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Need to get a life

Posted on Mon Apr 8th, 2019 @ 8:57am by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: The Fool's Odyssey
Location: Marda III
Timeline: a few months after being stranded
1089 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Stef had shed what remained of his uniform weeks ago, having resorted to the local wear. But his clothes were wearing thin, and he didn't own any spares. His PADD had run out of power, and his tricorder was now only used for emergencies as its battery was running low too.

He was still living on the farm, making himself useful but this wasn't what he wanted to do. "Razmi, I need your help..." He actually looked lost, because that's how he felt. Trapped between holding hope and moving on. Did moving on mean he was giving up hope? Or was he stupid to even hope there was a chance they'd come back for him.

She took one look at him and came over immediately. "What's the matter?" Her colorful skirts swished as she walked. It was an attempt to appear more feminine. Since the rains were coming down heavy today, she didn't need to work in the fields.

He liked seeing her in those skirts. Her 'bad weather skirts' as he called them. He learned the hard way that going out in the rain wasn't a very good idea for a desert born person like himself. His first time he'd gotten caught out and he got soaked and very sick.

He was dwelling and he caught himself. "I need to find a place of my own," he said, "and I need to start making a living for myself. I need work so I can study. I need supplies... Clothes... I need to blend in more, as I am still an outsider after all these months. I want to contribute, meaningfully..."

Razmi was a bit stung that he didn't think working on a farm was meaningful but she kept that to herself. "Of course Stef, I had not intention of keeping you here. I just thought I was helping you get on your feet." She thought about it for a moment. "We can go to town and find you what you need."

Sensing a chance in emotions, Stef turned to her. "I did not mean to hurt your feelings," he apologized, "I merely mean to say that farming is not for me. I was training to be a veternarian on board the Majestic, it is something I would like to try and continue. I also did administrative duties for the captain. If I can find something like this, then I would not feel so out of my league." He reached and took her hand. "I do appreciate all you have offered me, but yes I do need to get back to town. I promise I will still come and help you when you need me, but I need to live my own life now. They are not coming back, I cannot keep waiting for them and hope. The time of hope is past. Long past."

She nodded, "I understand." Razmi didn't know if they had left him intentionally but she did not know this crew and hoped that was not the case, for his sake. "I'll help in any way I can." She squeezed his hand, but there was no use getting attached, she knew he had a girlfriend and he was going to be leaving, someday.

"I appreciate that Razmi, I really do. You know this place better than I do, obviously, where would you suggest I start? I do have a room in town but I would really like to get a small house or something? Perhaps with a little garded to keep a few small animals in?" He bit his lip. "I do miss my chickens you see...I really hope somone takes care of them now."

"I'm sure someone is taking care of your chickens. I think I know someone who can help you find a house." She reached behind her and began braiding her hair as she walked around the room talking. "Town isn't the best place to look for a new house like that though, you might have to look a little further out, but let's get you some clothes and you can meet my acquaintance."

Stef nodded. "That sounds like a good place to start. I am very grateful to you, I think I would be very lost without your assistance. All this technology that I am used to, and now I have to learn to do without most of it." He smiled at her. "You know...this is actually quite fun, doing things myself. Like writing my journal, instead of recording a log like I used to do on the ship. Doing little tests to see if something is safe for me to eat, or touch. I know those resorts have all the technology I would care for, but I am not a show man, and I am not well...I would not fit in. I would rather fit in here... where people really seem to know each other. KNow what I mean?"

"We used to have technology, but two generations ago our ancestors decided that we weren't really living and so they turned their back on most of it and returned to a simpler life. I wonder if there are any devices left that could assist you. I could take you to the city council, if you wish? And yes, I do know what you mean," Razmi seemed to sigh a little bit. She wished she could find a place where she fit in better.

"Why would I need devices when I could use local means?" He shrugged. "Or find out the hard way, by simply trying. Some might consider it stupid but I have found I am fairly resilient and I am still considered very young for my species. I will be twenty standard years old next week."

Razmi shrugged, she thought maybe sometime he'd like to replace his instruments but obviously he thought he'd completely moved on from that issue. "Happy Early Birthday." She said with a small smile, "You're so young."

"Quite," Stef smiled, "my species is very long-lived so I am considered very young among my own people." He offered her his arm. "Shall we go?"

Razmi raised her eyebrows but took his arm and gave him a small smile. "Sure." She grabbed her hat on the way out the door and made sure the door was locked behind her. "Maybe I'll look for a new hat in town. Something to wear for special occasions."

"Clothes shopping it is," Stef grinned.

Special Guest Star/Helper of Stef
Marga III Resident

Stranded crewman
USS Majestic


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