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Between the Written Lines.

Posted on Fri Jul 26th, 2019 @ 9:43am by

Mission: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: MD 05 13:00 Hours
3683 words - 7.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Tadez had been careful about his time; he tends to keep thing in as much of an order as he can, so not to be terribly overworked and not able to complete his obligations. Being a stressful Duty slot upon occasion he took time to clear his mind; or more likely allow his mind to wonder, so to allow his imagination to have a turn to relax him. Some prefer all their creative outlet to be in Holo programs and live participation in sports, Tadez is more of an Internalizing man so the written classics tend to be his 'quick fix' and way to relax.

It is rare that he gets to share that side of his passion; to allow others into his little ventures into the written word, and for a woman to show interest in the books tended to give higher marks in his 'Book.' So to make sure the right impression is given Tadez had chosen the Arboretum as a place to start the journey through one of his favorite books; he would also be using his auditory learning to express the passionate writing of Alexander Dumas; man famous for the Three Musketeers and not as famously the novel 'Count of Monte Cristo'.

He had brought a cool tea and some fruit to snack upon as he hoped Razmi would enjoy them? She had a more sensitive pallet yet had come from a farming community so it was a trial that Tadez hoped would make a good impression as he was introducing her to some fine literature?

Sitting at the base of a tree Tadez had set up a comfortable blanket with his treats set out for consumption; he hoped, and all he wait upon is the arrival of Razmi and the book he gave her.

Razmi was so incredibly nervous that she hadn't been able to eat a bite all day. She'd resisted calling Stef and asking what she should wear. It seemed so stupid to do so. So she'd remained in her quarters and gone through an entire catalog of clothing items before settling on what she would have normally worn on Marga III, a long skirt and a short sleeved blouse tucked into it. She loved the skirt, it was red and felt so soft and supple. It flared out a tiny bit at the bottom, creating an A-line shape.

Upon entering the arboretum she glanced around for Tadez despite knowing where they were supposed to meet. She slowly made her way over to him, trying to remember to breathe while she walked. "Hello," she finally said, her hands behind her back with the book.

Tadez stood as a lady was present and he saw her attire and had to smile at the simple beauty of a well chosen skirt and blouse; it gave the woman the look and aura of being feminine and not competing with the men. He bowed slightly as is proper.

"Good day Razmi." He greet and smiled. "You look lovely in that outfit. It is good to see you and I took the liberty of bringing some light food and a tea for the time." He offered a hand to help seat a lady upon the blanket. "Please sit and be comfortable." He stuck to his proper manners in the presence of a lady.

"Oh thanks." She stood there for a moment wondering what he wanted her to do, he was holding out his hand. Finally she took the hand, assuming that was what he was after and was pleased to see she had understood correctly. Things on Marga III were certainly different. "Thanks," she said a little breathlessly. "That sounds wonderful. Do humans do this a lot. Sit out of doors on blankets and pillows?" It dawned on her she was still holding the book. "Here, sorry, I almost forgot."

"It is more of a Bajoran thing." Tadez said. "We were an enslaved people and this was the most we could do while under the yoke of our Conquerors. A blanket and time not laboring was a treat back then and it became for of an accepted tradition." He explained. "If you are not comfortable I can change the venue?" He asked as he accepted the book. I just enjoy the out of door feeling and did not want you to be uncomfortable or soil your fine skirt."

Razmi shook her head thoroughly. "Oh no, I'm fine. Replicators make things pretty easy to clean and I won't get dirty, I'm on a blanket. Sit." She said, patting the spot next to her. "I've been looking forward to this for days."

"That is good t know I am not alone in looking forward to this." He took the seat. "And feel free to call or stop by the offices; I can always spare time for a friend." He look at the cover. "You might want background about this; it is a historical based novel set in real times and fictional events?" Tadez asked. I can fill you in the historical setting before we start easy enough; it is during earth History?"

"Yes please," Razmi said, very curious. "I don't know much about Earth History. Stef and I mostly talked about where he grew up and my childhood, not Earth or Starfleet very much."

