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Again and Again

Posted on Tue Apr 7th, 2020 @ 2:02am by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: Cruel Meridian
Location: Sommers family quarters
Timeline: MD 05 07:30: Hours
1068 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Beatrice opened her eyes. She felt a bit odd and rolled over toward Lhaes only to realize he was already out of bed. One of the children probably woke him up. Still, it was nice that he'd let her sleep in. She rose, showered, dressed and entered the living area of their quarters. "Good Morning."

Three children sat at the dinner table looked up at her, while Lhaes turned around as he stood at the replicator. "Ahh good morning," he smiled, "what would you like for breakfast?"

"Oh . . . . to be honest I'm not that hungry this morning." She waved her fingers at the kids who were all staring at her. "I feel a bit odd, I'm sure it's nothing." She shrugged. She didn't feel ill, just off.

Concern flitted across the Romulan's face. "Are you sure?" Setting the plates in front of the little ones, he then walked up to her. "You're married to a doctor, come sit down and let me have a look... What feels odd?"

"I can't explain it, everything just feels off. I don't feel ill. I feel perfectly healthy physically. Just this sense of unease in my mind. Like this is all wrong." Beatrice finally decided that was it. But she sat for him and glanced up into his grey eyes.

For his own peace of mind he took a quick scan with his tricorder. "You are healthy," he confirmed, breathing a sigh of relief, "and now that I'm made aware, I can sense your unease. How long have you had this feeling?"

"Since I woke up this morning. Though I think I slept restlessly last night. I feel like something is really wrong but everything seems fine. It's very strange." Beatrice said as she looked around the room and back at him. "Almost like . . . . something is exactly the same. I don't know," she shook her head.

"Well, our mornings are usually the same since we got married..." He gave her an encouraging smile. "Surely you would've woken me if it was restless?" He gave her a playful wink to ease her worries. "Unless you slipped me something to sleep deeper?"

Beatrice scoffed. "Yes, I regularly knock you out so I can take over more of the bed. I guess I'm just being silly. I'll go get dressed." She said rising from her spot. "I thought maybe I could take the little ones to the holodeck today after school? I know of a really fun and interactive program about nature and scientific discovery."

"I think that's a great idea," Lhaes smiled, "and really you don't need my permission to take them anywhere. If I hadn't trusted you with them, I'd never have agreed to marry you." He leaned over and kissed her, earning him an ewwww from one of the girls.

Beatrice giggled. "Just you wait. The boys will be flocking to you soon enough and your dad will be out there fighting them off with a stick." She looked back at Lhaes. "I just wanted to make sure you didn't have any plans with them." It was strange, when she had first met Lhaes, despite his willingness to flirt with her, she had thought him rather stiff but he was very warm with her. Perhaps it had just been a broken heart. "Dressed," she said as if she'd forgotten what she was doing.

For a moment, Lhaes just watched her, but there was something wrong indeed and he just couldn't place it. "I have fought boys off with a stick," he chuckled, "ones my little sister brought home, ones that were no good for her."

"Really?" the girls exclaimed in chorus. "Did any daddy ever chase you off?" Liviana then asked, all too innocently.

"Honey?" Lhaes called out, "why don't you answer that one?"

Beatrice winked at the girl. "A lady never divulges her secrets. As for your father, I seriously doubt anyone would chase him off, he's such a sweetheart." she made to kiss him again when movement caught her out of the corner of her eye. She turned to look at it and realized with horror that it was her, she was it. Beatrice herself was standing only feet away from herself. How was this possible? Beatrice screamed and scrambled away from it, bumping into the table in her haste to get away.

Lhaes was up on his feet, racing to catch her. "Tris?" He asked, clear worry in his eyes. "What's going on?" He could sense her fear without much effort, as well as her confusion. "What scared you so?"

"I saw . . . . I just saw myself. It was me Lhaes, just over there." She pointed to one end of the table. "It was me, but it wasn't me. It felt like me but we were sharing the same time and space. That's impossible."

"It is," Lhaes agreed. "I'll have a word with security when I get to the office and see if there's been any more reports across the ship. If not someone is playing a very sick joke, and I'll find who's responsible." He held her in his arms, running his hand over her hair. "But you're safe here. Maybe you should stay in today, while we investigate?"

She shook her head, "I don't want to stay here by myself. Can I stay in your office? I'll be quiet." She looked up at him with her eyes wide, clearly still very startled by what had happened moments before but trying to be brave about it.

"I don't need you to be quiet," Lhaes smiled, "we'll get the children to school and then you can keep me company. Perhaps you have some insights that I don't. I'm still getting my feelers out in security, my intel habits are well... hard to unlearn."

It made her feel so much better to accompany him and she smiled and nodded. "Good, I will help in any way I can," Beatrice promised. She hurried into the bedroom, took a quick shower and put on some clothes. She was ready in no time at all and replicated a very simple breakfast that could be eaten on the go.

Dropping off the children at the ship's daycare, Lhaes then led his wife to his office. "Let's see what we can find,". He commented as he logged on.

Beatrice Benjamin Sommers
Lhaes's wife, Jane's Mom
PNPC by Saulitis

Lieutenant Commander Lhaes Sommers


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