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Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2019 @ 4:55am by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: War Games
Location: Observation Lounge, Proving Grounds Station
Timeline: Prior to War Games
1603 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

A look at her PADD showed Hearro that her next interview was with the Captain of the Majestic no less. The ship was fresh off a diplomatic adventure, a mission which looked to have great interest among the viewers. Her opinions on the future of Starfleet would, no doubt, be a smash hit for the New Day News. The Betazoid was dressed conservatively in black and white professionalwear with her shorter than shoulder length black hair styled in a bit of a bob. With the holorecorder positioned correctly and the lightly perfect, all that was left was for the Captain to make her way inside the windowed lounge.

Jane was used to having her thoughts read, of course that was someone she trusted and loved though. The moment she'd found out the person who was interviewing her was Betazoid she'd nearly back out just for that reason. No matter what she said, this woman could detect even the littlest of white lies. Not that she planned on outright lying, but she might omit a truth here or there if she thought it necessary and she wasn't sure that the interviewer could distinguish that. She huffed out a breath and sucked in more air. It would be all right. What's the worst that could happen?

The sound of the observation lounge door opening brought Hearro to her feet. “Ah, Captain Saulitis, it is so good to finally meet you. I can’t possibly thank you enough for your time today,” the reporter said warmly as she extended her hand toward the other woman. Ethically, she was not supposed to dive into people's emotions without consent, but that was of no use to a reporter. However, she could still play the part, especially with a Captain who was already fearful of her heritage. “I know I’m from Betazed but I must reassure you that I’m bound not to violate your inner thoughts and emotions,” she said in the most reassuring voice that she had.

Taking the hand, Jane smiled back. "Pleasure to meet you," she said. "My husband is Betazoid," she answered simply. She knew the rule she just wasn't sure how well some people followed it. "I was quite surprised that you contacted me actually. I would have thought there would be other who would give far more interesting interviews on the subject." She supposed that depended on which subject the reporter really wanted to get to the bottom of.

"Before we get started, that is what I wanted to talk to you about," Hearro started. She handed over a PADD that contained very basic talking points, none of which seemed to be overtly hostile toward the Captain, then added, "I found the events of the bombing aboard the Majestic fascinating. Most of the other Captains here aren't sent on specifically diplomatic missions like the Majestic is regularly."

"Well that would be because the Majestic class is actually designed for diplomacy. We have a grand hall, a library, VIP suites, just about everything to make an ambassador or other guest comfortable. Plus, enough firepower to hold our own and enough speed to get away, both if necessary of course."

Smiling her understanding, but not necessarily her caring, Hearro motioned toward the two chairs facing each other. "If you are ready, Captain, we should begin," the reporter stated with a friendly demeanor. She then sat down in her designated chair and looked to her holorecorder, then back to Jane to see if she was going to cooperate.

Jane sat across from her where she indicated, not liking that smile at all. She thought to herself that was rather amusing, liking or not liking someone by the way they smiled. "Of course. Fire away, metaphorically speaking of course."

“Captain Saulitis let me first ask about the Majestic,” the reporter started after she started the holorecorder. “You have made quite the name for yourself as the Captain of the Majestic, including a successful diplomatic adventure. Is there anything that you can tell me about how events transpired with the Creoli?”

Jane didn't know about that. All she could think about was the dead ambassador and the precious egg they'd retrieved after his death. "It was rather unfortunate actually." She said, wanting to tell the truth about that. "Yes, diplomatic relations between the Federation and Bairl are still strong, but they were originally obtained under false circumstances. It only took several deaths aboard the ship to bring that to light."

And there was the hook that she needed, fighting the urge to smile, Hearro somberly stated, "Deaths in the line of duty. A person can make no greater sacrifice for their country." And now the trap, turning her head slightly she somberly asked, "And what was gained from strengthening the relations between the Federation and Bairl?" Anything shy of a treaty that helped the Federation tremendously would be a boon to the NDN watchers.

"Bairl has quite a unique ecosystem, a symbiosis between the flora and fauna. The star the planet orbits emits a unique form of radiation which would kill life if not for a specific type of fruit which has evolved to rid the Creoli of toxins and in return the Creoli take care of the earth. It's really quite fascinating. Scientists have been studying everything about the planet for decades and I would assume are making advancements in science due to it. I'm not a scientist however."

Clearly unimpressed, the interviewer asked, "Starfleet officers gave their life for a fruit?" Shifting in her seat as if struggling with that thought, Hearro asked, "Does this fruit or star's radiation offer some kind of benefit for those of us who live in the Federation?" The question was asked innocently enough, but Hearro was already laying the minefield.

"No, they died because of the actions of one man who was of Mavill descent and who disagreed with the treaty with the Federation. And isn't any scientific discovery a benefit? As I said, I'm not a scientist, I'm not exactly sure what they've discovered from this. You'd have to ask them."

Not giving an inch to the Captain's point, Hearro replied, "It is not up to me to determine the worth of a discovery." Mirroring the narrowing of her eyes, the interviewer asked, "If I am hearing you correctly, Captain, it seems as though we have strengthened our relations with the Creoli while alienating the Mavill. Is that a correct assessment?"

"No, there was an incident over a hundred years ago, which was the cause of the individual's strife who caused the bombing aboard Majestic. Since bringing things to life, both races are currently working through their histories to strengthen their bonds, before this both races were quite close. After all they rely on each other for survival." It was true, but Jane had a feeling that's not what would be quoted. This interview was going downhill fast. The interviewer wasn't after the truth, she was after her opinion of the situation.

"Interesting," Hearro feigned interest, getting the feeling that she had better make a job of acting fair. Indicating with her hands to indicate the station around them, the Betazoid asked, "What do you think about the Proving Grounds? This is the largest War Games in recent history, a show of force from Task Force 72 if you will."

"It's very impressive. A tad intimidating if I'm being honest. I've never participated in anything like this before . . . well obviously you knew that since this is my first assignment." Jane uncrossed and crossed her other leg over as it was starting to go to sleep on her.

"Is this the beginning stages of a more aggressive stance by Starfleet?" Hearro asked. Prying a bit more, the interviewer asked, "We're told that these games are meant as a training exercise, but with this being so unprecedented... is there something the public should know, some threat we haven't heard about?"

"This is just a training exercise to be ready in the future if anything threatens the Federation. There are no known threats at this time. It's also a great way to train commanding officers and their crew in combat situations."

"What do you see as the next big threat to the Federation?" Hearro asked, her stance was more inquisitive than anything.

"Oh I wouldn't presume to guess." Jane replied. Really she wasn't sure. Those who had involved themselves with the Dominion were still getting back on their feet, some with Starfleet's assistance. Whether or not she agreed with that was beside the point. "There may be threats that are unknown to us at this point."

Sensing a little hesitation in the Captain, Hearro decided to switch topics to keep things friendly. "What is next for the Majestic?" she asked.

"Whatever Starfleet wants to throw in our path." Jane replied seriously. "I suppose that's the real test of character in a Starfleet Captain. You never really know what's coming."

"Of course," Hearro replied. Not saying it, she thought that neither did the citizenry of the Federation. Were they only considered the headcount? A small alarm chimed from the corner of the room. "Captain, I believe that is all the time that we were allotted for the interview," she stated. "Thank you for your time," she smile.

Jane was surprised how well that seemed to go and nodded her head. "Thank you." She wondered as she left what would really end up in print but decided for the moment not to worry about it. What's done was done.


Captain Jane Saulitis
Commanding Officer
USS Majestic

Hearro Kea
New Day News


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