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Chance Encounters

Posted on Wed May 27th, 2020 @ 1:43am by Lieutenant Commander T'Par

Mission: Cruel Meridian
Location: Mess
Timeline: MD08
671 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

T'Par had had time to get her bruise healed and to report to her new duties as the Assistant Chief Science Officer. Her background in anthropology complimented the Chief Science Officer's command of physics, she thought. She did not usually seek company at meal times so she entered alone, proceeding to the replicator. "Ulan soup," she ordered before taking it and turning to seek a table. Her gaze paused as she saw the familiar figure of Lhaes Sommers, who had been her department head when she first came aboard, and steps turned towards him.

"Ah... hello lieutenant," Lhaes greeted his former intelligence officer. "A new department too, I see?" he added, pointing towards her change from greys to teals, then indicated his own yellow accents.

"Yes, sir," she confirmed. "I did actually plan to be a science officer at the Academy. My transfer to intelligence stemmed largely from the use of anthropology in understanding the internal logic of potentially hostile cultures."

The Romulan blinked. "The what?" Logic was not something he was adept at.

"Their worldview, their pattern of thought, roughly speaking," she clarified.

"Ah..." Lhaes sipped his coffee. "I'm afraid logic isn't part of my expertise, undercover operations was. So are you finding your way in your new department?"

"It's a good fit, sir," she stated. "May I join you?"

"Of course. How do you mean a good fit? Would you care to elaborate?" He looked up at her over the brim of his mug, both brows raised in question.

"Thank you, sir," T'Par said as she set her tray down. One brow rose in mild curiosity as she was asked to elaborate. "I believe that I am able to contribute productively to the operation of the department. It utilizes my existing knowledge base and skillset while allowing opportunities for intellectual growth and career advancement."

"That's always a good reason to change paths," Lhaes acknowledged, "and what about your personal growth? Are you making any friends? What social activities do you engage in?"

"My personal growth has not been neglected, sir. I always find time to meditate and when I am able to communicate with my husband we often engage in lengthy explorations of philosophy," she answered, choosing to treat the questions as separate, although she suspected that is not how they had been meant. "I am developing good, collegial relationships in my new department. Friendship, on the other hand, is something that requires time. I have attended the movie nights as well as other social events aboard ship. Personally, my preferred hobbies are chess and kal-toh. Do you play, sir?"

"I'm afraid not. Logic isn't my cup of tea, and I've never really had the patience to learn chess." He leaned forward a fraction. "Tell me lieutenant, can you dance?"

"Chess relies on logic no less than kal-toh," she commented. "It is curious that you speak of logic as a particular field of interest, like botany or warp field geometry. That is not..." She was going to say it wasn't logical. She totally was. "...the most accurate way to classify it." Then she answered his other question. "Vulcan dances."

"I wasn't aware a planet could dance," Lhaes chuckled, then shook his head. "That doesn't answer my question lieutenant. I was asking if you can dance. Earth ballroom style."

"The culture, not the planet," she clarified. "Earth ballroom style? No, I never learned. Do you dance, sir?"

"Yes," the Romulan answered without pause, "and right now I am lacking a partner. Would you care to learn?"

T'Par paused as if considering before she answered. "I believe I would. It would be interesting to learn more about that aspect of human culture." She took another bite as if she intended to leave it there but then she added, "and become better acquainted with a colleague."

"Well then, here is your chance. Meet me after dinner on the holodeck... I will provide your first instruction." Lhaes smiled as he stood. "Good day lieutenant."

Lt T'Par

LtC Lhaes Sommers


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