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Sun, Sand and Security

Posted on Mon Feb 25th, 2019 @ 10:01pm by

Mission: Sojourn
Location: Marga III
1362 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Beata waited for Stef on the shores of the lake. The sun was beaming down on her heating up her dark hair and it made her want to close her eyes and just soak in its warm rays for a moment. So much had happened in the past weeks, a small amount of it good, and so much of it terrible. She couldn't forget the bad though, she just had to learn to work her way through it, they both did. Spreading out her blanket she sat down, wrapped her arms around her bare legs and gave herself a hug.

The air seemed to shimmer, reshaping itself into the form of the ship's animal caretaker. Stef squinted at the bright sunlight once he was fully formed, shielding his eyes against its glare so he could have a look around. Blanket held firmly under his arm, he struggled to reach her across what seemed to be a man-made beach. He studied her a moment before easing himself down next to her. "Are you alright?" he asked, somewhat unnecessarily as he could see she was distracted.

"I will be," Beata turned her head to look at him without releasing her legs. "Eventually. But I'm glad you came." She grinned at him. "Do you want to sit here and enjoy the sun or swim first?"

Reaching out to draw her closer, he cast her a smile. "What would you like to do?" he asked, bouncing the question back onto her. "Surely you know by now that you will not be rid of me that easily? I go where you go. "

"I don't think I deserve you, or to be this happy, not after what happened." But she let the subject drop. "I'd like to just sit here and enjoy the warmth. Starships are always so cold." She leaned into his reach without any hesitation. "It's so beautiful here. Have you ever thought about living on a planet?"

"Bee... I lived on Vulcan for eighteen years. Before I applied to the academy I had never been in space before. So no I do not think I would like to live on a planet for a while. I want to see what is out there. I want to learn more about the animals people keep in other cultures." He reached to turn her face towards him. "I want to be with you, but in space."

"I didn't say I was moving here," Beata chuckled. "I forget you're younger than me sometimes. Someday I wouldn't mind planting some roots. Having a bit of a garden next to a little lake like this. But I understand wanting to see things, I grew up on a planet after all."

'Perhaps in time, when I am tired of traveling," Stef agreed, "but there is so much to explore, and so much to see. I am content with just occasionally being on a planet for now." Taking her hand, he pulled her up to her feet as he stood. "Right now, I want to put those swimming lessons to good use."

Beata was dressed in her suit and nothing else. "You did so well last time once you finally relaxed. Something tells me if might have been the kissing that relaxed you completely," she teased. "And I love that you call me Bee. It's such a cute nickname, no one's ever given me a nickname before."

"It is simply the short version of your name," Stef answered logically, "and you are very active, like a little bee." He led her into the water after tossing his shirt down into the sand. "Perhaps you should help me relax first then," he teased back, sliding his hand up her shoulder, letting it come to rest against her neck.

She laughed at this. "I am, am I?" Beata nearly shivered from his touch. She wrapped her arms around him. "We might not get any swimming done if we go this route."

"So?" Lifting her face up to him a second time, he smiled, his eyes sparkling. "Then we do not swim, but we should wade a little deeper perhaps?"

Beata stood on her toes and kissed him. Only breaking away after what felt like several seconds but could have been hours. "And why should we do that?"

"To stay warm," Stef suggested, leaning down to claim her for another kiss. "Bee, please believe me... I do not blame you for my arrest, or framing me. All I want, is for us to be happy." He paused. "I want to be with you, have I not made that obvious? Nothing will change that." He drew her close to him, bodies touching. "I want to protect you."

"I do believe you, now." Beata answered him. "And I am happy with you. I don't think I need protection anymore. But we can be together." Bee let him kiss her again. "Swimming," she said with a grin on her face, before things got too serious. She thought after some time for Stef to grow, they might be ready for a child but she didn't want to make things too uncomfortable until then. Beata dove into the water, splashing him a little bit playfully.

Shaking his head, the Vulcan actually laughed. He was clearly comfortable with her, feeling that he could be himself here. Though still not an avid swimmer, he made a valiant attempt to go after her. When he caught up with her, he wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her up into his arms. He stole a kiss before boldly lifting her up, only to toss her away into the water.

Beata was so surprised by the gesture she forgot to close her mouth and came up coughing and sputtering. She couldn't really blame him though as she had started it. Once she could breathe easily again she said. "It's nice to see you're feeling a bit more confident in the water."

"Practice," Stef smiled back, "and proper encouragement. "I am not capable of swimming but I am comfortable enough to wade a little deeper or float." He waded up to her. "Mostly thanks to your encouragement and support."

"I didn't do much," Beata said, her face coloring slightly. "You decided to do it all on your own." She sank back down into the water up to her neck. The water was cool but not unpleasant and if she stood in the sun for more than a few moments she dried out and it made the water feel colder. "Have you eaten?"

"No. It was my understanding that it is not a good idea to go swimming on a full stomach. Have you?"

"Isn't that an old wives tale? No, I haven't. But I think I'm getting a little hungry." Beata said honestly. "Would you mind if we continued this later?"

"I do not know what old wives tales are," Stef confessed as he started to lead her out of the water. "And I do not mind at all as long as we can return to swimming. Where would you like to go for something to eat? Or did you bring anything?"

"I didn't, but I saw a cute little cafe, it's a little bit of a walk but it's right on the water so they won't look at us funny if we arrive in our bathing suits." Beata offered her hand to him.

"I suppose not," Stef agreed, "though I do suggest we bring our belongings anyway. I would not like for us to return here only to find them missing." He took the offered hand, gently squeezing it. "Are you enjoying your holiday?"

"Yes I am, but it's only just begun." Once at the shore she picked up the blanket, shook it and wrapped it around her slender waist, tying it to her body like a skirt. She slipped on the shoes she'd left and waited for Stef.

Stef did the same, though instead of turning his blanket into a skirt, he slung it across his shoulders. "Good," he smiled, "I am enjoying it too."

Ensign Beata Lauryl
Operations Officer
USS Majestic
pnpc by Saulitis

Crewman Apprentice Stef
Yeoman/Animal Caretaker
pnpc Lhaes


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