To be efficient this is a bloody part of French History; the leader; called the King or Emperor depending on the time frame, the governing body were royalists. In the span of a couple of decades when Napoleon Bonaparte seized power and was a great general who conquered a good part of the known lands before meeting defeat and deposing of Bonaparte for the Royalist governing system again. Bonaparte was the type of leader that was a dictator and cruel if opposed. He was over thrown and banished to a small Island called Alba for years. This is a low tech 400 years back from now, no space travel; horse drawn carriages and sailing ships were main means of travel." Tadez introduced. "In 1814 the story starts just before Bonaparte escapes and makes a bid for the throne, he does but only for a few months and then he and his followers called 'Bonapartists' were defeated and this story begins in that time frame before the escape and after the short lived reign of Bonaparte." The characters exists during that turbulent part of history and subsequent times after the restoration on the Monarchy." He smiled. "That is the quick history of the times in the book."

Razmi nodded often trying to keep up, she thought she understood. She settled into a comfortable position. "I'll try my best to keep up while you read. Can I ask a favor though? Can I have you trace your finger under the words while you read them, I think it might help with my reading, to hear you say certain words out loud."

"Ask and I shall do." He nestled a little closer to allow her to read the book as well. "On February 24th, 1815, The watchtower of the port sighted the Pharaon; the Three master heading into port..." Tadez began the first worst of the chapter of the book detailing the arrival of Edmund Dantes ; young 20 year old First Mate of the vessel. "Now the mast flag that was common of all ships was at half mast because there is a death on the ship." Tadez explained the later excerpt of the text, that was the tradition of the age of ships at sea be they merchant of Warship." He told her. "The Captain had died of Brain fever,,," He continued the reading, allowing her to nearly use him as a resting place to fully follow the text and see the book well.

He read her the chapter that brought Dantes to port and into the arms of his beloved Mercedes; much to the distaste of her Spanish Cousin Ferdinand.

Razmi followed along, sometimes she glanced up at him and watched his lips move. The warmth of his body and the conditions on the holodeck were lulling her into an almost sleep like state where she was still listening to the story, but also somehow felt like the story had come alive before her. She could picture the characters and even imagined Tadez as one himself. This made her smile, so much so that she didn't realize he'd stopped reading for a moment. "That was wonderful. You don't have to keep going if you don't want to. Just a chapter a day would be fine with me, I don't want to wear out your voice."

"Five chapters is a good stopping point." He smiled. "Luckily they are short chapters. I think we can leave it with a man in the arms of a woman that loves him." Knowing the book as well as he did he closed it and glanced to Razmi looking so content at the moment. "You are enjoying seeing how the world is to Edmund; the happiness that the simple sea is to his soul and the love of his Mercedes can make him smile?"

"Sure, it's like a lot of love stories I've heard of. They always seem way more passionate and interesting than real life. But what would I know about it." She realized how close she was to him. Her eyes were wide but she didn't move away. "So what did you bring us?" Razmi asked, changing the subject and taking the attention away from her nervousness.

"I was not sure so I brought some Fruit chunck cut carefully to bite size; mango, papaya, Pineapple , cherries and grapes with a Sweet Tazo Green tea to savor." He grinned as she did not shy away from him and he had a gut feeling she was on the fence about it. "I was not sure of your tastes so I thought something light and easy on the pallet, being Bajoran I like fruit; it is a treat among my people and I thought to share would be appropriate?" He opened the container to offer her some.

"I like fruit," Razmi replied. "There are melons on Marga III, a few other kinds of fruit. But I'm willing to try anything once." She choose a round piece of fruit, unsure of what he had called it since he hadn't pointed to the different things when he'd said the names. Still, it turned out to be sweet "It's good, she replied chewing on it and savoring the flavor." A chicken wandered by and she looked at it with wide eyes. "There's wildlife here?"

