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Something Witchy This Way Comes

Posted on Wed May 1st, 2019 @ 11:08pm by

Mission: The Fool's Odyssey
Location: Beata's quarters/Sickbay
Timeline: MD 04- 0600 Hours
1004 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Beata opened her eyes and knew immediately that something was wrong. She could barely keep them open and had the feeling she'd dozed off several times already. She forced herself to sit up on the edge of the bed and regretted it. Her stomach lurched and a wave of dizziness hit her. It took her thirty minutes before she could dress herself and brush her hair so that she appeared well enough to even approach the corridor. Leaving her quarters she stumbled and knocked right into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry Patrick!"

Catching her in reflex, Patrick gave her a long look. "Are you alright Miss Beata?" he asked carefully, while looking her over. "Have you had breakfast yet? I'm headed to the mess, you might as well come with me."

"No, thanks, but I think I need to go to sickbay. I feel terrible this morning. I barely have the energy to walk and I'm really dizzy." She was fairly certain she also couldn't eat a bite.

"Let's get you some tea first," Patrick insisted, slipping his arm around her waist to guide her along. "You do need something in you miss, trust me, I know. You'll not want to eat but you need the energy if you're not feeling well. If it doesn't help, we'll get you to sickbay alright?"

Beata really didn't think that was such a good idea but she reluctantly agreed and leaning a bit on him for support followed his lead. "Hopefully it's not anything serious, just something I caught on the planet. Don't you think?"

"I wouldn't know ma'am," Patrick answered as he supported her to the mess. "I'm actually feeling better since coming back, in better spirits too." He pushed the door open since the mess wasn't all that far and they reached it in no time. "Here, you sit here while I make you some tea. How about lemon and ginger to help settle your stomach? Maybe some dry biscuits to go with it?"

Beata made a face. "No Lemon, I don't like it. I guess I could try eating a little something. Maybe some toast?" She propped her head up on her arms and told herself she wasn't going to sleep, not in the middle of the mess with other people looking strangely at her.

Nodding, Patrick took only a few minutes to bring her the tea, and some dry toast. He sat down across from her. "How long have you been feeling like this? Does Stef know?" He had heard the young man had been retrieved and gossip had it that the young couple was suffering for it.

"Woke up this morning with it." Beata shook her head. "I haven't talked to him yet today and it's early, I didn't want to wake Alecx." She replied as the events of the day before flooded back into her brain. She shoved some toast into her mouth to have something to focus on other than her feelings about Stef's relationship and his son.

"How are you feeling about that?" Patrick asked, wondering how he'd feel if this had been Murph and he'd come back with a child. He sipped his own tea as he studied her. "Is the tea helping?"

"I don't know. It's a big change. I kind of thought . . . well in my mind anyway Stef and I were going to take things slow and get to know each other really well before we decided on anything like marrying or having children. But I always thought that we would be together. Now . . . he was already with someone else." She looked down at the mug. "The tea isn't hurting anything but I don't know if I feel any better."

"I can't in any way understand how you feel about this," Patrick offered, "have you tried talking to him about it all?" He watched her closely as he spoke. Though he was no doctor, he was certain he could tell if someone was getting worse or not. Perhaps talking might distract her a little from feeling unwell, he reasoned. "Does he know how you feel?"

Beata shook her head again. "We haven't had time to talk. He only came home yesterday and Alecx was with him the whole time. We will sometime." She sighed. "This isn't working, I still want to go to sickbay. Would you message Stef for me in a while and tell him where I've gone? We were supposed to meet."

"I'll get you to sickbay and I'll message him," Patrick promised, offering her his arm as he got up, "please don't faint on me? I'm getting strongber but I'm not allowed to lift anything ah...heavy." He blushed a little, hoping he hadn't offended her. "I ah..I don't mean to say that you are...but you are heavier than what I'm allowed to lift," he stammered apologetically.

Beata smiled even though she felt terrible. "Don't worry about it Patrick, I knew what you meant." Normally she might have been a bit sensitive on the subject but his words rolled off her, she had other worries.

"Do you want to take the tea?" he asked as he helped her up to her feet. "I'll get you another container for it if you want to take it, then you won't burn your fingers or spill it."

"No, let's just go, it can get recycled in the replicator." Beata was afraid that if they didn't leave then she would end up fainting.

Nodding, Patrick led her to sickbay. "Will any doctor do, or do you want Doctor Adamson?"

"Anyone," she whispered as she climbed up on a bio bed. "With a medical degree." The world was really spinning now and she closed her eyes tight to make it stop. The next thing she knew was darkness.

"Doctor!" Patrick yelled out as he eased her down onto the bed, catching her just in time before she could fall off. "Doctor, help!"

Patrick O'Malley
pnpc Lhaes

Ensign Beata Lauryl
Operations Officer
USS Majestic
pnpc by Saulitis


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