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Turning A Corner

Posted on Wed Apr 22nd, 2020 @ 9:02am by

Mission: Cruel Meridian
Location: Stef's quarters
Timeline: MD 03 18:00 Hours
1909 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Beata stood outside Steff's quarters with two wrapped packages in hand as she pressed the chime. She waited patiently for the doors to open and smiled when she saw Steff. "I have something for you, and I have something for you too," she said to Alecx as he came toward her. "Open yours first." She handed him the smaller of the two packages and Steff the larger one.

Alecx's eyes widened as the package was pushed into his hands. He gave his father a quizzical look before tearing the paper off. "Oooooh!" he exclaimed as he held up patchwork blanket. It was very colourful, the colours reminding him of his home. There was even a picture of his mother, even if he had no memory of her.

Stef watched the child closely, before carefully unwrapping his own."This is very thoughtful of you Bee," he whispered, as he didn't trust his own voice. There were tears in his eyes as he looked up at her. "I really like that you included yourself in this too... you are very important to me."

"I'm glad you like them. I put some thought into what to give you both and I decided this was a new skill I could learn as well as a memento that you could keep for a very long time." Beata shrugged shyly.

"I really appreciate the thought," Stef smiled, "but I do not understand the occasion."

"Oh, no occasion I guess. I just wanted to do something nice for you." She shrugged. "I feel like I've been a little distant and this was my way of saying sorry I suppose." Beata walked closer to him, hoping for some kind of a hug.

She didn't need to hope for it because he automatically wrapped his arms around her, pressing her to his chest as she came close enough. "Do not apologize, tell me instead why you felt the need to keep a distance." He kissed the top of her head. "You are part of this family Bee, I want you to be part of it."

"I will . . . . but not right now." She didn't want to say anything in front of little Alecx. He was a sweetheart of a child and didn't need to know of her struggles. "Shall I make us some dinner? Maybe we can do something afterwards as a family?"

"Of course. Do you want help with dinner?" He set the quilt aside carefully, almost afraid to crumple it, but also not wanting to let her go. "What is on your mind Bee? What is going on?"

"Later," she whispered, Alecx was still in the room. "After he goes to bed. And I can managed with dinner," she said louder. "Though you could help Alecx set the table if you like." She busied herself with cooking.

"Sure..." He turned away, wondering what was really bothering her. It didn't take long for him and Alecx set the table and the boy was excitedly hopping up and down his chair. "What are we having for dinnner?" he asked.

"I thought maybe some kind of pasta casserole? Perhaps a salad and some fresh bread?" She turned to look at her two men. "Is that acceptable?"

"Oooooh fresh bread!" Alecx exclaimed, "yes yes please!"

"It seems decided then," Stef smiled, "well then, while you cook dinner I am going to make sure a certain someone is clean and ready for dinner."

"Have you been playing in the mud again today Stef?" Beata said completely seriously though there was a bit of a twinkle in her eye.

"Me?" Stef arched an eyebrow at her. "No, not me... but Alecx does need a shower. We will be right back." He ushered the child to the bathroom and made him get into the sonic shower. Within minutes, the pair returned to the living area, with Alecx now dressed in his pajamas. "This does smell good, are you sure you have not missed your calling?" he asked.

"Well I don't mind cooking once in a while, but no, I would not want to do it all the time. I like fixing things and organizing things, those are my strengths I think. Sit sit." Beata said putting the food on the table and sitting down herself to dish up. "Don't stand on ceremony unless there's some kind of tradition you've adopted?" She glanced at both of them.

"Not that I am aware of?" Stef asked curiously as he first sat the boy in his elevated chair, and then himself down. "And this really does look good." He smiled at her. "I bet you put in that secret ingredient that I keep hearing about."

"Hardly. Just seasonings I know I like. Dig in." Beata said. She turned her attention to Alecx. "I heard that you got to go camping. Did you have fun?"

The boy's eyes lit up. "Oh yes.... we went swimming and then Miss Cassie and Miss Lily made a campfire and I helped peep poh-tah-toes..." He cut up the word to get it out right, scrunging up his little face in the process. "And we slept in a tent, it was great!"

Stef, who had spent the night in the arboretum too, nodded. "He had a great time," he added.

Beata grinned. "Good. I'm sure the chickens enjoyed the company too, and the rabbits. We've turned the arboretum into quite the zoo since coming on board. Shall we do something fun this weekend? Just the three of us? What can you think of Alecx?"

Alecx looked up at his father, who nodded minutely in return, curious to see what his son would come up with. "Can we visit your home?" he asked quietly, "All I've known is where i was born and this ship.. I've never been anywhere else. I've not even seen daddy's home. Can we visit yours?"

