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Pointy blues

Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2019 @ 12:08am by
Edited on on Sat Aug 17th, 2019 @ 12:11am

Mission: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Location: Lhaes' quarters
Timeline: MD 5 0900
3339 words - 6.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Tarria slowly woke up and stretched herself. She yawned a bit as the blankets she was under moved back a little. It was warm in bed for some reason. It was never that warm. And she wasn't even wearing any clothes, that was very strange for her. She rubbed her eyes a bit and then turned her head around. She then saw Commander Lhaes next to her. As she pulled the blankets up she noticed he was laying on them on the other side. She rolled out of bed looking for her clothes in the dark. Maybe she could sneak out without him noticing. But somehow her clothes was messed up with parts of his uniform.

She gasped when she realized Lhaes had children. His daughters could drop in. "What happened?" She whispered to herself. What on earth possessed her to end up in bed with the Chief of Security? She looked over her shoulder a moment and shrugged. He wasn't that bad looking. She wondered how she couldn't remember going to bed with him. She didn't even remember she even went drinking or something. She finally found her underwear and started to put it on. Maybe she got dressed quickly and quietly and sneak out before those girls woke up.

Lhaes turned at the hushed words, his sensitive hearing picked them up with ease and woke him. His eyes widened as he was faced with a blue skinned woman and he bolted upright. The sheets slid off of his shoulders, showing smooth olive skin marked by the odd scar. "What are you doing here?" He demanded.

"Good question, I was just wondering that myself when I woke up next to you," Tarria said as it was no use to sneak out now. She was only in her undies now. "Damn your good hearing, I could have gotten dressed and be gone by now. What was I wearing before I came here?" She threw the Starfleet standard trousers on the bed. "Well, found my socks. And before you say anything, I am not in starfleet so you can't command me. And also I don't make it a habit to wake up next to men. I usually watch the men walk out with the ladies, not be one of those ladies."

She threw some more pieces of uniform on the bed. She didn't even bothered to cover herself while she was searching. She figured he had seen everything already. She then started to hoist herself in to her leggings and putting on her socks. "Now I need my top?" But she had now also thrown Lhaes' underwear on the bed as well. She was thinking and then her eyes widened as she turned around to the living room door. "And my shoes?" She exclaimed.

Having been in worse situations, and not knowing what was going on at all, the Romulan didn't bother with modesty either as he got up. "I don't know," he answered, "I don't know how you got here, I don't know if we went anywhere together. The only thing I know for certain is that I didn't drink because then I wouldn't be here in my room." He glanced down towards the floor, and then towards the door. "I would assume your shoes would be by the front door?"

"Yea," Tarria said, "by the front door, and I assume my top is on your couch. Are your girls home?" She got up from the floor after putting her socks on. She looked right at Lhaes' masculine chest. "I wouldn't imagine myself be drinking. Your race may be paranoid, but I don't see you jump a drunk girl when she passes by." She looked him up and down now. "So if I don't remember and you don't, what happened? Not that I am complaining now, but I might wanted a drink first, maybe dinner." She walked to him a bit flirtatious.

"I would never do that," he answered, quasi-offended by the very idea. "And I don't know where your top is. I don't know what happened but I do think we should probably have ourselves checked out, especially if we possibly..." He paused, grabbing his shorts before running out. He came back a minute later. "The children are not here... but if they're not here then where are they!" He noticed her flirting, wasn't insensitive to it either but he feared the worst. "Who might they be with?"

"Will you relax, if you listened, I said I didn't take you for the type to jump on a drunk girl when she passes. So you are safe." Tarria said as she threw her hair playfully over her shoulder and walked in to the living room and picked her top from the couch and put it on. "You are a good father, all worried and all. But the Majestic is fitted with a super computer. Ask it where your kids are, the internal scanners know where everyone on the ship is at any time."

She had a point there. "Then I will trust them to be safe, somewhere." He watched her as she got herself dressed. "Would you not have wanted as shower first?" he asked as he sat down to reach for a sock. Apparently clothes were strewn all around the place. He arched an eyebrow as he surveyed his home. What had happened here?

She was holding the hem of her top when he said that. "We don't remember what happened last night, but you're letting me shower here?" She though about that a moment. "Why not? Maybe you should join me," She winked, "I could use a happy ending." She looked around. "And afterwards I could help you clean this place up. I feel kind of partially responsible."

"I..." He hesitated. "Well..." He paused again. "What do you mean, happy ending?" She was definitely a beautiful woman, and apparently they had...done something. Well maybe done something because he didn't know. And right now, he had a tough time keeping his eyes off of her. A chagrined smile crossed his face; some gentleman he was. He rubbed the back of his head, feeling as if his mother had just smacked him for having inappropriate thoughts.

"Its a human expression. All things bad should have a happy ending. Not that I say this is...or was a bad thing," Tarria said, "This could have been great." She walked to him. "Maybe try this again?" She put her hand on his cheek. And then she pulled the top over her head again and leaned over to him and pressed her blue lips on his lips. Slowly she put her arms over his shoulders dropping her top on the couch again.

