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Bird on a Wire

Posted on Thu Nov 1st, 2018 @ 2:14am by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: Run Afoul
Location: Vayr's quarters
Timeline: MD 3 1300 Hours
1124 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

It was just too easy...

Stef knew he was possibly going too far in his endeavours, but it was just too easy. He watched the quarters closely, knowing the bird person which had taken up habitat inside, would be waking soon.

In his hands, the young Vulcan held a box, which contained special feed which his chickens loved so much. He fully intended to offer it to the ambassador, except there was more to his visit. He wanted to see if his efforts had paid off, despite knowing Mister Murphy had been here not too long ago.

Almost impatiently, the teenager waited for his moment to arrive.

Vayr walked leisurely down the corridor, smiling and chatting with people as he went. This really was a lovely ship with a friendly crew. It was nearly dinner time however, so rather than continue to talk to whomever he met he made his way towards his very spacious quarters for his evening meal. He was rather sad he had no one to share it with this evening. Vayrl entered his quarters and went straight for the replicator to order himself another steak. The container that came out had only feet though. Were these bird feet?! This was not amusing! Who had done this? Vayr thought to press the communications button on the panel but perhaps a visit to Mr. Murphy might be more discrete. He exited his quarters only to nearly run into a young man standing just outside the door.

Stef hadn't expected to be nearly bowled over, but he steadied himself, and the ambassador in reflex. "Ambassador," he greeted brightly, almost too brightly for one his age and heritage, "I was just on my way to see you." He held out the box towards the bird-man, his expression gone utterly serious. "I was told that this is something you like sir," he deadpanned, "and I have plenty of it to spare so I thought I would bring some by to you."

"Sorry youngling, I did not mean to run into you. Some?" Vayr looked down. His already ruffled feathers puffed out a bit more but he replied rather calmly. "I am a carnivore. I do not eat seeds."

"But sir..." Stef held out the box, pretending to not be any wiser. "You are... a bird.... do birds not eat seeds?"

"I am a sentient life form, I do not tweet. Nor do I eat seeds. There are many avian species. Am I the first that you have met?" Vayr looked down at his companion. Perhaps a younger ambassador would not have reacted as politely but he was fairly certain the boy meant no harm.

The teenager blinked in surprise. "Tweet, sir?" He shook his head. "Sentient...yes sir.. but not the first avian per sé. I have chickens, and they do not twitter..." The boy was clearly thrown, despite his feigned calm exterior.

"Chickens aren't sentient, at least not at the same level as the Creoli." He sighed, this was becoming tiresome despite his usually patient mindset. "If you will excuse me I need to speak to Lieutenant Murphy about my replicator."

"But they do respond," Stef countered, "and they are of great help. How is that not sentient, when they feel what I might need? I know when they are hungry, and I know when they need attention, because they let me know."

"I am merely suggesting that they are not up to the standards of life forms such as you and I." Vayr retorted. "Now really, I must be going to engineering." Vayr began to walk that direction.

"I will walk with you." Stef seemed determined to remain in the bird's company. "I would be remiss in my duties if I allowed you to become lost sir." He drew in a deep breath. "My name is Stef."

"Vayr," responded the ambassador as he offered his clawed hand. "Are your parents on board or are you a cadet Stef?" He wasn't wearing a uniform so Vayr was curious.

Stef didn't accept the hand, shaking his head instead. "No sir, I am the captain's yeoman and the ship's animal caretaker. I chose not to go to the academy. My parents, insofar I am aware, are on Vulcan."

"I see." Vayr responded, wondering if he had offended the young man. If so he had not meant to. "And do you enjoy your positions on this ship?"

"Yes sir," the teenage Vulcan answered brightly, "I look after all the animals in the arboretum and I am going to learn how to take care of them when they are sick. I want to be a veternarian sir... eventually anyway."

"A noble profession. Are your parents in Starfleet? How did you end up on a Starship?" Vayr asked curiously as they entered the turbolift.

Stef shook his head. "No sir, they reside on Vulcan. Me and my twin sister decided to atend Starfleet academy but neither of us felt challenged enough by learning in school. We went our own way, deciding to enlist and learn while serving on a ship. My sister was killed recently.." He paused, wondering if he should talk this much with a total stranger. "To... deal with the loss..." He faltered, shaking his head again. "I am sorry sir, this is not something I find myself willing to discuss, it is too upsetting for me."

"Apologies, I didn't mean offense." They exited the turbolift in silence and Vayr parted the doors and gestured for the young Vulcan to go first. "If Mr. Murphy can sort out my replicator would you perhaps like to have dinner with me this evening?"

"I am not offended sir," the young man answered politely, then offered a small smile. "I would be honoured sir," he finally answered after a moment of thought. "Though... I am vegetarian sir."

"No matter, I will abstain from eating meat in your presence and you may order what you like from the replicator. Assuming we can get Mr. Murphy to fix it of course. Lieutenant!" Vayr called out as he headed toward the Chief Engineer.

"You do not have to defer from your eating habits sir," Stef offered, reaching to tap the ambassador on the back, aiming to be friendly. "I should get back to my duties sir...I hope Mister Murphy can repair your replicator." The boy's face was impassive as he spoke, not in the least bit showing any sign of pending mischief as he watched the note stuck to the bird's back. Pluck Me it said and Stef had quite a bit of trouble not to giggle as he walked away.

Ambassador Vayr (pnpc- Saulitis)
Creoli representative
USS Majestic

Crewman Apprentice Stef
Animal Caretaker/Captain's Yeoman
pnpc Lhaes
USS Majestic


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