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Don't Look Ethel!

Posted on Mon May 13th, 2019 @ 9:21am by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: The Fool's Odyssey
Location: Deck 5
Timeline: MD 04- 22:00 Hours
450 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Jane had just finished her workout. The truth was that she hated exercising but had always done it because it was expected of her. Perhaps Hak enjoyed it, she'd never really asked him though he was always up for a hike in the mountains and Jane admitted that on a planet with the appropriate scenery it didn't really seem like exercise. But other than that she'd never found anything she really liked to do despite there being so many options for movement. She'd reserved the holodeck for some swimming tonight and was just returning to her quarters when her hair , that she had left down after taking it out of the swimming cap, was blown back by someone running past her.

It wasn't completely unusual on a starship for someone to be in a hurry during a crisis or to be occasionally a minute late for a shift but out of the corner of her eye Jane noticed that this particular runner appeared to be absolutely buck naked. She did a double take and looked again.

Yes, they had no clothes on. They were very obviously male but even if she'd made it as far as the eyes, Jane could not have identified the person because she simply was so stunned she stood there in the middle of the corridor and stared at the retreating figure. She tapped her communicator.

"Saulitis to bridge."

"Yes Captain," the voice of Lieutenant Danziger answered. He'd been wanting to take command in the evenings for the practice and Jane had graciously allowed it because of the initiative and hard work he'd been showing.

"Is there something going on I should be aware of?"

He seemed confused. "No Ma'am. All quiet up here. Why do you ask?"

"Because someone just ran past me without a stitch of clothing. You're not aware of any cultural festivities that was proceed such an act?"

"I'm not, but then again I'm not the most culturally sensitive person on the ship. Would you like me to check it out?"

Jane shook her head and then remembered he couldn't actually see her. "No . . . no, it's all right. Probably a fluke or maybe my imagination is playing tricks on me. I'm going to try to get some sleep but wake me if you discover anything out of the ordinary."

"Of course Captain." Danziger said rather cheerfully. "Rest well." He cut the channel and leaned back in the center chair. Naked people running around on the ship? Perhaps she did need a bit of sleep. It was most likely too much worry over Commander Th'aziavak's whereabouts.

Captain Jane Saulitis
Commanding Officer
USS Majestic

Lieutenant Kenneth Danziger
Security Officer
USS Majestic
npc by Saulitis


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