfriend and a former best friend, but she wouldn't ask. "What we go through shapes us into who we become. What is the saying? That which does not kill us makes us stronger?"

"I hope I have become stronger. Losing people that you care about, just isn't fun to experience. I lost my best friend, due to an explosion. I was there, caught in the outskirts of the explosion. If I had been closer that would have killed me. I feel lucky and blessed that I survived. My boyfriend at that time, he ended up leaving, I think I was too much for him, being a bit distraught, and injured. Well, he did tell me that he also needed to go. Some family emergency. I was brokenhearted but hey it couldn't be helped." Lily giving a shrug.

"You think he lied about the family emergency because you were injured and needed support?" Vanya shook her head. "Then he was clearly the wrong man for you." Or for anyone, if that was really his excuse. But it was possible there really was a family emergency.

"I am not certain as to what was true with him or not. There are quite a few things I didn't know Operations Meetingabout him. In the end he went his way and I went mine." Lily drew in a breath to let it out slowly, taking a sip of her tea. "Now for a change of subject, there is the dragon in the cargo bay. A dragon who had been connected to an ancient stasis chamber, which kept our current diplomatic officer alive until we were able to fix her heart. "

Vanya leaned forward. "Really? That's fascinating. And he's still in the cargo bay? Are you taking him somewhere?"

"He is still in the cargo bay, and where we need to take him, that is the mystery that needs to be solved. " Lily taking a bite of a tea biscuit. "Though I am wagering that the Captain may know a bit more as to what will happen next." Lily mused as she thought for a moment then her face lit up. "Would you like to go meet him? It's been a little bit since I've gone to see Guardian. Once we finish our tea I will take you to see him."

"I would love to. I've never met a real dragon, and I love a good mystery." Vanya smiled. "I hope that doesn't sound too presumptuous." She took another sip of tea and ate a biscuit.

When the two ladies were finished with their tea and biscuits, Lily washed the dishes and then was ready to take Vanya to go meet Guardian.


They arrived at the doors which were guarded by a scowling Klingon security officer.

"Greetings Ensign Thass, we are here to see Guardian." Lily giving a bit of a smile.

" Lieutenant Marlow, you are authorized to step inside, is she?" turning his dark eyes towards Vanya. "State your name-Please."

Vanya smiled sweetly at the Klingon. "Of course. I'm in intelligence." However, that had nothing to do with why she was there, but he didn't need to know that.

"And what is your name?" Thass growled out.

Lily raised an eyebrow stating firmly, "She has the authority to go inside and her name is Lieutenant Karolyi. " stressing Vanya's rank.

Thass stood aside, allowing the two women to enter into Cargo bay 8.

Guardian had his head upon his paws in quiet repose. His eyes closed, breathing softly with steam coming out of his nostrils when he exhaled. There also seemed to be a sound almost like a purr coming from him.

Vanya entered quietly, pausing to watch the dragon sleep. He was incredible.

After a few moments as the two women were gazing upon the sleeping dragon. Guardian's eyes fluttered open and he turned his head towards the entrance. "Greetings... Lily. Who is your friend. I can see that she isn't the grumpy Klingon standing guard."

"My name is Vanya Karolyi. I am honored to meet you." And she was. He was magnificent and she couldn't be more pleased to meet him.

"Welcome." Guardian replied. "Lily it has been found out that I have a name. Rystik."

"Really! That is great!" Lily approaching Guardian. She looked over towards Vanya. "Come over and you can touch Rystik if you would like, if that is okay with you?" looking at Guardian.

"You have my permission." Guardian replied.

"Thank you." Vanya approached slowly and touched the metallic scales. They felt slightly warm and were softer than she expected. "Are they malleable?"

"Yes they are." Rystix replied. "It seems that there are different reactions to my scales most times it is the same reaction you have had. As them being soft and appealing to the touch."

Lily chuckled. "They are appealing. It is interesting to me that your metallic scales are warm to the touch."

Rystix nodded. "I find myself an interesting conundrum."

"I'd say you're more an enigma than a conundrum. But you are fascinating," Vanya said. "And your scales are incredible, as is the rest of you."

"Thank you. " Rystix giving a solemn nod. "I find humanoids to be incredible as well, except for those who wish me or others harm. I was made to protect others. To help them out."

"Where you created for a specific species or to help and protect in general?" And if it was a specific species, she was curious to learn more.

"I am not certain, as my memory does have a glitch in it. I do not know if it was a specific species that I was to protect of am a protector in general. I do know that T'Par has the location of the first clue. It is on Earth somewhere, as for Earth, I do hope I get a chance to see the planet when we arrive. If that is permissible. We will have to check with T'Par on that matter, as well as the Captain."

Vanya nodded. "That makes sense. May I ask what you do remember?"

"I remember a young boy and his father, when they put me back together and woke me up. I remember being put in charge to guard T'Seng while she was in the ancient medical sarcophagus, but where I was before I do not know." Guardian mused.

"T'Seng?" Vanya remembered the name, but nothing more about the woman. She glanced from the dragon to Lily.

"Yes, T'Seng is our Diplomatic officer and the one who had been in an ancient stasis chamber guarded by Rystix."

The dragon nodded his head slowly. "I was given charge of protecting her when she was inside the chamber."

"T'Seng was placed inside the chamber as the other one she was in was failing, from what Guardian had told us. Once we left Adna Station, we took the holo sentients, Guardian and T'Seng with us. T'Seng at the time had problems with her heart, that hadn't been able to be taken care of until she came onboard. It was quite the difficulty. But she is better now."

"Fascinating." There was no other word for it as far as Vanya was concerned.

Lily nodded, "Indeed it is. I am looking forward to gaining more information about Guardian and just how he came to be on Adna Station. That is a mystery to be solved as well. Perhaps those answers will be found soon enough." there is a beep on her combadge.

=^=Lieutenant Marlow, your next appointment is waiting.=^=

"Thank you I will be there shortly" tapping the combadge to close it, Lily looked at Guardian as well as Vanya "Looks like Duty is calling."

Vanya bowed to the dragon. "That, I shall take my leave of you as well. It has been an honor to meet you, Rystix Guardian. Thank you for letting me get to know you."

"Thank you, for coming as well. I do like meeting people." Rystix giving a bow with his head, "Be well both of you." his head drifting down to his paws once more and his eyes closing to either muse or sleep.


Lieutenant JG Vanya Karolyi
Data Analyst/Archivist
USS Majestic

Lieutenant Lily Marlow
USS Majestic



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