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Wed Jan 29th, 2025 @ 10:22pm

Lieutenant JG T'seng

Name T'seng

Position Diplomatic Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species K'tralli/Human mix
Age 50

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 145
Hair Color Golden
Eye Color Green
Physical Description T'Seng is willowy and graceful. With some curves due to her human side. Her hair which looks like spun gold, reaches to below her shoulder blades.


Father Jeniat (Deceased)
Mother Human (Deceased)
Brother(s) Sutus
Sister(s) Feng
Other Family

Grandparents Jereet and Se'Nen

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'Seng is a rather curious individual. She wants to explore different facets of life. T'seng is of the race K'tralli
Strengths & Weaknesses + Has a unique perception of the waking world.
+ Has the capability to Empathize with others.
+ Open minded
+ Telepathic and empathic

- Does not want to sleep much
- Has a slight fear of going to sleep
- Is not wholly a vegetarian
Ambitions To experience life and make up for what she has missed while being in stasis. To be a good diplomat like she had been trained to do.
Hobbies & Interests Roleplaying games, reading. Experiencing life

Personal History T'seng is from the planet N'trahn she is of the Vulcanoid species, K'tralli.
Note on the the K'trall, they are a Vulcanoid species, when scanned the body signature seems to be a mix of Vulcan and Romulan.
Her father was that of the monarchy class upon N'trahn. Her mother was a diplomat to K'trall and she met T'seng's father. Needless to say, love blossomed between her mother, and her father.

She was born in 2348, when the K'trall had diplomatic ties with the Federation.

2368 20 years later, T'seng had joined the diplomatic corps of Star Fleet alongside her parents.
2377 While on a diplomatic mission T'seng came down ill. It affectd her heart and there was no sick bay. T'seng had been placed inside a stasis chamber of some ancient civilizations until such time her heart could be repaired. It had been decided that T'seng would be left upon the station which at that time was filled with both beings of light and flesh.

During her period of waiting, a young man by the name of Myneer 'met' her. A sleeping beauty is what he called T'seng. He stumbled across her in the medical bay, attended by the EMH Gwendolyn. When he found her it looked like the stasis chamber she was in, was showing signs of wear and tear, and was getting ready to fail. He quickly found a solution, it was another stasis chamber which operated on an independent system which operated by itself and was connected to the 'dragon' Named Guardian. The interesting thing about this ancient tech was, that the mind could access the computer system sort of an individual wifi.

2387 Hobus exploded.