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The Bearer of Bad News

Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2019 @ 9:28pm by

Mission: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Location: Razmi's quarters/sickbay
Timeline: MD 06 1700 Hours
706 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Though no-one ever liked to be the bearer of bad news, Sekat had pretty much volunteered to be such. He was now waiting patiently for Razmi to answer the door, a single PADD clutched between his linked hands, which also rested lightly on the handle of his cane. When there was no immediate answer, he shifted a little, then reached out to press the chime a second time.

"Come," Razmi finally called. She'd just stepped out of the shower and had thrown on her clothes in a hurry. "Can I help you?" She asked confused.

"I apologize for disturbing you Miss Razmi. My name is Sekat, I am part of Doctor Anderson's medical staff." He paused, gauging her reaction. "I have a matter of urgency to discuss with you. You are acquainted with Crewman Stef, correct?"

Her eyes widened instantly. "Is he okay?" She dashed about looking for her shoes so she could make it to Stef. "What's the matter with him?" This man would not have come to her door if things were fine.

Sekat shook his head, offering her the PADD. "You are listed as next of kin to be informed," he told her, "he is, I fear, not okay. we are currently keeping him unconscious due to severe and aggravated injury."

She didn't want to take the PADD, she wanted him to explain. "Please tell me Tadez had nothing to do with this." She could not believe he would hurt Stef. Suddenly it dawned on her. "Alecx! Where is Alecx?"

"No I do believe he had anything to do with it. Crewman Stef had an unfortunate incident as someone bumped into him. Said someone tried to help him up and his injuries only worsened. It appears he has become...fragile ma'am. I believe Miss Lauryl is taking care of Alecx."

"Oh," That seemed to calm Razmi a little bit. She didn't know if Beata knew much about children but Stef trusted her. "Can I see him? Stef I mean? I know he's unconscious. But maybe he'd still like some company, just to feel a familiar presence."

"That is actually a good idea," the Vulcan agreed with a slight nod. "We cannot constantly be with him. Yes I believe he will benefit from your presence." He paused briefly. "I will take you to him, however I must warn you that his appearance may be somewhat shocking."

Razmi nodded. She made sure her shirt was tucked in, her skirt was in the right place and she finally slipped on her shoes. "I'm ready," she said as she grabbed a shawl to take with her. Razmi was scared but she was trying not to show it.

However while she wasn't showing it, Sekat's trained senses did pick up on it. "Please do not be too alarmed by his appearance," he warned as they made their way to sickbay. "He is made as comfortable as we could manage and he should not be in any pain. It is, however not advisable to touch him anywhere...we do not know if that will worsen whatever ails him."

Razmi nodded. Her voice caught in her throat when she saw him and she had to hold back tears. She quickly pulled up a stool to the side of his bed and just simply sat there. When she felt her voice was strong enough she spoke softly to him, words of encouragement and hope that they would of course find out what was doing this to him and be able to heal it. And until then that Alecx was perfectly well cared for though Razmi had not seen him yet.

As if reading her mind, Sekat gently touched her shoulder. "Perhaps you can have Alecx sit with him to," he offered, "I have no doubt he does hear you and he will want to know those he cares for are here for him too. Sit with him for as long as you like. I am available if you need anything."

Razmi nodded. She wasn't sure she wanted Alecx to see him like this. She didn't want to over worry him. "Thank you doctor."

Giving her a final nod, the Vulcan limped away.

Lieutenant j.g. Sekat
Medical Officer
pnpc Lhaes


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