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Waiting Room

Posted on Sun May 10th, 2020 @ 3:16pm by Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy

Mission: Cruel Meridian
Location: Patrick & Murphy's Quarters
Timeline: Somewhere in the loopdeeloop
974 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

It was a difficult decision, but Murphy realized he was of no use to anyone in sickbay and only underfoot of the medical staff. There was nothing he would be able to do to help Min and he made a nurse promise to call him at any change in her status. Murph and Patrick returned to their quarters and Murphy resumed his nervous pacing.

"She'll be alright," Patrick said as he offered Murph a large mug of tea. "She's a strong child, and we'll take care of her when she gets home." He smiled encouragingly. "This isn't something we could've prevented, and you wearing the carpet thin won't help either."

Murph took the tea, muttering a thanks as he cupped it between his hands and looked into its aromatic depths. "It's just so unexpected and strange. I keep thinking about her father and... and then having to tell her mother that I failed her daughter, too."

"You're not failing her. You're doing what a father would do I think, you're worrying for her. She's in the best of care and she'll be alright." Patrick reached out, drawing the other man closer to him. "We have to believe that," he offered, "but I'll agree it's strange. Have you ever experienced anything like this? Like she said?"

"No," Murph said, not quite dismissive of the idea, but definitely not seeing any basis in wild conjectures. He gave Paddy a one-armed hug and then let go of him to sip his tea. "This could use a shot of something in it."

"In tea? I can add some milk if you like?" Of course he knew what Murph meant, and he was cautious about offering alcohol. "How about one Irish coffee for dessert?" He suggested instead, "and what would you like to have for dinner?"

"I was kidding," Murph assured as he set the cup aside and paced over toward the window. There was nothing outside but the glittering white stars moving slowly across the backdrop of space. Everytime, the view makes him feel small, but today it also made him feel helpless. "I'm not really hungry. Not really tired. I'm not thirsty. I just hate not being able to fix this for her. For you."

"For me?" Patrick sighed softly as he joined Murph again. "Why would you need to fix anything for me?" He reached for his hand, taking it in both of his own. "Min will be alright," he promised, "whatever it is that's affecting her, I'm sure we'll figure out what it is and how to avoid it. It's a learning curve for all of us, and so far I think we're doing great, aren't we? I sort of parents. Min seemed happy to be here, and she adores you. You know that right?"

"We're not her parents, though," Murphy replied even-toned, just as a reality check for the both of them. "We're doing ok. I know that. I know, logically, that none of this is anyone's fault. It doesn't make me feel any better about it." He paused a long moment before he decided, "We should call Haraain and tell her what is happening. I would want to know if I were in her shoes."

Patrick nodded, turning his head to look out the window. "I think we should," he started, moving to lean into the man he loved. Then he froze as he caught something in the reflection of the window. His hand tightened around the one he held. "What..." he started, turning his head sharply to look back. "Murph..." Blood drained from his face as he saw someone moving towards Min's room. "Murph.." More insistent now, as he stared. "There's someone there..."

He let go of the hand he held and ran towards the girl's room. He skidded to a halt at the sight of ... himself, kneeling in the room. "Murph!"

Murph hadn't seen anyone, but he moved like he believed someone to be there, based on Paddy's reactions. He stepped protectively between Patrick and... nothing. His eyes scanned every corner of the room, unable to see the apparition that Patrick had-- unable to see anything out of place, in fact. "Wha-- what is going on?" he stammered, still uneasy as he looked his mate for answers while also still making sure nothing really was amiss in the room.

"There!" Patrick pointed at the figure of himself kneeling on the floor, right next to where he'd found Min earlier. Then he realized Murph wasn't seeing what he did and he shivered. "I saw myself," he stammered out, grasping at Murph's arm in confusion. "How is that possible? That was me, a few hours ago, I don't understand."

"Maybe you need to lie down," Murph had put himself between Patrick and where he was pointing out the apparition. "I'll call the bridge and have them scan for any anomalies... but there's nothing there. Not now, anyway."

Pale-faced, Patrick looked up. "Anomalies, like what? Tell me I'm not crazy Murph, am I dreaming?" He shook his head. "I swear... I was there, that was me from a few hours ago." The fact that Murph was being so protective didn't really seem to register, if it had he would've found it extremely endearing. "What will lying down accomplish?"

"It just seems like a good idea," Murphy said, not interested in arguing but clearly concerned. He escorted Paddy out toward a chair in the main room. "At least sit down, please." But it wasn't really option. "Murphy to the bridge. Can I get a science team to my quarters? I need to rule out that everyone here is going crazy."

Patrick sat, but refused to let go of Murph's hand. "Are we crazy?" he whispered, "I don't want to be crazy."


Patrick O'Malley
pnpc Lhaes

Lieutenant Commander Angus Murphy
Chief Engineer


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