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How Do

Posted on Wed Jun 3rd, 2020 @ 12:01am by

Mission: Cruel Meridian
Location: Sadie's quarters
1384 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Towel still wrapped around her damp hair, Sadie was humming an upbeat tune as she wiggled herself into her maternity tunic. She had started to wear them recently as they were more roomie and comfortable than the standard uniform.

She knew Wilfred was likely waiting in the living room, as he walked her to work every morning. It had become a habit over the last months, especially as in the first three months of her pregnancy she'd been feeling so sick he was worried she'd never make it to work. "How do I look?" she asked as she did a little pirouette, showing off her new uniform.

"Why do women ask that? Like seriously, you look like you with a round ball in the front of your stomach which is what you're supposed to look like this far along and I've always thought that you were beautiful with or without the baby bump. You look more comfortable if that helps any? But you could wear around a burlap sack and I'd probably still stare at you all the time." Wilfred answered her honestly.

"You would, wouldn't you," Sadie chuckled, "I don't feel very beautiful right now to be honest. I feel very... big." She rubbed her extended belly. "Sometimes I wonder if there really is only one in there, that the doctor's scanner is broken or something, you know?"

"Uh, well I can't speak for that and I've never been pregnant but I imagine a lot of women feel that way and I would hope by this century they could tell if there was more than one." Wilfred grinned as he got up from his spot to plant little kisses on her face and neck.

"Oh...that'd be the day, pregnant men..." She tilted her head a little. "My are we affectionate today," she teased as she reached to wrap her arms around his neck. "Are you ready to walk me to work, or do you want to play hookey today? I feel like skipping and just having a lazy day together."

"Up to you," Wilfred shrugged. "What would we do? If you stayed home I mean? We might not get a lot of opportunity to just cuddle after the baby is born."

"Oh we'll have plenty of time to cuddle," Sadie smirked, leaning up to kiss his nose. "This baby of ours, it'll grow up with cuddles, because we'll all have them, and when it sleeps, we'll have our time." She kissed the corner of his mouth. "Still don't want to know if it's a boy or girl?"

"Nah, I Want to be surprised. Don't you? I mean you can find out if you want, just don't tell me." He grinned at her kisses. "I meant with just the two of us. I'm sure the kid will be spoiled with love. What about . . . uh . . . names? We should probably think of that right?"

"Oh yes definitely," Sadie nodded, "though I haven't really stopped to think of something yet. We still have a good two months time. Oh oh!" She sudenly grabbed his hand and moved it to her stomach. "Do you feel that?"

"Just thinking maybe we should . . . not put it off." He shrugged and smiled when he grabbed her hand and moved to to her abdomen. "Yeah, pretty awesome." He looked up at Sadie, he couldn't believe his luck. She was the first great thing that had ever happened to him. "I really hope the baby has your hair," he said stroking it. "I love the color."

"And your smarts," Sadie answered, leaning into the touch. "We could peek you know.... the doctor could tell us." Though she really did want it to be a surprise. "So, how do we skip work today?"

"Nah, that spoils the surprise. What will be will be." Wilfred answered with certainty. "Uh, I guess we call in sick though that does make me feel a bit guilty, not that it's very busy in the brig."

"Well you are sick," she teased, vrying for some more affection, "isn't love a sickness?" She burrowed into his arms. "Sickbay's quiet too, save for people reporting with weird symptoms. You haven't been feeling strange have you? No apparitions?"

"Nope, even if I did it probably wouldn't be that interesting," Wilfred said, his arms going around her. "Sadie, can I ask you something? Do you think we should . . . . get married?" He asked, not waiting for her to answer.

She looked up at him. "Eventually yes," she answered, "I think we should." Sadie smiled happily. "Don't you?"

"Yes, I just wasn't sure if you would want to . . . . or how soon. I thought I'd offer before the baby was here. Just in case you know. I suppose some women worry about that." Wilfred shrugged and backtracked a little. His face was turning a bit red.

"You're adorable when you do your tomato impression," Sadie teased him, "and I do appreciate your concern. Just in case something happens right? Don't worry love, we still have time before he or she is due. But to ease your worry, let's do it before the baby is born, make it all legal and proper." She chuckled. "Make an honest women of me," she added.

"Pfft, I'm supposed to say that, not you. When?" He asked curiously. It was so amazing how his life had turned around in such a short amount of time.

"Now?" She cast him a beaming smile. "gives us a legal excuse to ditch work today. Might as well do it now because what if something throws the proverbial spanner in later?"

"Now?" Wilfred swallowed. "You don't want to take a few days to plan? How would we do it? Just ask the Captain? On the holodeck? Or just a few people?" He felt like he was rambling.

"Plan what? You don't seem like the big party type to me, and I think if we just go to the captain and ask her she'll do it? All we need is witnesses right?" She kissed him lightly. "Calm down honey, we can do this. I certainly don't want to make a big deal out of it, it's important to us right? Who cares what others think or feel. It's our wedding, we can make it as big or as small as we please."

"Small is fine, but I just think we should take one day and think about exactly what you want. A pretty dress? Walk down an isle with a couple of friends present? Might as well make it perfect even if it's just four of us plus the Captain.

"Dear Wilfred.." She cupped his face between her hands. "It's not just about what I want. What do you want? We can take one day, and I'm sure I can find a pretty dress, and we can have friends there, however few we have... but it's stil about us."

"Just the five of us sounds great," he smiled, taking one of her hands and kissing her palm. "Come on, we can snuggle and talk about what kind of dress you want."

"Maybey baby can help us decide," she chuckled as she pulled him back towards the bedroom. "He or she is kicking up a fuss at this whole idea....pffffff."

"Great idea," Wilfred chuckled. "He or she can decide. It's kind of annoying calling him or her that. Maybe we should come up with a nickname in the meantime like . . . . Bean or something?"

"Bean.... tis a wee bigger than a bean now love," Sadie chuckled as she shrugged out of her tunic, "but...we can call it bean..."

"Yeah, I know, just . . . . something to call it other than it, or trying to figure out the right pronoun." He shrugged and helped her with the tunic. "Still can't believe this is real sometimes. I suppose that doesn't occur to you," he grinned, placing a hand on her stomach.

"Oh don't worry love, it'll be real soon enough when you get to hold our little beanie," she chuckled, covering his hand with her own. "Come let's get into bed, and enjoy being lazy for a bit."

"Sure," Wilfred smiled and let her pull him into the bedroom so they could discuss wedding plans and their future together.

Ensign Wilfred Wexler
Brig Officer

PO2 Sadie Sage


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