"What is the good of a natural place not to have some domesticated wildlife?" Tadez chuckled. "It is close to a real setting so there are little traits that make it unique." He liked her smile and the awe of her expression; there was an innocence thare that he rarely saw anymore in his line of Duty. "And I see you like the grape; I will keep that in mind." He chuckled. "I see there is a part of you that misses the life on the farm?"

"I miss being close to nature. I don't miss all the work, all day long every day just so I would know that I could eat all winter. I don't have to worry about surviving here, unless of course we get blown up by something but then I won't have to worry about it long. Wow, that was an incredibly cheerful subject I led us down." The trouble was, she couldn't think of much else to say. She liked just sitting here and listening to him read. Or looking out among the flowers. "Tell me about your family." Razmi finally added.

"My family?" He asked. You do not need the boring events of my family." He shrugged. "My siblings; I have two brothers and a sister, were mostly raised after Bajor was ... Bajor as you know it now. The Cardassians were out and the Federation protected the Kai's Rule." He looked into her eyes. "But if you really want to know anything it would be more interesting to speak with my Parents. They were raised during the end of the Occupation; the last generation to live through a childhood under Cardassians." He nod. "They would tell us how lucky we were in having a place to sleep and roof that did not leak." he started. "I think it was the abundance of food that really is common; when I was young we did not have a lot until the Federation relief efforts came. Then I recall having a full belly." He had a grin on his face at the memory. "I was youngest so I got the least brunt of it but my brother who is eldest said it was lucky that my Sister was too young to catch the eye of a Cardie." He sighed. "We are a slave people by roots and only a couple of generations really have not known that ... destitute feeling of being under another's yoke." He smiled at her. "And you thought you were going down 'cheerful subject." He teased in a small way. "At dinner we focus on what we have rather than where we came from; just like any family." He winked. "So what about your family life prior to being here?"

Razmi blinked her blue eyes but she wasn't exactly looking at him. She was thinking. "All of my family are dead. My father died when I was very small, I don't remember him. My mother died when I was a teenager. I never had anyone else, I've always taken care of myself really. But I would love to talk to your parents, I'm fascinated by other cultures. It's one of the reasons I want to learn to read Earth standard better, so I can learn even more about cultures in the federation."

"Neenyo..." Tadez said softly. "My first name is Neenyo. In our culture only family lovers and very close friends are given to call us by our given name." He smiled and put his finger over his lips. "Don't tell anyone; but when it is not public you can call me Neenyo as I do not have anyone either, I am an outcast among my Family. You are sharing my favorite book and letting me know about you; that makes us close friends and it would honor me if you used my Given name, just among friends right?"

"I'm honored," she said, looking into his eyes this time. "Razzi, my mother used to call me that, not that my given name is that long. She thought it was cute. But no one's really called me that since." She honestly hadn't thought about the nickname in years. "But you can, if you'd like."

"Okay, Razzi." Tadez gave her a warm smile. "You do realize that with this new Friendship you do not have to wait days to talk to me; you have permission to stop by the office and I will make time for you." He chuckled. "It is a pretty tame office of me and a Yeoman and my study of things is not classified like the Intel department so it is a safe place to chat and visit a friend." He smiled. And it also moved the readings to a daily thing if you want to finish the book in this lifetime?" He joked.

"Sure," she said. Though despite his invitation she wasn't sure she was comfortable interrupting him at work. "I would like that," she nodded enthusiastically as she reached for a different kind of fruit. This really had been the perfect day.

"I am serious." He had a gut feeling that he should make sure she understood his invitation. "You are welcome to call me if you wish. Also when I am off duty and you feel lonely just give me a Jingle. I am a friend and you can always talk with me." He nod. "I want you to know I can be there if you need me, that is what friends do."

"Thank you," Razmi said, staring at him. It was a unique idea to her. Of course other people on Marga III had families and friends that they could rely on, but she had never had anyone except Stef. And he'd had other responsibilities after meeting his wife so she hadn't asked him for anything. "Well I'm never that busy, but you're welcome to come see me too. Anytime."

"I will take you up on that." Tadez chuckled. "I need to escape at times where I can be hidden."

