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Diplomatic pause.

Posted on Tue Jan 7th, 2020 @ 3:25am by

Mission: Promenade
Location: Tadez quarters
Timeline: 1800 hours
1590 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure


With all the delegation business over; the need for Tadez with a second Diplomat seemed to be redundant. HE had been under that Umbreall Cover for quite a while; he might be pulled back upon occasion but he would not be all that involved with the Diplomatic Corps in the future.

"Tadez to Razmi." He touched his comm badge. "Could you come to my quarters at your first opportunity please?"

Razmi hadn't seen Tadez in ages, she dropped what she was doing and practically ran to his quarters. "Hi," she said rather breathlessly as the doors opened to admit her. "Are you okay? Are the negotiations done?" Perhaps she was being silly but she'd missed him.

"Quite." He brought her into his quarters; he had changed into casual attire; the Diplomatic uniform placed where it belong. "I am quite finished with Negotiations for some time to come."" He chuckled as he led her to the sofa. "Please have a seat Razzi." He offered.

"Sure." She said, still looking at him incredibly interested as to what was going on and why he had suddenly called her to his quarters after waiting for some time to see her. She sat down on the sofa, slipped off her shoes and tucked her feet under her, giving him her full attention.

"Thanks for coming over;I did not mean to pull you away from what you were doing; it could have waited." Tadez started as he sat. "It is something I want you to know before it hits the Grapevine."

"I wasn't doing anything important," she promised. "Just picking up after Alecx." Razmi scooted to the edge of her seat, giving Tadez her full attention. "Okay, go ahead."

"I think you should be among the First outside the Command Chain that will get the news." He look her in the eyes. "I think it would be better coming from me rather than Alecx or some rumor vine." He took a breath. "I will no longer be the Chief Diplomatic Officer of the ship; my covering that billet has run the course and it is time I change."

"Okay," Razmi said seriously, trying to read his facial expression. "So what are you going to do then?" She swallowed sincerely hoping that he wasn't leaving the ship. What would she do without him.

"It is a lot to do with my changing things." Tadez said as he looked to her. "I will not be leaving the ship despite changing departments." He assured her. "It is a bit of a change you might not have expected, I will be going to be the Deputy Chief of Intel."

"Oh, okay. Well as long as you are happy, it doesn't matter to me what you do for a career," Razmi answered sincerely. It really didn't matter to her though she did wonder why Tadez was bringing it up. Was he afraid she wasn't going to like his change of career?

"Do you know what the term 'Test Subject?" He asked her.

"Yes. Why? Are you going to be one?" To her it meant being experimented on by some sort of medical professional. She looked fearfully at him.

"I have been one since before I joined this ship or met you." He chuckled lightly. "My job as a diplomat was what we call a cover; a rouse, a professionally created identity that I used to do my real work as an Intelligence Officer." He told her. "Being a diplomat was an experiment to see if it would work based on observations made of other races." He explained. "Emphasis on the Cardassians and Romulans; many of their Diplomats have been known Intel gatherers for decades. The Federation wanted to try and see if we could replicate that kind of a job."

"Ohhhh." Razmi said, catching on. "So you were lying to everyone about what you did and who you were?" It was probably a bit extreme of her to say that, but she really didn't mean it aggressively. She wasn't mad. As long as . . . . "I mean you're still Tadez right, you still like me?"

"I am still Tadez." He nod as he made eye contact. "I have never lied about how I feel when it comes to you." He lean closer. "Outside my Duty station all the things I told you are true, my Family and such are real and accurate." He chuckled a little. "It is important you know I care for you and that is why you are among the first I am telling about this... change."

Razmi took his face in her hands. "I don't care what you do for a living as long as you are honest about the important things, and you have been. I could care less about your job. Well as long as you aren't murdering people for fun or something." She shivered at the thought. "But you wouldn't do that, you're sweet."

Tadez lean closer and kissed Razmi with a light brush of the lips. "I have never lied about my feelingns and do not intend to." He winked.

"Good," Razzi managed to answer him. She was a little surprised by the kiss and the tingling feeling it left her with. He hadn't seemed to think about it, just drawn her close. "Were you worried I'd be upset?"

"It might have crossed my mind." He smiled and looked into her eyes deeply. "I do not lie to those I care for."

"Good," Razmi said, a blush forming on her cheeks at his closeness. "Can . . . I stay for a while? We could have dinner? It's been a while since I got to see you."

"I can replicate some dinner and you can stay as long as you like." He said with a playful yet serious tone. "I like having you with me, makes things better. And I do mean as long as you like; I will just enjoy your company."

"Okay," Razmi said a little bit embarrassed. She was thinking about sharing a bed with him, just to sleep but she couldn't bring herself to say the words out loud yet plus in the back of her mind she wondered what Stef would think of all this. "Dinner would be great then." She would start with that.

"How would like to try a hearty Bajoran Beef Stew and hot bread?" Tadez asked while heading to the replicator. "Having been enslaved and recently freed within a half century from the Cardassians, a lot of our traditional dishes are simple but hearty."

"Sounds amazing," Razzi commented, moving to stand up. Can I help with anything?" It suddenly dawned on her that she didn't know much about Bajorans, but she wanted to learn everything. Perhaps while they were eating she could ask him questions about his people. She didn't want to chase him off with all of her curiosities however, she would have to find a balance.

"Under the small bar is place mats and the silverware." Tadez grinned. "for more special occasions I take out the real stuff; I have accumulated it from some Diplomatic work so two setting and crystal glasses should be enough." He went to the replicator. "I keep four but then that would be a bit much unless you want seconds and clean bowls and plates?" He winked. "Replication will be just a moment."

"Sure," Razmi hurried forward and brought out the dishes that he indicated and the crystal glasses. "No, I don't need a clean plate. I had only two plates at home. Of course the only one who ever came over for dinner was Stef. But anyway," She said changing the subject. "It's been a crazy year hasn't it?"

"trying to keep Klingons from going to war with someone other than themselves, that is a Crazy situation." Tadez humored as he was setting the program for the food. "Having the Captain think about how a Delegate might be good served with butter, that is an strange turn of events when dealing with a race that resembles a creature Humans feast upon is Interesting." He watched as the food was beginning to materialize and glanced over his shoulder. :Meeting a lovely woman whom I like spending time, that is more what Humans call 'Good Luck." The replicator completed the food. "So I would be more inclined to an uneasy but good year considering."

"Maybe," Razmi smiled at him. "I just meant . . . well I left the only planet I've ever known and followed Stef here. I did meet you. I guess I just never imagined that I would have such an adventure." She placed the plates on the table and stood back wondering if she should sit down there or not.

Bringing the two bowls of stew and the bread he placed them on the table and pull the chair for her to be seated.

"A new adventure is always a bit uneasy and even scary when the choice is made." He told her with a smile. "One of the things I admire about you is the dedication you show to those you call family." He made sure she was comfortable before moving. "Let us say that when a pretty woman said I was in her seat, that started a good part of the year, the best part." He winked before seating himself.

"Maybe we should toast to that crazy good year?" Razmni said raising her glass. She'd seen others do it before her.

"Indeed." He clinked his glass to hers.


Civilian Navigator

Lt. Neenyo Tadez
Deputy Chief Intel


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