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The More You Know

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 12:54am by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: Cruel Meridian
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 02: 1400
1843 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Streaks of starlight continued to pass by the viewscreen as they had done for the past three hours that the Majestic had been underway to her destination. With the embarrassment of his initial meeting with Princess Leyana the day before still fresh on his mind, Jared had made his way to the bridge for a meeting with Captain Saulitis. His conversation with the chief intelligence officer and the civilian head of the diplomatic detachment had brought up some concerns that he felt like he needed to bring to her attention. He was very conscious of the way Leyana had played him, which only served to add to the self-doubt he was experiencing related to his own objectivity to the mission. His sincere hope was that the viewpoint of his commanding officer would provide some clarity to the situation.

Hanover took a breath to collect his thoughts before keying his presence at the ready room door.

"Come in," Jane called. She looked up from her desk as the doors swished open. "You look like you're the bearer of bad news. What's the matter?" Jared was generally an easygoing guy from her experiences with him so to be so somber made her sit up and take notice.

"Apologies, I don't mean to bear the look of bad news," Hanover attempted a half-hearted grin that seemed somewhat convincing. "I'm not dodging it. I'm sure it'll come up during this conversation, and I'm more than happy to discuss it, but the main reason I've come is to provide a bit of an update after meeting with T'Par and Cassie yesterday. May I sit?"

"Of course." Jane cocked her head slightly. "What kind of update? Is the princess causing issues again?" Her behavior when she had first come on board had been super surprising considering everything Jane had ever heard about the girl was pleasant, even self sacrificing.

"No, not as such," Jared replied as he pulled a chair aside to take a seat. "At least, not by action. As far as I know, she has been keeping to herself ever since coming aboard. I think, more or less, that yesterday's conversation brought up how strongly some of the crew hold their beliefs when it comes to marriage and reasons to get married. Incidentally, congratulations captain - the best to you and yours."

"Thank you," Jane replied, knowing the word would get around eventually to every new member of the crew. "And yes," Jane sighed, "I expect everyone has an opinion about it. Different cultures and species have their own thoughts no it as well." But there was more to his point, she knew.

"Before I continue, I must commend Lieutenant T'Par and her ability to apply the principles of logic to the situation. We've got a good intelligence officer in her - an asset to be trusted. It goes without saying the same can be said about Cassandra, but I digress. T'Par's research discovered a mythological account of a Tulian princess who, instead of going along with an arranged marriage, eloped with a poet and left the groom at the alter, if I might be so bold as to paraphrase. The need to right this wrong seems to fuel the Sozon Emperor," he sarcastically gestured as if he were removing a hat in the presence of a sovereign leader. "Listen, I am not here to comment on his lifestyle as a playboy, but the fact is an integral part of understanding exactly what kind of man he is."

Jane listened, although she hadn't known about the story, the behavior of the emperor was common knowledge it seemed and all of the thoughts he was just voicing had already run through her head many times. He didn't seem to be done however so she nodded encouragingly. At least one of them could get everything off their chest.

"Then, I suppose, we reach the latest point of inflammation in what has largely been an on-again, off-again conflict. This time, the Tulian prince was the one who wanted a break from tradition. So, as both Cassie and T'Par explained to me, this wedding that we are taking Princess Leyana to appears to be the key to peace." Jared concluded his lengthy explanation, folding one leg over the other as he recollected the discussion from the day previous.

He sighed, having finally arrived to the reason behind his worried expression. "I feel strongly about this - being a father to two daughters and as a man of morals. I know our orders, but I can't help but feel that some of the crew feel the same way. I feel like," he rubbed his temples, " maybe I should recuse myself from any authoritative duties when it comes to the handling of this case."

Hanover looked up at Jane, thankful that she had given him enough time to get his thoughts out of his head and into the open. He sat back, much of the tension having left his body lanuage.

"Does any of that make sense?"

