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Thu Nov 7th, 2024 @ 12:02pm

Petty Officer 1st Class Dwayne Dibley

Name Dwayne Leroy Dibley

Position Support Craft Pilot

Rank Petty Officer 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 3/4 human, 1/4 caitian
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 158
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark brown
Physical Description Dwayne is average height with buck teeth and bad hair. He has no fashion sense and doesn't seem to fit in.
His voice is high-pitched and can become squeaky when he's agitated, afraid, or excited.


Spouse Not likely
Children Ditto
Father Arnold Dibley
Mother Kat Rimmer

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dwayne is socially awkward and a bit of a screw up. He genuinely tries to do what's right, but often with mixed results. 

He's a whiz with math and navigation, making him a good navigation officer.

He's socially backward. He fails miserably at pretending to be suave around the ladies.

He has been referred to as "The Duke of Dork."
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Excellent math skills, which makes him an excellent navigator.
When he's flying, he can think and react quickly.

Is kind to animals and small children.


Everything else.
His general behavior can be described as "socially awkward."
Has a knack for malaprops.
Ambitions To become suave, sophisticated and charming. In other words, he wants to be cool.
Hobbies & Interests Collects rocks, stamps, baseball cards and comic books.

Reads comic books and anime.
Dances badly, but loves it.

His favorite holodeck program is "Dan Fry, Super Spy."
Song That Represents Character "I Feel Good" by James Brown

Personal History Dwayne grew up in London and spent a lot of time riding public transit after school. He generally went to parks and sat outside music venues when he wasn't at home engrossed in comics and manga.
He did well in English and math, but not so well in his other studies, barely graduating.
His uncle had an air taxi service and Dwayne would work for him during the summers when he was in his later teens. He grew to love flying. He learned to not only fly but repair air cars. But he wasn't content to live at home and work for his uncle. He wanted to fly in space. For the first few years, he thought that would be impossible a he failed to get into Starfleet and failed to become a commercial pilot.
He was finally hired on as a pilot for a local merchant, ferrying goods around the galaxy. After a decade of flying and gaining experience, he was able to get into Starfleet as a non-com and trained to fly shuttlecraft and starships.
He has a kind heart and collects strays. Right now, he has three cats named Cat, Dave, and Reginald.

Service Record Failed three times to get into Starfleet Academy
Failed to get a job on Earth.
Ended up flying a merchant ship for a decade before he was finally allowed to join Starfleet as a non-com.
Served as helmsman aboard the USS Viper
Served as helmsman aboard the Red Dwarf
Serves as helmsman and shuttle pilot aboard the USS Majestic