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And The Winner Is . . .

Posted on Sat Nov 2nd, 2019 @ 12:42am by

Mission: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Location: Outside Cargo Bay
Timeline: MD 12 09:00 Hours
292 words - 0.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Wilfred took a breath as he bent down, lifted with his legs and carried the large cargo container out through the double doors. It wasn't his job really. He was technically brig officer but as no one was in the brig he often found himself doing other people's work because idle hands on a starship were a recipe for disaster, at least that's what his superiors told him.

He turned abruptly, his face starting to turn red from the struggle of holding the container in place. He would have gotten an antigrav unit but that required asking someone for it and he preferred to do things alone. Just as he'd fully made it out of the room and was headed in the direction he wanted to go he felt a hard thud that knocked the container from his limbs and send him flying backward. Dazed and confused he sat up and looked several meters away on the ground. There was a man lying there. A naked man.

Was this the streaker? Wilfred realized what he'd been thinking and laughed a little bit. Of course he was, how many other naked men happened to be in the corridor? The streaker . . . that meant. Wilfred had caught him! The details of how it had happened were of course unimportant. Would this impress Sadie?

He got to his feet and stepped closer to the man to make sure he was still breathing. He had no spots. So he appeared human after all despite the reports. Wilfred had to know who he was so he reached down and pulled on the mask, gasping at the revelation. He was staring at himself. Wait no, it was Alanzo, Wilfred's twin brother.

Ensign Wilfred Wexler
Brig Officer
PNPC by Saulitis


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