She propped up her head on one arm and gave him a small smile. "No." She said perfectly seriously then she waved away the answer before he could comment. "Of course it does Jared, everything you just said has already filtered through my brain. I've had ten arguments with myself since I found out about this mission and a captain who walks around arguing with herself out loud is seen as a bit of a handicap, especially if she can't win the argument. Why do you think I'm hiding in my office?" She sighed again. "Unless through mentorship one of us manages to talk her out of it, which we can't technically do as Starfleet Officers who are supposed to follow orders, I don't see any way around it. I hate it. It's completely ancient, sexist, stupid and every fiber of my being wants to smack both of them until their heads spin. But I can't do a thing, not for her. For you though, I can assign someone else to look after Leyana. Perhaps we should give Mr. Barr another chance?"

"Perhaps we should," Hanover nodded. A not insignificant part of his anxiousness was pacified with the realization that he and Jane were on the same page. Time would tell whether or not that particular fact was good for the mission, but it did wonders for his ease of mind.

"I gotta admit, captain," he continued. "Diplomacy is a lot easier when it's just point and shoot. Hopefully we can teach this old dog some new tricks."

"Yes, but Starfleet frowns on us when we shoot things and I don't want to have to fill out anymore paperwork." Jane yawned and then blushed slightly. "Sorry, the coffee isn't kicking in yet. Have you had lunch? Care to join me in the lounge?"

"Mid-afternoon circadian low," Jared shrugged as he stood up, stifling his own sympathetic yawn. "Happens to the best of us. I'd be happy to join you. I was just thinking to myself how I was feeling snackish."

"I wonder how Min is settling in? I know she was on the bridge this morning, but I assume she's not having nightmares about being in a strange place or missing her mother too much." Jane led the way out of the ready room and toward the turbolift. "After what happened to her father I think someone should have their eye on her at all times, even if we let her roam fairly freely."

"I'm inclined to agree, but I also think that between Lieutenant Commander Murphy and Chef Patrick, they are more than up to the task of making her feel safe and welcomed. Not to mention she seems to get along with Lieutenant Sullivan as well," Hanover wrinkled his nose in an attempt to fend off an itch. "There are many children on the ship, especially for a crew of this size, so I think just about everyone is used to it and will be willing to lend a hand."

Seven pips stood side by side in the turbolift as they traveled two decks further down into the saucer section of the ship.

"True, I guess I'm just a worrier." Jane had never regretted having children aboard her ship. Most missions were routine and they got to remain with their parents which she thought was the important thing. "I'm sure she's fine. Murph wouldn't let anything happen to her, despite his fear of birds." She let that slip knowingly and smiled.

If he had caught onto the captain's leak of a personality trait of the chief engineer, nothing in Jared's behavior or body language indicated as much. Instead, he quickly ducked in line behind Jane as they passed group of operations personnel moving a large container through the corridor, fanning back out after they had passed. Twenty more paces would have the two of them standing outside of the lounge.

"And you never know, captain. There are many well-documented cases of children and teenagers playing invaluable roles as a part of crews throughout Starfleet. Plus, if she is to become a diplomat, I can think of no better experience for her than being right here in the middle of it all," Jared drew his statement to a close as they sat down at a table. "Granted, I don't know the crew as well as you do, but I'd bet that when it's all said and done, Min'll hate having to leave us."

"I think you're right there, so far she's highly enjoyed the experience. As for being a diplomat, It's a bit too early for her to decide what she wants to be but it will be interesting to see what she chooses when she is older." Jane took a certain amount of pride in the fact that Min had done so well piloting, it was her first track after all and she'd enjoyed seeing the interaction between Min and Lieutenant Sullivan. "Let's make a rule between the two of us." Jane suddenly said.

Hanover inhaled sharply, preparing himself for whatever mandate his new captain might have for him. The possibilities ran the gamut.

"No talking about work when we're having lunch?" She sat at the table they'd walked toward in the lounge and smiled at the waiter as he approached.

Uproarious laughter erupted from the other side of the table. Jared had been propping his head up, using his right elbow as a stand as a way to prepare himself, only to have Jane's sense of humor truly expose how uptight and worked up about the princess' situation had gotten him. He suddenly felt quite at ease; a considerable weight had been spirited away from him.

"Agreed. I rue the day when we will be forced to break our rule for some grave circumstance, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it," he grinned as his eyes flashed upwards towards the waiter. "Now, about lunch?"

Captain Jane Saulitis
Commanding Officer

Commander Jared Hanover
Executive Officer


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