You Missed A Spot
Posted on Wed Apr 17th, 2019 @ 6:53pm by Lieutenant Commander Dominic Aldrich
Location: Marga III
654 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure
Wilfred felt like he might stick to something if he leaned against anything so he waddled down on the beach, unsure where to park himself. He couldn't exactly sit in the sand, not with the amount of sunscreen he'd rubbed all over himself, just in case. He also wore a hat, sunglasses and a long sleeve shirt and he was roasting. He guessed that was the point of this vacation, to get a little heat and forget his troubles.
Dominic was relaxing in a chair reading over the previous logs of the Science department when he noticed a young man choose a spot near him. As he looked, he noticed that he seemed to have bathed in sunscreen and then was wearing clothing better suited for a fall day. "You have got to be hot," Dominic said. It wasn't in his nature to be very outgoing, but he was genuinely concerned for the man's health.
"Yeah," He nodded. "But isn't that the point of a spot like this?" Wilfred seemed to have no idea that the other man was referring to how many layers of clothing he had on. "Might as well enjoy it while I can before I return to the perfect ship controlled environment."
Dominic took a deep breath and said, "Yes, the point is to be in the warm sunshine. What I meant though is that you are going to have a heat stroke with all of that clothing on."
"Oh, well . . . maybe. But I'm so light skinned and I really worry about things like sun exposure to my fair skin. I might burn up, or get cancer or something. I guess I could take one later off. It is rather hot out here." Wilfred took off the long sleeves only to reveal a t-shirt underneath. "Wilfred Wexler," he said, offering his sticky hand.
Dominic paused for a moment before returning the hand shake, "Dominic Aldrich, Chief Science Officer. You?"
"Brig Officer," Wilfred practically sighed out. "Most people think I made the wrong career choice but I was looking for something quiet that would allow me to see the universe. Funny how our last mission was anything but quiet. You um, haven't by chance met the Chief of Security have you?"
"Not yet," Dominic replied. "Why do you ask? Should I be worried?"
Wilfred shrugged. "She's nice enough I guess," he mumbled. As long as he didn't think about the joke she and the Chief Intel officer had played on him. "She's part Betazoid." He said this as if casually making conversation and hoped his cheeks weren't betraying any color.
Commander Aldrich was trying to follow where the young officer was going, but for whatever reason he was lost. Being very straight forward was always Dominic's way of doing things so he asked. "May I ask why that's relevant to my meeting her?"
"I dunno, I guess . . . just watch yourself." Wilfred shrugged. "She's gorgeous but she'll jump up and down on your heart in seconds." Wilfred made a motion to imitate his feelings on the subject but jumping up and down on a rock, losing his balance and nearly falling over.
"Indeed," Dominic said with a raised eyebrow and nod. "I've had my fair experience with strong women. I'll heed your warning." He just wasn't sure what to make of this young man who seemed more out of touch than under control.
"Yeah. Good. You're right though. It's too hot down here. I think I'll go back up to the ship. It was nice to meet you though." Wilfred gave the other man a nod and headed a little farther away to initiate transport.
Dominic watched him walk away. He then smiled, shook his head, took a breath and went back to reading. This was turning out to be quite the crew thus far.
Ensign Wilfred Wexler
Brig Officer
USS Majestic
pnpc by Saulitis
Lt. Cmdr. Dominic Aldrich
USS Majestic