"On the holodeck, sure. I grew up on Earth, there are some really pretty places there including mountains, rivers, fields, oceans. What do you want to see?" Beata asked curiously.

"Everything!" the boy exclaimed, shifting to climb onto her lap. "What is your favourite? What's an ocean? Can we see an ocean? I know mountains and fields... Auntie Razmi had a farm... she grew things."

Beata was surprised but moved back so the boy could come to her. "Well . . . that's a hard question. I love both mountains and ocean. Ocean is a big body of water, much bigger than the pond in the arboretum, some planets are mostly made of water. I think I love mountains more, because I don't like being out on the water for long. And yes, she did grow things, I've heard about her gardens. You know . . . . we might be able to grow some special things here too. The Captain might let us if we asked her."

"Oooooooh!" Alecx exclaimed, "but what about the hypponniks bay? I hear things are grown ther."

"True, we could talk to Miss Zeria about that. I'm sure we can find a place. Have you ever grown anything before?" Beata asked curiously. Stef had remained quiet and she glanced at him, wondering what he thought of all this, the child climbing in her lap and being so excited about the things she was suggesting.

Alecx shook his head after a moment of thought. He looked up at his father for confirmation. "You were too little for that," Stef confirmed , "but I am certain Zeria will allow you to help with small things like watering plants and putting seeds in soil?" He gave Beata an encouraging nod, pleased to see them both excited about something.

"You will just have to think about what you want to grow. Flowers? Or something to eat?" Beata positioned him on one leg so she could continue to eat.

"Flowers are pretty," Alecx declared, "but I think I'd rather grow something to eat. What if those things don't work? We still have to eat."

Stef nodded in agreement at his son's wisdom. "He does have a point," he supplied, "we still need food, even if some flowers are edible."

"Yes, I see the logic in that. But I might grow a few flowers too. I need to feed my soul too," she said grinning at Alecx. "Tomorrow I'll go talk to Miss Zeria." She promised the boy.

The boy cast her the brightest smile he could muster as he snuggled up to her.

Stef watched the interaction with an amused expression on his face. He was glad to see them interact so well. "What is for dessert?" He asked after a while.

"I don't know," Beata said looking at him with amusement. "You're in charge of dessert."

"Me?" The Vulcan's eyes widened in surprise, causing the child to giggle. Stef mock-glared at him though his eyes sparked in actual amusement. "Well then..." He thought for a moment before getting up and walking to the replicator. He purposefully blocked the view, even with his small frame, so she wouldn't see.

A few seconds later he came back with a tray, covered with a cloth to hide the surprise.

"Oh it's a surprise I see. Should we be scared?" She asked Alecx, plainly teasing. She reached for the cloth and pulled it off quickly. "Oooooh, cherry pie, that's probably my favorite dessert, someone's been paying attention." Beata smiled at Stef.

"Of course I pay attention," Stef mused, "you are everything to me."

The smile slid off of her face, that was the most romantic thing anyone had ever said to her, it practically made her tear up. She tickled Alecx as a distraction for a moment.

"Bee?" Stef leaned closer to look at her. "Are you alright? Was it something i said?" He had seen her smile disappear and wondered if he'd said something wrong.

"Yes . . . . but I'm fine. I was just touched by what you said." She put a hand under his chin and guided his lips to her.

"I am relieved, I would hate to see you hurt."

"Ewwwww," Alecx commented, covering his eyes. "Can we have pie now?"

"Yes," Beata chuckled. "Just you wait, your dad is going to be beating the girls off with a stick when you get a bit older. Those cute little pointed ears will drive the ladies wild."

"My ears aren't cute," Alecx retorted, "is that why you like daddy? Because of his ears? He was the only one like that back home... well and me of course."

Beata laughed again at Alecx. "Not really, I like him because he's sweet. I've never met anyone willing to love so much. Let's get you back over here so you eat and then you can have pie." Beata lifted him back to his seat and sat down again herself.

"Awwww," the child pouted.

"Alecx..." Stef warned. "Eat your dinner or you will not have pie." That got the boy to quickly polish off his dinner and he eagerly reached for his dessert. "I love these things too," he proclaimed, "those small red fruits with a little stick on them.

Stef just shook his head. "Now you know what I have to deal with sometimes," he teased.

"Cherries," Beata told Alecx before looking at Stef. "Oh he's a total sweetheart, but he is only a small child." She reached her hand across the table to Stef. "We can talk after he goes to bed."

Ensign Beata Lauryl
Operations Officer

Crewman Stef
Yeoman/animal caretaker

Stef's Son


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