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Something Wrong

Posted on Wed Apr 15th, 2020 @ 1:18am by Commodore Jane Saulitis & Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy

Mission: Cruel Meridian
Location: Patrick and Murphy's VIP quarters
Timeline: MD 04 06:30
902 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

"Murph!" Patrick called again as he eased Min to the ground. Worry was clearly audible in his voice. "Get the medkit!" he added as he tried to check the girl for her vitals. He stopped, realizing he had absolutely no clue how or where to do that on an avian. "Please be alright Min," he begged under his breath while he waited anxiously for his partner to arrive.

Murphy burst through the doorway from the adjacent room. He'd just dozed off, and was dressed in a nightshirt and shorts with barefeet. His mind was still a bit foggy, but the panic reflected in his tone when he took in the scene. "What the hell happened?" He'd already turned toward the wall near the main door and pulled off the panel cover that concealed the standard medical kit, which he pulled easily from the wall and unzipped it as he made his way toward the pair.

"I don't know," Patrick replied, still trying to rouse the child. "She was bringing her drawing pad back to her room to come help me with breakfast preparation. I was going to show her how to do it, and then she screamed. I caught her just in time." Worry was visible in the younger man's eyes. "What's wrong with her Murph? Should we alert sickbay?"

Murphy had turned completely white. He didn't even open the medical kit, but rather reached for his commbadge. "Murphy to sickbay. Medical emergency, guest quarters."

-Sickbay, Chief Medical Office

Coffee in hand, ready to start her day, Natasha was just easing into her chair to begin some much needed paperwork. As she lifted her mug to her lips, her communicator began to chirp at her.

=^= Medical emergency in VIP Quarters =^=

Wordlessly, she dropped the mug on the desk and grabbed her kit and ran out the door, down the corridors to the VIP quarters.

In middle of the room, a child lay on the floor, motionless but breathing. Natasha rushed over and knelt next to her.

"What happened?" she asked Murph as she pulled out and turned on the scanner.

"She collapsed," Lieutenant Murphy answered swiftly, not knowing many of the other details yet himself, but backing up so that there was room for the doctor to work.

Patrick moved too, gently touching Murph's arm as he could see his partner's distress. "She screamed too," he supplied, "will she be alright doctor? She didn't tell me why she screamed, she fell as I entered the room..."

Min opened her eyes and moaned. The world was a bit blurry but she could definitely see her Pappa Murphy. She reached for him with her wings, wanting to be held by him in this scary moment. She couldn't recall how she'd even wound up on the floor, nor why she was all achy.

Before she could answer Patrick, Natasha heard Min moan and she knelt down next to her, scanner in hand.

"Hi, there, I'm Dr. Stark. What's your name?" she said, arm stretched to help Min sit.

"Min," She said in a shaky high pitched voice. "What happened Pappa Murphy?" She asked, looking at her godfather.

Murphy looked worried, there was no wiping the look from his face, even if he wanted to be calm and reassuring for his god-daughter's sake. "I don't--- we don't--- the doctor will figure it out, Min." There was a part of him having flashbacks of Min's father's horrific death in a room very similar to these guest quarters.

"I can handle this if you need me to," Patrick murmured, seeing his beloved in distress. "You screamed, and you fainted," he then supplied to Min, "you were putting your drawing gear away to help me prepare for dinner."

"I remember now!" Min sat bolt upright. "I saw myself! I was standing right over there and I started walking toward . . . me. But it wasn't me because I was there." She pointed. "I know it doesn't make sense but there were two of me in the same room at the same time"

Patrick frowned. "Are you sure? Are you sure it wasn't just your own reflection?"

"It wasn't a reflection, there's nothing to reflect it. It was whole, round, and it was me. It was in the middle of the room, not on a wall." Min insisted, getting rather flustered and insistent.

"Shhhh," Patrick soothed, though he knew she probably wanted Murph. "It's alright. I'm sure the people here will find out what happened."

Murph looked between the doctor and Min, eyebrows furrowed with concern. "Hallucinations? Maybe she hit her head?" he asked quietly.

"I caught her before that could happen," Patrick explained, feeling torn between staying with Murph and going to soothe Min.

Natasha shook her head and stood up, having finished her initial scan. "There's nothing I can see from here, she'll need to come with me back to sickbay. I'm not loving this, I'll be honest." She looked over at Murph and Patrick. "We're going to get to the bottom of this, you have my word."

"Then why are you still here?" Murphy snapped, impatiently, not knowing how else to manifest the emotions he was feeling. "I'll call for the emergency transport," he added before tapping his commbadge and relaying the order.

Guest Mini-Ambassador
PNPC by Saulitis

Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy
Chief Engineer, USS Majestic

Patrick O'Malley
pnpc Lhaes

Lieutenant Natasha Stark
Chief Medical Officer


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