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What Defines Us

Posted on Sat Nov 30th, 2019 @ 7:40pm by Lieutenant Laural Hawke

Mission: For Whom The Bell Tolls
Location: Intel Offices
1086 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

A new intelligence officer had arrived and from what his sources had told him, the woman was at least part Romulan. This intrigued the Romulan security chief, both as a former intelligence officer himself and mostly as a Romulan. PADD in hand which held the new arrival's security clearances, he approached the young woman's temporary office. "Lieutenant Hawke?" he called out, drawing her attention.

Looking up from her computer, Laural quickly switched the feed to non-classified data before standing up and walking over to the door to her office. Opening the door, she was a little surprised to see the Security Chief, “um, can I help you Commander?”

"It's more if I can help you," the Romulan replied, offering her the PADD, "your security code and clearance."

Laural looked down at the PADD than back to this man before her, “thank you” she said, gingerly taking the offered PADD, “please, come in for a moment. I’d like to discuss something with you” she said, moving back into her office.

Lhaes stepped further inside, allowing the door to close behind him.

As soon as the door closed, Laural turned to face the security chief, “who are you?”

"Lieutenant Commander Lhaes Sommers," tue Romulan replied, "former intelligence chief and current security chief." He frowned, surely that was common knowledge? Especially for an intelligence officer?

Starring at him for a moment, her console beeped twice, drawing her attention. "well it seems the computer agrees with you. I will admit I was curious when I learned you were Romulan, and yet you were born on Betazed? how did that come to be?"

"My parents were diplomats and they lived on Betazed, so naturally I was born there." He chuckled. "Of course the computer agrees with me, I have no reason to lie about my identity. My loyalty has never been in doubt, as is proven by my service record."

"As i'm sure you know, records can be faked. I can trust you for now, I guess. You seem to have the trust of the crew after all" Laural said, folding her arms across her chest, "your parents, were who were they diplomats for?"

"I don't know. All I know is that they were assigned to Betazed, where they had made their lives. From what I was told they were respected because they respected local customs. They were murdered when I was six years old. My mother was pregnant, I was told years later when I tried to look into their murder. I was supposed to die with them, I only survived because I straggled." He didn't really remember much of it. Much was retold by his parents' friends.

“At least you’re remember them” Laural said under her breath as she turned away from him, “how was life on Betazed after that?”

Lhaes shook his head. "You assume wrong. I barely remember them. I cannot recall their faces or voices. I assume you do not know yours?"

"I don't remember my mother. My memories of my early childhood were taken from me. I only know my Father because I have met him recently and am able to keep in contact with him through the Republic" Laural explained, "have you ever seen the new homeworld?"

"No, I've never seen the new homeworld nor will I ever," Lhaes replied, "I was on Romulus before it was destroyed. And the way I left... let's just say that me returning to whatever is left to the empire, will greatly endanger my family and I'm rather unwilling to risk that. Not to mention that my own life will be in danger if I do, as I'm persona non-grata. To my own people, I'm considered a traitor because I serve Starfleet and not the Galeh. The fact that I was taken to the Empire against my will doesn't even seem to come into factor."

“I wasn’t talking about what’s left of the empire, I ment New Romulus with the Republic. I am certain they would be more than happy to welcome you there. Even if you are Person-non-grata to them” Laural clarified, wondering what he could’ve done to earn such a status from the Romulans. Perhaps she’d ask her father about it later. “I’ve got contacts on Mol'Rihan I could talk to if you wish”

"As I haven't been back to Romulan territory, obviously I haven't been to New Romulus. I doubt they would rescind a death sentence however..." He paused. "My ex wife did probably go there...but since she seems to have considered it leave our son behind with me, I wouldn't risk going either. Also because I don't want to put her at risk. Assuming having been married to a traitor didn't already do that."

“But that was some time ago, and with the change in government you may not be at high a risk as you may have been” Laural said, “you may find the Republic more forgiving of past transgressions that the Empire was. Either way, I shall leave that to you. I myself haven’t been to Mol’Rihan, though I am told it is beautiful” she said, turning to her console, “well, I believe you have satisfied my concerns for now, do you have any questions you would like answered?”

"I'm not going to take that risk..." Lhaes shook his head. "My life is with the Federation, not the Republic or the Empire. If they really want to talk, they're going to have to come to me." He smiled thinly. "No I don't have any questions, unless you have any more for me?"

Laural shook her head, “no I’m good. Thanks for the keys to the ship. I’m sure you have security things to do like rescuing lost pets or something like that” she said, unlocking the door to allow him to leave, “if you change your mind I’m always here, mostly”

"Lost pets..." Lhaes chuckled, "perhaps, when I'm convinced it's safe...but I'm not convinced it is. Until such time, I need to keep my family safe." He walked towards the door. "As I said if they want to talk they have to come to me, you can pass that on if you wish. Good day..."

Laural smiles as Lhaes left her office, “what a nice guy. Oh well, maybe next time” she said, turning her attention back to the Intel feeds.


Lieutenant Laural Hawke
Encryption Specialist

Lieutenant Commander Lhaes Sommers
Chief Tactical and Security Officer


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