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Revolving Door

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 7:40pm by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: Cruel Meridian
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Md 01 13:00 Hours
997 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Herbert Barr approached the ready room of Captain Saulitis. He wasn’t looking forward to this assignment for more than one reason.

Firstly, it was the first assignment since he’d been stripped of his rank. He also assumed that most of the crew would hate him for getting people killed by the Breen. They didn’t know the full story though, they couldn’t. The risk of them knowing was too great.

Secondly, he had to babysit a princess bound for a marriage of peace. A mission which was bound to cause more trouble than it was worth.

Herb sighed before pressing the door chime and waited for permission to enter.

"Come in." Jane called. Despite the string of new officers that had already paraded through her office she wasn't expecting anyone else, not that she could recall at the moment. Perhaps it was time for more coffee. She glanced up as the door opened to reveal someone she didn't expect.

"Mr. Barr," She said without any emotion in her voice. "I didn't anticipate you'd be visiting my office so soon."

“I thought it best to come straight here after stowing my bag in my quarters. I hope my assignment here won’t cause to many problems for you, Captain. I realise I’m exactly the kind of officer you want on board with my recent record. I’ll try and keep a low profile as much as I can.” Barr replied in a respectful tone as he stood to attention.

Jane blinked at him. "Calm down Mr. Barr, I'm not going to throw you out an airlock. I can't guarantee that some of the officers on here won't shoot you daggers but I understand the complexities of diplomacy. This is a diplomatic vessel after all and my father was a diplomat. Besides, people shouldn't always believe what they read. You might have a perfectly good explanation, I don't know, nor am I going to ask. You do your job, I'll do mine and we'll get along famously."

“Thank you, Captain. I won’t preach to about what happened but there was more to the mission than what was disclosed to the public. I’ve been hung out to dry for everyone to see. I will do my duty while on board this vessel.” Herbert said. “I believe I’m to look after a princess who is being transported to a marriage of peace?”

"That's the general idea." Jane became much less enthusiastic as she disagreed with the whole arrangement. "She's just boarded with a security detail of her own but Starfleet thought it might be to have someone on board to insure a good bridge between Starfleet and her people, in addition to our diplomatic officer of course. You will be working closely with her as well."

Barr inwardly sighed, no don’t the Diplomatic team aboard the vessel would not be pleasant towards him. It would be something he’d just have to grin and bare. “Very well, ma’am. I’ll make sure I stop off and see the Diplomatic Officer before meeting the princess. How many people does she have?”

"Cassie, our diplomatic officer is a civilian, you might find her a bit more forgiving than a Starfleet officer. And right now, unofficially she can use the help out one of our intelligence officers but it's just her in the department. We've had a bit of bad luck keeping them it seems. Or did you mean Princess Leyana. Two gentlemen accompanied her on board." Jane said not quite understanding what he was asking.

“Perhaps I could offer my assistance to this Cassie as long as the Intelligence work isn’t restricted. My security clearance was revoked when my rank was stripped from me.” Bert said. “As for the Princess, I’m surprised she only has two guards with her considering what she’s going to do.” He said in an tone which didn’t approve of what was happening. “Has security place extra guards for her protection?”

"No, we've offered by she refused. She's a bit of an enigma. Had my first officer convinced that she expected him to carry her around when she first got on board then discovered she was teasing us. We're still not quite sure what to make of her. As for Cassie, I'm sure she'd appreciate the help."

“She sounds very childish. Does she actually know what the future holds for her? I mean, I don’t know the full background but marrying for peace is hardly a guarantee that it’ll happen.” Barr replied.

"Very true, and I have no idea. I honestly haven't met her yet for more than a minute. I voiced my objections to Starfleet, they basically told me to keep my mouth shut. But, if you feel the need to voice your concerns, then go for it. Starfleet has no hold over you any longer."

“I wish it was the case but I need to toe the line or it’s prison for me.” Bert said looking downward. “But I’m happy to object softly if it’s needed.”

"Every little bit helps, I'm sure. Anyway . . . probably not a lot we can do about it. She has to change her mind. Neither of us was born with mind control powers, it's a shame. Was there anything else you needed from me?"

“Not at the moment, ma’am. If that changes I’ll let you know.” Barr said with a curt nod. He understood there wasn’t much they could do about their mission apart from just getting it done.

"Good, well if you need anything, you know where to find me or my XO." Jane stood up and offered her hand. "Nice to have you on board Mr. Barr"

“Thank you, ma’am.” Barr said with a curt nod before he turned and left the Captain’s ready room.

Captain Jane Saulitis
Commanding Officer

Herbert Barr
Mission Adviser


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