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Rumrunners are here Sirs

Posted on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 @ 1:27am by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: Cruel Meridian
Location: Security Conference Room
Timeline: Before Departing Starbase 50
1288 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Qurrac had been hot on the trail of some misguided supplies that he had managed to get a chain of Cooking; that was the best way that he could describe the process. It was time to let the proper people know what was happening. The final bit that made it come together was on the dating of received materials, the payoffs.

The chain of evidence was limited and narrow in scope; reaching a logical conclusion once all the facts had come to light. It seem a common enough crime in itself; an infraction of Regulations that had been done without the permissions of the Command Chain. Qurrac hesitated once he had put it together; he was the new man and while doing his job the news would not be kind once brought to light.

Qurrac had taken the time for the room; set an hour aside but doubt his meeting would go that long; his information was the results of scouring the database and a little pacing the corridors before finding the answers.

He wait in the room; his presentation at the ready and just had to wait his Chief's and the Captain's arrivial to start.

Jane came through the door most displeased. She'd heard a rumor about why she was being asked to come here and if something was going on on her ship, she would ensure it never happened again. " Chief Warrant Officer, she greeted. "Please tell me this isn't as bad as I think it is?"

"By regulations there are a few points to be disputed; mostly just infringements with two exceptions Ma'am." Qurrac began. "I have to note first that your New Chief of Operations has not been established long enough to have caught wind prior to my investigation and the personnel in hydroponics are innocent of any wrong doing." He started. "That is the good news and possibly the misuse of heavier Replicator to create 'Personal use parts' might be over looked by your condescension." He glanced to the Commanding Officer. "The production of hazardous or dangerous materials; in this case liquid consumables with a relatively low flash point." He explained. "Distribution of a technical contraband; including issue of said material to a Command Officer in the form of a gift Ma'am." He knew that would not go over well with the Captain. "And the illicit acquisition of equipment parts not of Fleet man-ufacture or issue through questionable means of exchange." He handed her one of two padds. "The manufacture; distribution and black market aquisition of repair parts not issued with standard Operational channels. The quality of parts cannot be verified by seial-ization."

Jane frowned, it took her a while to figure out what she was looking at. Her brain a bit fuzzy from all the days activities of getting ready to leave Starbase 50. "They're making booze on the ship? Who is they?" She asked without reading all of the report.

"While illegal, it isn't unheard of," Lhaes said, seemingly appearing from the shadows of the room. Old habits did die hard and he was used to operating from the shadows. "I've heard of so-called engineroom hooch being brewed on ships. My sister even told me once of there being a distillery on one of her prior assignments."

"Commander Sommers." Qurrac gave a formal bow to his Department Chief. "I have read the tradition and that is what it has been for all the days since the First 'Hooch' was made." He said. "It has been 'over looked' as I told the Captain those are infringements; nothing more than slap on hands by Command." Qurrac handed the Commander his evaluation on the PADD. "However; once the same crew started to exchange this 'Hooch'; or more commonly called Moonshine, then the severity of the crimes escalated. It became an export; there is a market for Genuine alcoholic spirits; This Moonshine' has a reputation as never being produced and is an Art Form to create; thus the Synthale version is ... never enjoyed. The crew involved used that market to sell the consumable for a higher return rate. In essence made a profit which violated regulations." Qurrac pointed out. "It was a type of business run on the ship for approximately three months without licencing; the repair logs in that time have parts requisitioned with serial numbers not matching any in the Operations Database, These parts were brought aboard and used in repairs. The use of non-requisitioned parts outside an Emergency Situation violates several regulations." He look between them. "I am only giving the Violations of regulations Sirs, that is my duty. Why they did or to what benefiet is not for me to say. I just present the facts. WHen they export on an open market and used the parts that were not Fleet approved by regulations, there is the crime that need be out before the Captain, the others are more minor and I would not have mentioned until the larger crime and thus all involved inringments are to be presented at that time."

"Alright, so who is responsible?" Jane asked, that was what she really wanted to know. She looked to Lhaes, had he known about this investigation or was he in the dark like her.

"OPS Beta Shift Damage Control Team Two; the four names are there." Qurrac said. "Third page bottom."

Jane gave Lhaes a most displeased look. "You'll be following up with the Chief Warrant Officer here and interviewing these people i assume."

The Romulan security chief offered a semi-shrug. He had known an investigation had been going on but the finer details he'd not been up to date with. Either way he looked just as displeased as the commanding officer. "You can rest assured that we'll be getting some answers," he offered grimly, "making moonshine is one thing, but using stolen parts is quite another."

"Personally I don't like the idea of either. There's a reason we have replicators on this ship. Bringing real alcohol on board the ship when we stop at a starbase or a planet doesn't bother me but producing it on my ship without my knowledge . . ." She didn't finish the rest of the sentence but it was clear she was not pleased about any of it. Jane had always been a rule follower.

"I only started this investigation due to regulation in fractions; I did not know the extent of it." Qurrac replied. "That is my duty, to look into infractions and crimes with the occasional mystery. Once the evidence and interviews are concluded my duty is over ma'am. The discipline is for Command."

"You've done quite well," Lhaes assured him, "and as someone who is personally highly allergic to any alcoholic beverage I can't express enough concern about this being produced on the ship." He looked up at the captain. "Once we detain the perpetrators, what would you like me to do with them ma'am?"

"Throw the book at them." Jane replied simply. "I don't think any excuse I hear will be satisfactory and I'll be having a conversation with the new XO about things." It wasn't his fault, she knew. But since he was now on board, he needed to be made aware of the situation.

Qurrac bow to the superiors; he had one of the men involved that he would not be arresting; it might be considered bad form; the Shift lead should be taken by another.

"We will further investigate. Thank you for bringing this to our attention Qurrac." Jane replied. She glanced at Lhaes and left the room, her mind in turmoil about the things that had taken place on her ship.

Captain Jane Saulitis
Commanding Officer

LtC Lhaes Sommers

Chief Warrent Officer Qurrac
Investigations Officer.


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