
  • 2 Mission Posts

Aisanna Denae

Name Aisanna Denae

Position Guest Star

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazed
Age 78

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 135
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Betazed Black
Physical Description Aisanna is full betazed with the typical dark Betazed eyes. Her hair is a luxurious black with a natural curl. She walks with a grace from her years of dancing, and the movement of her body reflects that as well. She prefers wearing clothing of a design which does not bind.


Spouse Adam Letsul (Age 80)
Children 2 boys
Elias (deceased)
Robert (Living) Age 49

Three Girls
Tabia and Tira (twins) (Age: 47)
Captain Cara Letsul (Age: 45)
Father Eirim Oheida Spry 95
Mother Elsae Denae Age a spry 95
Brother(s) Aakem
Sister(s) Hunnhi
Other Family Son in Law: Lucien LaCroix (Husband of Tira Letsul)
Son In Law: Oandrol Chezu ( Husband of Tabia)

Paternal Side (Adam Letsul)
Sister : Zanna Toril
Brother In Law: Remy
Aunt: Auriane
Nieces: Katy Toril and Adira Toril Harrington

Paternal Parents are Deceased

Personality & Traits