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To Whom It May Concern

Posted on Wed Jul 29th, 2020 @ 8:43am by Captain Jane Saulitis (P)

Mission: Torn- Parallel Majestic
Location: Captain's Quarters/Various Corridors
Timeline: PMD 02
855 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Jane woke with a start. No one was there, it was no different than most of the other mornings she'd woken except as soon as her brain began to function she knew she was in a universe that was completely wrong from her own and she couldn't help but worry about what was going to happen to her and her crew while they remained there. She rose from bed, slipped on her plush robe and headed for the replicator to get herself a cup of something warm, without caffeine so she could return to sleep.

[Jeffery Tubes]

Vannan was most comfortable in the 'tubes' as her size and grace allowed her to move. Truth be told it reminded her of her youth in Stratos City; the floating city, where growing up she spent more time in those crawlspaces that out playing. Her Father was a Trog; she is a Trog, but unlike most she was up in the city. SHe worked directly for the "Elite and not in the mines.

The Majestic Crawlspaces are larger and cleaner but they still felt like the comforts of home. She had her tool satchel with her as she ended the repairs; routing of the Junction Box. She should be tired; she had work nearly half a shift longer than she needed. It was getting late; she should go to sleep but being in the middle of all this; no clear way back and all she knew in a balance. She worked to keep her mind from wondering but enough is enough.

Crawling out of the tubes she dust off her skirt and moved to a turbo lift, she would go to her quarters and get some sort of sleep.

Putting on some slippers Jane decided it wouldn't hurt to simply go for a little stroll out of her room. So what if she was in her nightgown. This was her ship, well technically starfleets, but she ran it and at least she had clothing on of some sort.

She came up behind another woman who looked a little worse for the ware. "Lieutenant. Are you all right?" She asked, closing her robe more tightly.

"Oh, Captain..." Vannan was caught up short. "I-I was doing some repairs; took longer than one might think." SHe forced a smile. "I should ask the same of you ma'am, I have been known to walk on a rough night. Anything I can do to help, friendly ear over tea, repair your replicactor?"

"No, just restless I guess. I figured it wouldn't hurt to stretch my legs. Better than lying in bed in an empty room." Jane wasted no time in getting right to the point of the conversation. "How are you holding out? I mean, you might have had family back in our universe. I'm sure this is a big adjustment to you . . . . well not that they don't exist here of course. I really have no idea . . . " she felt as if she were just digging the hole deeper.

"I miss Papa." She kept the forced smile. "And..." She was reaching for anything that might ease the Captain, even in a small way. "A person or two I am kind of glad are no longer going to be ... here." SHe winked. "WE have alll had the guy that wanted more than he deserved you know?"

Jane smiled though her answer really was no. She'd been such a quiet person in her youth that the only one who had made the effort to get to know her, beyond her serious expression, was Hak. "Well you certainly won't have to worry about that any longer. Hopefully we will find a way home sooner rather than later. But for now I think it's important that we help these people."

"Sooner to see Papa would be preferred." Vannan explained. "I am keeping the systems at the ready. It helps to keep busy."

"Of course," she was right on that point. Just sitting around waiting for something to happen was killing her. "Have you explored the station at all, met any of the people?"

"I have been on the Majestic, repairs and by-passing takes time Captain, I have not gone over as yet." Vannan answered. "Is it important ma'am?"

Jane shrugged. "It might be. It wouldn't hurt to look anyway. And they could use our help with power sources. They've not had the same resources as us."

"I am a Damage Control Girl, I will get some shut eye then go over." She gave a tired grin. "Almost double shift to get this much done; If I want to help might need be at my Best?"

"Yes, I think they might not like it if you blew up their station." Jane grinned at her. "I should try to get some sleep again as well. Let me know if you need any help. I'm itching to do something other than pace around the room."

"I will see if I can find an excuse." Vannan offered. "Sleep well Captain."

"You too Lieutenant, when you get to that point." Jane turned and went back the way she'd come, toward her quarters.


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