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Not My Jane

Posted on Thu Jun 11th, 2020 @ 3:38am by Hak & Captain Jane Saulitis (P)

Mission: Torn- Parallel Majestic
Location: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: PMD 1
770 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

One of the first things she'd done since repairing the engines was try to contact Hak. So far he'd been silent which wasn't completely unusual. Given his job it was often hard to reach him but she had an unease this time about it as if something just wasn't quite right. So when the computer chirped that she had an incoming message she sprang to her feet and ran to the monitor putting a smile on her face before she'd even seen his.

Hak came onto the screen, but his likeness was different somehow. Subtle differences that might not have been too obvious to a casual observer, but would be noticed by someone as close to him as Jane: his hair was a bit longer and parted differently, his face a bit more gaunt which drew out his cheekbones, a scruff of a week-old beard was visible. The clothing he wore was civilian, a worn leather jacket over a simple natural fabric shirt. He scrutinized the screen, scanning it for details with his dark eyes after the image of Jane in her quarters came up.

He didn't speak first, but waited for her.

Though it hadn't been that long since they parted, he looked completely different. It certainly gave her pause. "Hak?" Jane said as if uncertain. "Are you okay?" The smile had slid from her face when she'd seen his appearance and she was now looking at him with her head tilted slightly.

After a moment more of delay, Hak gave a singular nod, but his facial expressions were being kept purposely neutral. "I am. How can I be of assistance?"

She stared at him completely confused. "I hadn't been able to contact you. I was getting worried." She finally responded. "What's going on there, you look . . . tired."

"I was born tired," Hak laced his fingers together and rested them on his stomach as he leaned back in the chair. It was hard to tell where he was, but it was dark with only minimal lighting.

"My apologies for not returning your comm earlier. We have been trying to verify its authenticity for the last few hours. Regardless," Hak continued, "You are looking exceptionally well, Jane. To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?"

That got her attention. He usually only called her Jane in public, preferring to use her initials instead, a nickname he had taken to using when they first started dating over twenty years before this. Something was really really wrong with all this. She needed to talk to him but to make sure it was private. "Are you on a secure channel?"

Hak quirked an eyebrow and sat upright again. "Yes, the channel is secure, Jane. What is going on?"

"I could ask the same question of you. Why do you look like you've been through the ringer and why are you calling me Jane? I just came out of some kind of anomaly, I thought. Then you didn't answer. And you're acting really weird."

Hak narrowed his gaze on the screen, as though deciding whether he believed the woman on the screen to be telling the truth or not. Eventually, he nodded slightly. "I agree that something is very weird. You may not be who I thought you were and I may not be who you think I am... perhaps we should meet in person to find the answers."

She thought about asking if this was some kind of joke, but this really wasn't his style. "Are you close? I still have to drop the princess off on Sozon II."

"Sozon II?" Hak sounded surprised and rubbed his chin. "I don't think that's going to happen. Sozon II hasn't been inhabited in over a hundred years. I'll send you coordinates for a rendezvous point in safe space."

Jane couldn't help it. Her mouth just fell open. "Maybe you'd better," she replied quietly once she found she had control of her muscles again. "How long?"

"One hundred and seven years," Hak replied. "I know because the losses were much, much greater than Sozon II." He nodded to someone off screen. "We're transmitting coordinates now. Please make haste, Captain, and safe travels. Station Commander Hakala out."

She had actually meant how long until he wanted to meet with her but she wasn't able to get a word in edgewise and his use of his full name startled her. She tapped her communicator. "Lieutenant Sullivan please change course to the coordinates being sent to you and proceed there at maximum warp."

Captain Jane Saulitis
P/Commanding Officer

Commander Hakala
P/Station Commander, Yorktown Settlement


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