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Sounds Like Someone's Sick

Posted on Sun May 12th, 2019 @ 11:59pm by

Mission: The Fool's Odyssey
Location: Sickbay
1056 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Wilfred opened his eyes. Well, he wasn't dead. He wasn't sure he felt much better but at least he didn't feel any worse. The lights around sickbay were dimmed. He took the effort to push himself up into a sitting position and glanced around wondering if he was the only one who had caught this or if there had been others. A young woman was in the bed next to him, he recognized her as the girl who had been involved with the saboteur.

"Easy Wilfred..." A soft voice next to him had to draw his attention. "You're very sick, please don't move too much." Sadie appeared into his line of sight, a worried look on her pretty face. "I'm glad you're awake again though, but please remain lying down for now. How do you feel?"

"Hey, it's the pretty red head." When Wilfred realized he'd said that out loud, the color on his face changed from green to red as the blood rushed there. "Uh . . . I feel okay, about the same as before. Things could be worse, right?"

Smiling at him, she ran her fingers through his hair. "it could," she said gently, "but it isn't. When you feel a little better, we'll get you to the shower alright? For now I am going to give you a quick wash, and some clean clothes. Are you alright with that?"

If Wilfred was blushing before it was nothing to what he looked like now. He thought about it for a moment, she was a very beautiful woman, but she was also a nurse. "Yeah, I guess." He swallowed hard. He was going to try his hardest not to think about it. "Umm," he said hoping for a change in subject, or something to talk about while she was working. "Where are you from?"

"Earth," Sadie replied lightly as she drew the privacy screen closed, "though I grew up on Risa. I learned a lot about hospitality there." She smiled encouragingly. "Don't be embarrassed dear, there's nothing that I haven't seen before, especially not as a nurse. And there's just us and I promise I won't do anything untoward. Anytime you want me to stop, just say so, alright?"

"Uhuh," he said really trying his hardest not to think about what she was doing. "What part of Earth were you born on? I came from Michigan but I was raised mostly in space on a station. Which was good I guess, learned lots of stuff at a young age, how to fixt things. Ironically I ended up in security, no idea why really."

"Somewhere in Europe though I don't really know where. I was very young when my parents moved us to Risa." She started to peel him out of damp and sweaty clothes, dropping them to the floor in a heap. "So you liked tinkering.. what drew an interest in security? Surely, something had drawn your attention?" She drew a wet sponge along his now bare back, gently soaping him up.

"Well yeah, I liked tinkering but I only liked doing it alone. You've probably heard the rumors about me. I'm not exactly a team player. So security kinda made sense, specifically the brig. I still get to see interesting places and meet people but I can do it from the comfort of four walls and a forcefield."

Continuing to sponge up his upper body, Sadie shrugged lightly. "I'm sure there's engineering jobs that don't need a team either? I mean, I'm a nurse, what do I know right? But if you like what you do, then why dwell on what could've been?"

"Yeah, and I do like my job. It's taken me a while to feel at home on this ship. But I think I'm starting to get there." Wilfred was grinning at her stupidly. He wanted to ask her out but didn't think this was exactly the most appropriate time. Perhaps after he was released from sickbay.

She pretended not to see the goofy smile on his face. "Well that's good then. It's good to feel at home." She rinsed the sponge then washed off the soap and dried his back, gesturing for him to turn around. "You'll need to take the rest off," she said gently, "all of it."

If any more blood rushed to his head he was going to faint. He was sure he looked like a tomato but he did as she asked just wishing this incredibly embarrassing moment would end, but also . . . wishing it wouldn't. "Growing up on Risa must have given you an interesting perspective. It's sort of a free love place right? I've never been there."

"It's beautiful and not all this free love that you think it is. Sure there's a lot of it floating around but they do say no when needed, they're just very friendly." Her eyes turned a little dreamy for a moment. "I loved it there though, it's a beautiful place. You really should go there if you ever have the chance. My mom is a hotel manager there, and my dad works for weather control."

"Maybe . . . you can show me someday?" He asked hopefully. "I did get a little sun down on the planet, but it was pretty warm. I might have been wearing a bit too much clothing." He shrugged, his muscles involuntarily shivered under her touch.

"I'm sure I can show you around," Sadie answered, reaching for a towel to dry him off. As they spoke she had managed to wash him entirely. "I'll help you in a clean gown now. Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"Thirsty I guess. Maybe some lemonade," He asked hopefully. "Something citrusy, craving it for some reason. And thank you for taking care of me Sadie, I really appreciate it."

"It's what I do Wilfred." She patted his arm before moving to get him a drink. "Tropical flavour," she said as she returned, handing him the cup. "Take your time, I'm going to be a minute and check on the other patient, alright? Call me if things change?"

He nodded enthusiastically. Sipping his drink as he watched her walk away he silently thought how stupid he was to let someone into his heart so soon after the last one.

Ensign Wilfred Wexler
Brig Officer
USS Majestic
pnpc by Saulitis

Nurse Sadie
pnpc Lhaes


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