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What is it?

Posted on Sun Apr 26th, 2020 @ 11:39pm by

Mission: Cruel Meridian
Location: Stef's quarters
Timeline: MD3, 1930
657 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

After Alecx had been put to bed, and covered by the quilt he'd been given on his own insistence, Stef returned to the living area of his quarters. He took Beata by the hand and led her towards the couch. "What was it that you needed to talk about?" he asked as he sat them both down.

"Oh I just wanted to say that I think I've turned a corner." Beata said as she sat down next to him closely so she could cuddle. "For a long time when you came back I just felt kind of lost because of what happened. And I love Alecx, it wasn't him. It just took me a while to come to terms with everything I guess."

"It was not easy to understand," Stef commented quietly, "I do not blame you. I was lost too, but you have always been here, and that will never change." He wrapped his arm around her, drawing her closer to him. "You are my rock, you have been all this time. Without you, I may never have found my way."

She looked at him, "I have no idea why. What have I ever done?" Beata said, snuggling up to him even closer. But she didn't wait for an answer before she asked. "Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Bee, you can stay here whenever you want," Stef promised, feeling her burrow into him. "I do not know what you have done, other than steal my most prized possession?" He smiled down at her. "I love you, and I want you to never leave."

Beata smiled against him. She put her head up and looked at him. "Does that mean you want me to move in?"

"I would yes, but only if you want it too. I want you with me, with us. Alecx adores you, as do I. He is so at ease with you, and how you get along with him... I am so happy to see that. You two make me happy."

"How about I spend most of the time here with you but I keep my quarters. It might be nice once in a while to have somewhere to go. I'm a private person," she reminded him. Though Beata had always felt she'd been very open with Stef. "I am curious though, why do you love me?"

"That is an odd question to ask Bee. I barely understand any kind of feelings, how do you expect me to explain how I feel about you? I have always felt a connection with you, drawn to you from the moment we met. It is not something I can explain. Can you explain why you love me?" Though his expression was serious, he wasn't really expecting an answer. "Keeping your quarters is acceptable, I do want you to be able to be alone if you need to." He gave her a smile. "You are mostly here already anyway."

"I could try." Beata said, thinking about it. "I know it's hard to put feelings into words." She didn't think it an odd question though. To her there were subtle signs that made one person jump out at you. "I haven't been lately," she answered honestly. "I was distracted by pesky things like feelings. Anyway," she shrugged, "Maybe we should just turn in? Are you tired?"

"Yes." He didn't understand what she was saying but right now that felt less than important. He drew his arm back and stood, reaching to pull her up with him. "We should go to bed." As always, he assumed she'd just want to snuggle and then fall asleep together, usually with her lying on his arm, all pressed up against him.

"Okay," She got up and followed him. They were going to have a lot of future time to talk about things.

Crewman Apprentice Stef
Yeoman/Animal Caretaker
pnpc Lhaes

Stef's Son

Ensign Beata Lauryl
Operations Officer
PNPC by Saulitis


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