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The Running Kind

Posted on Sat Sep 29th, 2018 @ 1:28am by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: Run Afoul
Location: Transporter room 1/Lauryl's Quarters
Timeline: MD 01- 10:00 Hours
305 words - 0.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Beata Lauryl stepped off the transporter pad and glanced around her, her eyes barely moving above floor level as if she didn't want to be seen looking. She gave a courteous nod to the transporter chief and then slipped out the double doors to a corridor of freedom from looking as if she didn't belong. Her dark hair, pulled up into a pony tail with a small blue band, swished behind her as she walked and she dodged a couple of crew members who nearly bumped into her as she looked around for the right quarters. Being short really sucked sometimes.

"Excuse me?" She finally asked a blond haired petty officer. She opened her mouth to enquire about the numbers but suddenly realized she was right where she needed to be and shut her lips again. "Nevermind."

He looked surprised and delighted at being spoken to and then dejected as she moved away from him, continuing her journey down the corridor. She placed her hand on the bulkhead and traced a pattern with one finger all the way to the quarters that had been assigned to her where she pressed a single button and the door opened. "Nice," she mumbled to herself.

Unpacking a few things, Beata sat down on the sofa, crossed her legs and closed her eyes, willing the powers that be to let her have a good assignment. She wasn't going to screw up, she was strong, capable . . . The other compliments escaped her for a moment and she opened her lips, "Strong, capable, unique," she choose to believe that last one was an asset. "Intelligent, important, brave, courageous, happy, and kind." Beata thought that was probably all of them. "And crazy," she added as an afterthought and then cracked a mischievous smile.

Ensign Beata Lauryl (pncp by Saulitis)
Operations Officer
USS Majestic


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