The Romulan froze at the sudden skin contact, breath stalling as she kissed him. His medical mind was screaming at him that something was off, but well... he was still a man. A single, somewhat lonely man... He found himself responding, kissing her back, steering her towards the bathroom. "I don't think this is wise," he murmured breathlessly, "I think we should go to sickbay first."

Tarria thought about that. "Let's freshen up first." She grinned as she pulled him to her again. "When we're clean I will go anywhere with you." Feeling his reluctance she stopped and sighed. "If it makes you feel better, let's go to sickbay first."

"It would make me feel better," he reluctantly agreed, fighting down this urge he couldn't explain as he was pulled close a second time. "Clean up first... perhaps... not together," he suggested, gently disentangling himself from her embrace. "Not yet." A hint of promise, maybe?

She leaned against the doorpost of the bathroom. She scuffed a little. "Right, not yet. Maybe you can go to my quarters and get me a fresh pair of clothes then." She walked in and turned around one last time. "If you change your mind, you know where to find me." She winked to him and then disappeared in the showers.

Instead of doing as was suggested, he made a guess of her size and simply replicated her a new dress. Still dressed in only he shorts, he walked into the bathroom and draped the dress across a rack. "Yes, I know where you are," he said, patiently waiting outside the booth.

Tarria didn't like using the sonic showers. She quickly finished herself up and walked out naked and looked at the dress he put the rack. She held it up. "Really?" She put her underwear on and put the dress on. "I will have to get you off that fear of water. And we may need to drop by my quarters." She nodded to the booth. "All yours! I will tidy up your quarters while your busy." She winked.

'I don't think I'll ever get over it," Lhaes answered slowly, watching her move away, feeling his heart beat a little faster in his right side. He swallowed as he stepped into the cubicle and let the sonic rays cleanse his body in a short cycle. He chose to dress in a fresh uniform and appeared in the living room a few minutes later. "Is the dress not to your liking?" he asked as he sat down to pull on his boots. He smiled as Mittens batted a paw at his hand, ruffling the cat's fur before actually getting his boot on.

She had done the room quickly and was still putting away stuff. "The dress is fine, I just don't like wearing dresses as much I guess. But you couldn't have known that, so I forgive you." She smiled. "And on the fear of water. Maybe I can't get you in a pool, but maybe I can get you in a shower."

The Romulan shuddered at the very idea. "Maybe...but I doubt it. I'm afraid I'll drown."

"In the showers?"The Andorian blinked. She walked to him and squeezed his cheek gently. "Need a life guard then?" She put the last stuff away. "Well, lets get to sickbay." She made a gesture to the door.

Lhaes didn't consider it funny, to him the fear was utterly real. Ultimately, he nodded. "Sickbay," he agreed, preceding her out of his quarters. "I don't know if I need a life guard, I'd probably need turning back time so the incident in the pool never happened. I used to be an excellent swimmer. "

She could tell by the sound of his voice he wasn't all that amused. "Well, you can't change history, but what you could do is get emotions and anxiety to said memory away. If you like I could help you with some trauma therapy. As you know I am a qualified therapist. And my apologies for my improper behavior towards your feelings in this matter. That was inconsiderate of me."

"Many a counselor has tried," Lhaes answered, waiting for her to catch up. "I don't think this is a trauma that can be cured, it is part of a much, much larger picture. And that's a story that'll take hours to tell."

"If you wish to tell me, I would be willing to listen, we could make a long appointment," She offered him as she hooked her arm in his. "I am not the official ship's counselor. So I am not overwhelmed with patients, more of patrons. The things people tell me over a drink." She chuckled. "Consider it."

"I don't drink," he said, knowing full well that wasn't what she meant at all. "And if you are my date, then you can't be my doctor..."

"I am not your doctor," Tarria said and continued on, "I don't have a PHD." She chuckled. "I just done a course of psycho therapy. So I am certified to be a counselor or psycho therapist, but I am not a doctor."

"But you get the point..." He looked sideways at her. "a therapist - patient relationship would be compromised. It already is. Equally, I could not be your doctor.'

She thought about that a moment. "Well, you did say many counselors tried and failed. So maybe you don't need a counselor this time." She winked to him.

Taking the obvious bait, Lhaes smiled. "Then what, according to you, do I need?" he bounced back.

She grinned. "A mate, and as you said, I am your date, so I don't know if I qualify as a mate, yet."

"Tarria..." he stopped walking, turning to look at her. "You are a beautiful woman, but until we find out how you got in my quarters, I'm not sure of anything I feel. I can't even trust how you feel, I don't like not knowing how things occurred. Wat if somehow we ingested something? What if what we're feeling, isn't real?"

Tarria stopped to think about that a moment. "I am willing to figure that out," She finally said. "But for now I like to enjoy this feeling." She let go of his arm and walked in to sickbay.

Lhaes frowned as he followed her in. "I'm not looking to deny you anything you might feel, I'm just saying we should be careful and wait to see what the doctor says."

Sandy popped her head out of her office. "Did someone say doctor?" She came out of the office and then said, "What is the nature of the medical emergency." She grinned. "And I just woke up on my couch. Good morning, Commander, Tarria, what can I do for you?"

