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First Impressions

Posted on Sat Sep 22nd, 2018 @ 1:49am by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: A Majestic Affair
Location: USS Majestic - Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 03 11:00 Hours
1406 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Isabella stepped into the bridge, impressed by the expansive space. Walking across the raised aft section, she passed the tactical panel and another turbolift access before stopping at the CO's office door. Adjusting her duty jacket with a tight, she reached up touched the annunciator. She wasn't expected, but the ship was also not rushing to go anywhere. She was sure the CO probably had time to fill.

"Come in," Jane called as the tops of her eyes were barely visible over the PADD she was reading. Her eyes followed the dark haired woman who'd come into her ready room with mild interest. "What can I do for you counselor?" She said, setting down what she'd been holding. It would be rude to do otherwise.

Isabella stood stiffly, coming to attention. "I thought it prudent to report for duty, ma'am. Or do you prefer 'sir'?" she asked.

"Please, there's no need to snap to attention every time you see me. At ease, it honestly doesn't matter to me. I respond to both. Sit, if you'd like." Jane added so it wouldn't sound like an order.

Isabella dipped her head, relaxing. "Always safer to assume the commanding officer wants you to stand on tradition and get permission not to afterward. Otherwise, the first impression is poorly received, in my experience," Isabella answered, adopting an easy smile, her eyes twinkling with delight.

Resist the impulse to play counselor, Isabella didn't ask the leading question of how the CO was adjusting to her new position. Instead, she decided to choose a more neutral topic. "I'm excited to serve aboard the Majestic class, she's top of the line for nearly any mission Starfleet could assign to us."

"I am rather attached to this ship already. She may have undergone a refit but she has some history. I love history, not military in general, but objects of the past. Places people walked before me. I find it fascinating to stop and think about who may have taken this step before I did." Jane blushed a little bit realizing she'd gone off topic a bit. But it was true.

Isabella wasn't much of a history buff herself, but she could appreciate that the CO was. "I've never thought of it that way. It does sound a bit more interesting when you frame it in that perspective," she admitted, impressed with the insight the captain had just imparted.

"I'm just strange that way, it's always something I've thought about. I get that from my father, he instilled a love of the past." Jane leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs, looking at Isabelle now.

Isabella smiled gently. "It's not strange at all. It's a nice way to think of things. It adds perspective and, I imagine, a bit of wisdom to think whose footsteps you're walking in."

"I suppose that depends on whether or not they took the correct path. Anyway," Jane sat up again. "Tell me about yourself Counselor. How'd you end up here? I see you've brought your husband with you." Jane's eyes went up as she saw the name.

"Please, call me Isabella," she answered amiably. "As for how we wound up here, it's a rather long and convoluted take, but suffice to say my last posting never really took off, so I decided to transfer to an active ship. Josh made some decisions to join me, wherever I chose. He was almost ready to retire when Starfleet offered him the media relations position. Same pay, small amount of work." She giggled at the thought of her husband going mad with lack of work.

"Ah, well hopefully you'll both be happy here." From what Jane had read this man had been through more than most men twice his age. She thought rather fitting he'd chosen such a cheerful wife. "I could use a drink. Would you like a tour of the ship, then perhaps afterwards we can stop in the lounge?"

"Sounds wonderful! We can talk more, get to know each other. I promise not to analyze until I'm 'on the clock', so to speak." Isabella smiled. "It's definitely a bigger ship than I expected."

"Bigger on the inside," Jane smirked in reference to an ancient science fiction television program she was rather fond of. In fact, she fully intended to torture part of the senior staff with a movie night. "How do you feel about science fiction movies Isabella?" She asked curiously.

"Don't we live in a science fiction movie?" Isabella responded with a rhetorical question. "Are we talking serious sci-fi or B-movies and camp? Both are fun!"

"Mostly serious. But I'm open to suggestions. I just feel that as this ship has an Andorian first officer, he needs to be educated in the ways of Earth cinema, specifically how he might have been portrayed back in the day." Jane smiled warmly at Isabella.

"Bad prosthetic antennae," Isabella giggled. "Probably a bad attitude too... like always grumpy. I think it's a fun idea, captain."

"I happen to know he has a good sense of humor or I wouldn't attempt it. Sounds like a plan then Isabella, I'll let you know the details." Jane got up and pushed in her chair. She gestured toward the door. "Shall we work our way down to the lounge and then finish the tour after we have a drink?"

"That sounds like a good plan, but save some surprises," Isabella said. "Besides. I don't want to monopolize your whole afternoon. Maybe the highlights?" she suggested.

"Fine, fine. Where would you like to start? The bridge?" Jane seemed to be eager to show off this particular piece of the ship. It was gorgeous and functional in her opinion. Perhaps she was a bit biased. She shrugged the thought away.

"To quote every Vulcan I've ever known, that seems logical," Isabella laughed.

"Since we have to go through it to get to a turbolift, yes, just a tad. But one does not get a feel for it by just seeing it for a second, you have to look closer." A half hour later Jane finally let Isabella into the turbolift. "I am so blessed that I was given this ship."

"I feel the same, more to the point, I'm glad Josh and I both were reassigned here. We're looking to start a family," Isabella explained. "The Cross didn't seem to be going anywhere soon, so when I asked for reassignment, I assumed we'd be separated for a bit. He surprised me by resigning command and taking the media relations job. We both know it's little more than busy work, but it's about time he got a break. These last few years have been difficult for him and his son."

Jane nodded, "That was quite sweet of him." It briefly made her think of Hak but she pushed the thought to the very back of her mind and buried it deep. There was a reason they weren't officially together, they both belonged where they were. "On to deck two. The grand hall is beautiful."

Isabella followed the CO through the ship and into the Hall. Darkly stained, polished wood floors complimented the blue and white baroque style walls. Stunning crystal chandeliers hung strategically in the room and Isabella marvelled at the two story grandness. "It's quite lovely. I suspect we'll be using it a lot, considering our mission requirements."

"A fair amount hopefully." Not that she enjoyed large parties but it was the job. She didn't mind as long as she wasn't the center of attention. Unfortunately she suspected she would be for a few moments as the embarked on their first mission. "Perhaps I should ask you which parts of the ship you find the most interesting?"

"Oh! I'll be keen on checking out the library, but don't feel the need to walk me around the whole ship," Isabella offered. "I know there are more important things to do and we'll have plenty of time to visit other places before we launch. How about a highlights tour?" she suggested.

"Sure,"Jane agreed and headed toward the library to start. "Engineering after, perhaps sickbay and the lounge?" she asked, "What do you consider the highlights?"

"I think those are the fair places to start," Isabella offered. "Then we can have a drink in the lounge," she suggested. "Lead on!"

Commander Jane Saulitis
Commanding Officer
USS Majestic

Lieutenant Isabella Torres
Chief Counselor
USS Majestic


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