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Did they leave me?

Posted on Mon Apr 8th, 2019 @ 8:57am by

Mission: The Fool's Odyssey
Location: Marda III
Timeline: one minute after comm silence
433 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Stef pulled the communicator from his tunic and stared at it in disbelief for a few seconds. Then he tapped it again. "Hello? Majestic, anyone there?"

Nothing but static in response. He tapped it again a few times until finally he realized he wasn't going to get an answer. Period. Surely, the ship had left by now, otherwise they would've responded right? Shaking his head, he stuffed the communicator in his bag.

It took a full minute before realization really hit him and he sank down into the sand, burying his face into his hands. They really did leave him behind, but why? Had he been so bad at his job? For a moment, he was overwhelmed with doubt before he pulled himself together. "No you idiot, it must be something else..."

Minutes, however, turned into hours and the shuttle that he had heard the Captain would be sending, never showed up. The young Vulcan started to pace, fighting down panic. Who would take care of his chickens now? Who would care for any of the animals on board? What of Beata? Oh she would hate him, she would hate him for leaving her, for not coming back when he should've.

But, he had never heard any summons. Never so much as a peep from his communicator, indicating there had been a call waiting. He pulled the small device out again and turned it over in his hand. He had no real clue how the mechanics of such a small thing worked, he was no engineer after all, but it had functioned on that last call hadn't it?

Shaking his head, he pulled himself back to his feet, threw his pack over his shoulder and started to walk back into town. He'd wait out the night, and see in the morning if perhaps they would come for him after all. Maybe something was interfering with communications, maybe it was something as simple as that...

He found accommodations for the night and settled down on the bed. Sleep however, eluded him, as worry gnawed at his conscience. He still couldn't shake the feeling that something more was going on. It was too bad that he had nothing to scan the system with, to see if perhaps he could find the ship in orbit. He didn't even know the trajectory of the ship so even if he had a telescope, trying to find the ship was like looking for a needle in a hay stack. It was simply impossible.

At long last, he drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

Crewman Apprentice Stef
Stranded Yeoman


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