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Seeing Spots

Posted on Sat May 4th, 2019 @ 2:16am by

Mission: The Fool's Odyssey
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 04 10:00 Hours
1099 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Beata opened her eyes, her vision was a bit blurry at first but when she blinked a couple of times Stef's face came into focus. "Hi," she said, or tried to. Her throat was a bit dry and it came out as mostly a squeak. She cleared it, "Sorry, hi." She had little strength but she moved to sit up.

"Shhhh..." Stef soothed, reaching to help her up. His face was a mask of worry as he touched her hand. "What happened Bee? What is ailing you?" As soon as he'd heard she'd fallen ill, he had rushed down to sickbay, dropping all he'd been doing. "Why did you not call me?"

"It was early, I didn't want to wake Alecx. I asked Patrick to let you know. I don't know what's wrong, I just feel terrible, so tired, achy and hot, then cold. Some kind of virus I would guess." She looked down at her hand being stroked. "I'm sure I'll be okay."

Having a different body temperature, Stef knew it was impossible to just check hers by pressing a hand to her cheek, yet the way she looked all flushed he could tell she was likely having a fever. "What do the doctors say?" he asked urgently. "How about a hot bath, do you think that might help? Or being tucked in tight into bed?"

"I don't know, I lost consciousness when I came in. I haven't spoken to one yet. Where's Alecx?" Beata asked, skipping the question about her temperature comfort. She was glad he hadn't brought him with him to sickbay, she didn't want him becoming ill.

"Do not worry about Alecx, he is fine. Patrick is watching him, he has taken him to the mess for ice cream." He caressed the woman's cheek. "How long have you been feeling off, and why did you not say anything? I am still me Bee, you can still talk to me."

"Just since I woke up this morning. I'm not keeping things from you Stef," Beata said, a little frustrated. "But you do have different responsibilities. I was trying to be respectful of that and not wake up your son at 0600 hours." She huffed out a puff of air. "I thought things would be okay if I just had Patrick bring me to Sickbay."

"I would still do anything for you Bee," Stef told her, "I may have a child, but that does not change how I feel. Alecx never did wake at the slightest of sounds, so any time, do please wake me?"

"There's no need to be so worried," Beata said, rubbing her thumb across his forehead. "I'm sure it's just something I caught on the planet, probably a virus." She changed the subject. "When do I get to meet the friend you brought with you?"

"Whenever you want," Stef answered without pause, "and I hope it is not the children's disease that I caught..." A frown creased his brow as he flagged down a nurse. "Go get Razmi, the woman who came back with me." He turned back to Beata. "It is dangerous to adults, I was sick for days.... comatose even. Razmi might know better."

Beata shrugged. "I'm sure I'll be fine. I just need to rest and remain here so they can do some tests. You can keep me company if you like, but you shouldn't feel that you have to be here all the time. I can take care of myself, I always have." She gave him a small smile.

"I know you have, and I am not going anywhere. I had to spend five years without you, I am not going to let that happen again." Even if at some point he had been happy, he had never stopped loving her. Even his wife had known this, but she had accepted it. "Razmi will be here soon, perhaps she will recognize what this is." He leaned in to kiss her forehead. "Perhaps you should try to get some sleep, but I will be here watching."

"I'm not sleepy." Beata said, her eyes closing momentarily when Stef's lips touched her forehead. She was exhausted, but didn't want to sleep. "What was your wife's name again? Tell me about her."

"Svara." He told her how they had met and how she had nursed him through the children's disease that had felled him. "She was a doctor," he added. "We married after several months, and within a year, Alecx and T'Sara were born." He fell silent as tears started to spill down his cheeks. "She died, giving birth to them, and I lost my daughter a few months later. She was very strong, and very brave and I still cannot understand why she died. I vowed never to forget her Bee, I must never forget. For Alecx, he must know how brave and smart his mother was. Will you help me?"

"How can I help?" Bee said quietly. "I didn't know her. But you and Razmi did, she should help you and Alecx."

"Razmi took care of me when I was first stranded. Gave me a place to stay and something to do, she is like an older sibling to me Bee, but she is not you. I need you."

"I'm not going anywhere." Beata assured him. She felt as if a strand of hair was tickling her nose, scratched it and discovered the spots there. "Great, not only do I feel terrible I look like it too."

Covering her hand, Stef gently put it back at her side. "You are beautiful, with or without spots. And you will meet Razmi... you will like her Bee, I do think you will like her. She needs a friend here, she has no-one. She left it all behind to come here."

"That's sad. You two must be pretty close for her to do that. I'm sure I'll like her, if you do." Beata hadn't really had a friend in a long time either. "I think I will rest after all. Maybe I'll feel better with more sleep."

"Like I said...she is like a sister to me. Without her, I would not be here now." He squeezed her hand. "Rest, call me if you need anything?"

"I will," She assured him and then rolled onto her side where it was more comfortable to sleep. She thought perhaps she felt him run his fingers through her hair but she was asleep before her brain registered whether that was true or not.

Ensign Beata Lauryl
Operations Officer
pncp by Saulitis

Crewman Stef
Yeoman/Animal Caretaker
pnpc Lhaes


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