"uhm...." Suddenly flustered, Lhaes looked away. "Miss Tarria woke up in my bed this morning and neither of us has any recollection of how she got there or what happened prior to that." His cheeks flushed a little. "We were naked..."

Sandy took a tricorder and started to scan the both of them. "I assume you both hadn't been drinking." She looked over the tricorder to Tarria.

Tarria rolled her eyes. "Yes, look at the bartender first."

Sandy looked to the tricorder. "Either way, neither of you has residual alcohol that would say that either one of you were drunk, so that rules that out." She tapped on her tricorder. "I am getting some faint energy readings from your brains. I'll have to run more tests."

"Had there been any alcohol, I would already have been here," the Romulan explained, "I'm very allergic. Please, run all the tests you need, we need to know what happened, and if we...." He faltered, unable to explain, feeling utterly embarrassed.

Sandy nodded. She guided them to the biobed to start the test. She looked back on her tricorder. "And to answer your other question, I can't find any evidence of you two know." She looked back on the screen and continued. "So it appears the two you just fell asleep next to each other naked." She looked at the screen. "Hmmm...." She said. "This...I have seen before," she pointed to the screen with a brain scan of Lhaes's brain. "The same kind of device I found earlier on Sekat's brain scans."

She looked to Tarria's brain scans. "This...Is something new. I wonder if the two devices are connected somehow, like a matching pair in someway.

Tarria looked at her screen. "Ok what is that? And have you found this any other crew than the Vulcan, Romulan and well me?"

Sandy scratched her head, "Oh right, you're half Aenar, your telepathic. Have you three seen any ghost images of dead loved ones?"

Tarria shrugged and looked to Lhaes. "Well I can't account for last night, but I haven't seen something like that when I woke up."

"Perhaps they are targeting telepathic and empathic species?" Lhaes wondered aloud before shaking his head. "No I haven't seen any ghosts, who's seeing ghosts?" He was visibly relieved over the fact that nothing had happened between him and Tarria.

"I don't have to be a telepath to know that," Tarria said, "I am guessing it's Sekat. Cause it's not either of us." She shrugged. "So can you tell if we are still under the influence of that thing?"

Sandy looked on the scans. "Well it's hard to tell," She said. Engineering is coming in to see if we can deactivate the devices. I am not sure if we can remove them safely, I think we need to know more about these things first before I start poking around in your heads."

Tarria nodded, "I would like to have these things deactivated as well. I am kind of not happy with that thing in my head." She sighed. "So these things have been influencing our feelings?" She asked.

Sandy looked to Tarria. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I seem to have feelings for the security chief. And I don't know what to do with them." Tarria explained, she then twisted her face, "And I am talking about them so freely, what is wrong with me?"

"Well, I can't of course know what their functions are," Sany said, "But I don't think such devices could be worked that way. But I can imagine they are working on sub conscious pre-existing emotions and feelings. Are you having sub conscious feeling for the commander, Tarria?"

Tarria shrugged, "I don't know." She crossed her arms. "He is nice, I guess, but I only ever really talked to him at the pool. And we may have danced, unless I remembered that wrong. To be honest, I could be attracted to him because he has children. I always was attracted to family men." She smiled nervous as she looked over to Lhaes.

The Romulan frowned as he was spoken about as if he wasn't even present. "I would suspect that underlying feelings must be present for this device to work. From a medical point of view that only makes sense. It is entirely possible we did meet at the pool, and you went home with me. It is severely frustrating that I don't remember how you ended up in my quarters, let alone in my bed. I am, however, relieved that nothing happened because I would feel as though I had taken advantage of you. And that would've made me feel quite bad." He frowned. "That's not my way...I woudn't take advantage of a woman."

Tarria nodded. "Oh, I know," She said, "And if something did happen between us last night, I wouldn't hold it against you. It's not like we were quite ourselves, we can't even remember how we end up in bed together." She got off the bed and walked to Lhaes bed. "I am sorry, maybe it's the device talking, but I do remember the pool from shore leave very clearly. Even if you didn't join us. And I also think if it had to be anyone I had to end up in bed naked with and not remembering the previous night, I would want it to be you." She smiled. "And even if you don't want to take a shower with me." She smiled.

"I would hold it against me," the Romulan countered, his cheeks flushing a dark shade of green in embarrassment at her compliment. "I would rather remember us doing things and growing from there. But not with this device's control looming over us. I want it removed...or disabled. Now."

Sandy just nodded. "I will ask commander Murphy to come up now, but as you know he is a busy man, it won't be easy."

Tarria leaned on the bed. If Commander Murphy can's come, why not call that Vulcan operations chief....what's his name... Kav?"

"As long as someone with some engineering skill takes a look and a plan is formed to either deactivate them, or remove them," Lhaes said, "they are a tremendous security risk. Who knows that they can make people do."

Sandy nodded and said, "I will get one up now."

Lhaes nodded in return. "We are not going anywhere."

LtC Lhaes Sommers

Lt Sandra Adamson

Tarria Sh'ezhinnir
Bartender/Lounge manager
PNPC Adamson


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