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Post Mortem

Posted on Mon Aug 24th, 2020 @ 12:56am by

Mission: Cruel Meridian
Location: Diplomatic Offices
Timeline: MD15
576 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

"Chief Diplomat's Log, Stardate 73643.8

"If I may be so bold, this was a complete mess. Mistakes were made, and they will have dire consequences, not only for the Sozon Empire, but also for the Tulias Alliance. I wanted to avoid them, but unfortunately, those consequences cannot be avoided.

"First and foremost, I want to address the membership application. Many had great hopes that it would be accepted, yet it would not be so. I don't know the full extent of the ramifications the rejection will bring, but I do know this: the Great War of the Sozon Empire, as Emperor Tevrin Condruil calls it, will continue. The empire is a war machine; its whole economy, I've learned, depends on its continuation. This, of course, may or may not be true; I have not further investigated the matter.

"Some of the Emperor's councillors will be punished for their supposed hubris: execution, exile, anything is possible. As an autocrat, Emperor Condruil will apply the law as he sees fit. It's possible that any movement calling for a peaceful resolution to the war will be stamped down by the authorities.

"The Tulias Alliance will most likely bear the brunt of Sozon's wrath; it has always been so. The former simply doesn't have the means to keep this conflict going in perpetuity, but the latter does. As I've mentioned, the Empire's entire economy, so I've been told, is based upon the production of war.

“I also want to address the Emperor’s marriage to Princess Leyana of the Tulias Alliance. As I understand it, our main mission, which was to escort her to Sozon II for her impending wedding, and we have. However, the wedding, or Holy Rites in local jargon, has not taken place. The Emperor has unilaterally dissolved the betrothal contract, therefore absolving Princess Leyana of her contractual obligations.

“This may be seen as a win, but it is anything but. I’ve received word that the Princess is to be exiled in perpetuity, effective immediately. She has next to no support system outside her home planet, and she is most definitely not welcome in Sozon territory.

“In light of these developments, I make the following recommendations. The first recommendation is to process the Tulian application in due process and according to schedule. The rejection of the Sozon application should not invalidate that of the Tulian’s. Second, I suggest the Federation monitor future development between the two powers, especially that of the Empire. The rejection of their application may spark conflict at an internal level, which I do not believe the Emperor is prepared for. In no way should the Federation intervene, unless expressly asked to do so. Third, should Princess Leyana of the Tulias ask for political asylum, the Federation should be prepared to accept her request. She has been used as a pawn in a far too lengthy political game, and it has never been to her advantage.
“As for me, I want to offer my sincere apologies for my failure to bring about a more positive conclusion to this mission. As they say, you win some, you lose some. I have most definitely lost this one.

“On that note, I have attached all documents and recordings pertaining to the talks I’ve had with the Emperor during our stay on Sozon II. Feel free to contact me if you feel further discussions on the matter are required.

“End log.”

Cassandra Leblanc-Reed
Chief Diplomat


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