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Cry Afoul

Posted on Fri Feb 22nd, 2019 @ 3:41am by

Mission: Run Afoul
Location: ?
Timeline: MD 12 - 2300 Hours
677 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Beata entered the room, it was always a different room but always dark. There was a single small light in the center. She was supposed to stand in it as if being interrogated. She didn't know why they always wanted to see her face. "You called," she said, shivering slightly from the cool temperature. "I came."

"I can see," came a voice from somewhere in the dark. The saboteur slowly walked around the edge of the room, hidden in the darkness. "Tell me, how does the investigation go?" he asked, already well aware of Stef's arrest.

"Fine," she replied coldly. "They're still scrambling, though I can hardly believe they consider Stef a real suspect. He's so . . . innocent. Not the typical Vulcan though, it's true." She always tried to hide her feelings toward Stef when in this man's presence but she had no idea if she was successful or not. Beata didn't want him used against her as well.

"You know, my reach is far," the voice countered, implying that Stef was yet to be free from danger. "You remember our deal, don't you, murderer?"

Beata held in her tongue and cheek response. "I remember. What do you want done now?" Assuming that's why she had been called, to be given another assignment. But perhaps he thought she was losing her nerve and wanted to check up on her, somehow that made her a bit nervous.

"We aren't done, I have one more task for you," the voice sounded as he the man walked slowly around the darkened room. He sort of let the statement hang in the air a bit to gauge her reaction.

"Alright," Beata said quietly wondering what he could possibly want this time. "Stef is in the brig framed for a crime he did not commit. The Ambassador is dead. What could you possibly want now?"

"The peace deal," the voice echoed. "It was the Ambassador's life's work, something that I cannot let stand." Pausing his walk for a moment, he added, "Death is not enough for the Ambassador."

Beata frowned, "And how can I possibly affect that?" She hadn't pressed the pip yet, she wanted to know what he had planned, what he was up to.

"You leave that to me, needless to say the peace conference will go off with a bang," the man added. Continuing in the other direction, the vice continued, "We do need to tie up loose ends here. The Yeoman must take the blame for the bomb. We wouldn't want something to happen to him, would we?"

"No," Beata said glaring, deciding that she should only touch the pip once he couldn't see her. She didn't want to tip him off. "And he already has . . . I could get him to confess if you wanted, he's quite fond of me I think." She cleared her throat. "And what about the murder of the ambassador? Who takes the blame for that?"

"Well, that is easy my dear," the voice pointed out. "You stated that he was quiet fond of you. Use that to our advantage. I could arrange for you to share cells." The man turned toward the other wall as he laughed slightly at his own genius and the ease of which he would get away with murder. Soon, all of the loose ends could be tied up and he'd get away with everything.

Beata had heard enough, she pressed the pip on her collar and shivered as his laughter rang out around the room. She only hoped Security would get here soon enough, perhaps she should have pressed it sooner.

A few moments later a team of security officers, including Jex, burst through the door. It was only at that time did the light from the opened door reveal the face of the conspirator. "You have the right to remain silent," Jex began with her phaser at the ready. Her team then secured the new prisoner.


Lieutenant Jexasi Rai
Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Majestic

Ensign Beata Lauryl
Operations Officer
USS Majestic
pnpc by Saulitis


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