"Oh?" Razmi asked, very curiously. "What are you hiding from? You don't strike me as shy Neenyo."

"Sometimes it is just good to go where they do not know I am so not to keep piling on more work; call it I have to take a break and hiding is a sure way to get a break." He chuckled. "A diplomat's job is to be friendly with everyone; that is difficult with some people and I need to get away before I say what I think and get into trouble." He laughed.

"Well you can always say what you think with me. In fact I prefer it, it makes things so much easier. And hopefully I'll never be that difficult to get along with. Then agin you don't always have to be diplomatic with me."

"I am always diplomatic; it is a personality trait that makes me good at my job; being brutally frank is something I avoid." He winked to her. "I get the feeling that we will not have any problem as I like you and I am not brutal to friends." Tadez told her. "Truthful is a paramount but I try to keep it real and not over dramatize it." He reach to touch her hand. "I promise to say what I think and be honest with you." He smiled warmly. "Everyone needs a confidant to say what needs to be said and know it is safe with the other person right?"

Razmi nodded staring down at his hand over hers. She needed to talk to Stef as soon as possible, but maybe they could just sit here and talk a while longer.

Noting her looking down he casually moved his hand to put a marker in the book and took a drink from his tea. "Sorry; rather forward of me; I am maybe feeling too comfortable and put you a bit off, I apologize."

"No," she said quickly. "I'm just not used to much physical contact, but it's fine," she assured him, trying not to blush too much. She reached for more fruit.

"I will be more aware in the future." HE gave her a nod of acknowledgment. "Only what the lady accepts." He grinned and took a small piece of citrus. "This is both sweet and a bit tart, you might try it?" He offered.

"Just Razzi, no royal blood, remember?" She took the piece from him though and put it in her mouth. It was bursting with flavor, but it was really strange in her opinion. She didn't exactly dislike it, but she wasn't sure she liked it either. "It's different," she said once she'd swallowed. "And I don't care if you take my hand. I need to get used to it to live among Humans anyway."

"Among many cultures there are royalty that are not ladies." Tadez added. "Just because one is born of means does not automatically equate to her being a lady. " He emphasized. "It is an accepted trait that a Lady stands out from the majority in some way; that she is seen to have qualities that are esteemed by the beholder. There is an old saying'Beauty is in the mind of the beholder' and being a lady is more than just a title." He shrugged. "I see it as a term of respect and affection, not everyone is a lady."

"Oh, well thank you." Razmi said, not sure how she felt about the term yet. But she would think on it. "Can you swim?" She suddenly asked, a smile forming on her face. "It might be fun to use the holodeck and do a water program sometime. Maybe the next time you read to me?"

"I have been known to swim." He smiled in a sly way, But water would get the book wet?" He smiled and laughed . "I am good at swimming; I do it to keep in shape." He did like the idea of her in a swim suit actually, pretty women and swimsuits were appreciated back in Earth's wartime history and modeling magazines throughout the ages. "We could do a little swimming then relax to the book maybe?"

"I didn't mean reading the book in the water," she laughed. "I'm sure this brilliant holodeck of yours can create a beach for us. It just sounds fun. I always wanted to visit one of the resorts and pretend that I was a guest. Lounge around all day in the sun and play in the water. I dreamed about a lot actually. But there were always things to do, gardens to tend to and a farm to run. Deal, our next . . . date."

"I think that would be splendid." Tadez nod his affirmative. "You know if you want to truly have that experience when we reach port we could rent two rooms and lounge by a pool all day; even on a station it might be fun?" He shrugged. "You deserve to get the true feel for being pampered every woman should."

"Well I like to keep busy, I'm not a lazy creature . . . but just once or twice I think it should be allowed." Razmi smiled at him. "I'd like that, someday." She reached for more fruit hoping that her face wasn't as red as she felt.

"Once in a while it is good to lounge and just have fun." He winked to her. "We will see what tomorrow brings?"

Civilian navigator/friend to all
pnpc by Saulitis

Lt Neenyo Tadez
Chief Diplomat


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