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What We Carry With Us

Posted on Wed Nov 6th, 2019 @ 2:50am by Crewman Recruit Zeria

Mission: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Location: Dom's Quarters
Timeline: MD 12 06:00 Hours
260 words - 0.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Zeria opened her eyes and knew immediately something was wrong, she could barely move. Even opening her lips was excruciating. She couldn't turn her head or feel if Dom was close to her or if he had left for his shift. How was she going to get out of this?

The male alien looked down on his subject, aware that her eyes were now open. Given the amount of sedation he had given her this should not be happening. Of course she couldn't see him, but he wondered if somehow she knew he was there. She was a tough one, this creature. Though he did not know her species he fully intended to find them someday.

Her eyes were heavy again. Something was wrong, someone was making her this way, making all of them this way. If only she could remember that until she woke again.

The male smirked. There, finally he could continue with his experiment without interruption. These experiments weren't too important but they did tell them a lot about what to expect when they entered the humans world. The humans had invaded their world first. It was time to repay the favor.

Zeria sat bolt upright. Her entire body was sore but she ignored the pain. There was something important she was supposed to remember. She needed to tell Dom. It was slipping away in chunks. She'd woken up . . . someone was there. No! She had to remember, but it was already gone.

Crewman Zeria

Male Alien Visitor
Maybe Not Such A Friendly Guy

Pnpc's by Saulitis)


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