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Father In-Law

Posted on Tue Aug 11th, 2020 @ 7:53pm by Commodore Jane Saulitis & Hak

Mission: Cruel Meridian
Location: Lounge
Timeline: Following "Punching Out"
1695 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Jane and Hak were walking the halls of Majestic holding hands. It was really nice to be with him again, even if it hadn't been that long from her perspective and longer from his. It was evening and the ship was quiet except for a few stragglers that hadn't quite made the shift on time. She had decided to become blind and not notice however, if their superior officers wanted to report them then it was her XO's problem.

"Sunsets," Jane said suddenly. "Or sunrises. When was the last time you saw either?"

"When I left you last... over a month ago," Hak started, "I went to Andoria. Not much sunlight there to count, I suppose." Also, no sunlight in a bunker several stories below ground, but he didn't add that part. "So maybe Marga III. Seems so long ago." He lifted her hand that he was holding up his lips, kissing right on her wedding band.

She thought about the fact that it had been a month in real time when it seemed less than ten days on her end. "Same, been in space ever since." She smiled at the gesture as a shiver went through her body for some reason. "Maybe one of these days we get to go on a honeymoon and see both?"

"One of these days," Hak promised with a smirk. "Just not Marga III, please."

Beatrice at the same time had dragged Lhaes out of their quarters and managed to find a babysitter at the last minute so they could be alone. She tugged on his arm. "Come on silly. You've been working so hard lately. Let's go find a place to be alone."

Putting up a mild show of reluctance, and it really was only for show, Lhaes straggled a little as he was tugged along. "It's necessary," he answered her, finally allowing her to tug him close, "the safety of the crew depended on it." As he came close he wrapped his arm around her waist and stole a kiss. "So, do you have anywhere in mind?"

"They're in a tin can flying through space that could be ripped apart at any moment", Beatrice said as if that proved her point. "Somewhere with a view of the stars. It's nice to see outside the tin can" she grinned as she heard footsteps and looked over.

"Beatrice, Sommers," Hak smiled pleasantly at his in-laws, though it was slightly awkward because he realized they were interupting something of an intimate moment by the emotions and body language. He squeezed Jane's hand imperceptibly.

"Hak," Beatrice smiled warmly, broke away from her husband and gave her son in law a hug. She knew it would make him uncomfortable but she did it anyway.

Ironically, it didn't make Hak uncomfortable at all. Betazoids are used to such showings of affection and attention, not that he necessarily wanted it from her.

"Fancy meeting you both here," Jane said, unsure of what to say really. "Would you like to have dinner with us?" She reached up and took a pin out of her hair, letting it fall which was a bit uncharacteristic for her.

"Hello Hak," Lhaes greeted as he let go of his wife, then inclined his head towards his captain. "Ma'am," he said formally, somehow unable to address her by her given name. It just didn't feel proper even if they were family now. He didn't reach to hug her, nor shake hands with Hak, instead he just retained a small distance. "Yes, I think we would, don't we Beatrice?" He turned his attention to her, giving her the choice of yes or no. The so-called final say.

Jane eyed Lhaes interestedly when he wouldn't call her by her first name. She knew it would be awkward still working together but she had expected to have a bit of separation between work and times like this.

"Of course!" Beatrice said, obviously pleased at the suggestion. "The lounge or somewhere more private."

Jane turned to Hak. "It doesn't matter to me?"

"It seems like a good idea. It's what families do," Hak offered an upbeat note, insightfully referencing the undercurrent of tension between Lhaes and Jane. He looked over to Jane and smiled. "Do you have a suggestion for a place? I don't suppose it's fair to your chef to spring a surprise dinner party on him without warning and my cooking skills extend only as far as omelettes and toast, I'm afraid."

"No, I definitely don't want to bother Patrick. Let's go to the lounge, it's replicated food but at least it's hot and they'll have a place big enough for the four of us to be comfortable." She turned her steps that way and expected the others to follow.

"We get too spoiled if we ask Mister O'Malley," Lhaes agreed, "besides we can't expect him to be at our beck and call, he needs his down time too." His smile turned into a grin. "I'm not much of a cook either though I get by. The children sure aren't starving, are they?" He turned his head to his wife, giving her a playful wink.

"Little birds with their mouths open peeping," Beatrice said back, almost contradicting him but completely joking.

Jane for some reason didn't find it amusing, in fact it made her a little sick to her stomach. "Yes well . . . The lounge it is then."

Hak smiled and nodded, motioning for the older couple to go first and lead the way.

[The Lounge]

The off duty recreation area was moderately busy considering the time of day, but Hak had managed to find two small tables on the far end of the lounge that he pushed together. He'd never actually eaten in the lounge on Majestic before, but he looked around to see if it was a serve-yourself-kind-of-place or if there was someone who came around.

A waiter approached as they seated themselves. A nervous looking man with unruly red hair and freckles, "Can I help you?" He asked quietly.

Jane glanced at the others but she already knew what she wanted. "I'll have a bowl of your white pesto pasta, a slice of garlic bread and a glass of spring wine please." Gone were the days of eating like a bird, she was hungry and didn't see the need to hide that from anyone. Hak would know anyway, being able to read her so well.

Beatrice grinned at her daughter. "Andorian Salad for me please and some sparkling Earth spring water."

"Hasperat and a lehe'jhme iced tea," Hak requested next, then looked to Lhaes.

"Lactose free five cheese pizza, no blue cheese," the Romulan ordered, "and I'll have a Romulan ale. Please make sure it's the real stuff from my personal storage, and not a substitute." The consequences would be dire with his allergies. "I'll admit I've never had hasperat, what's in it?" he asked Hak.

"I really couldn't say," Hak admitted after a moment of thought. "It's similar to a burrito but it's spicy enough I won't be able to taste anything again until tomorrow, probably," he chuckled. "I do love spicy foods."

"He tries his hardest to become a dragon and breathe fire." Jane shook her head slightly.

Beatrice thought about responding but she deemed the comment inappropriate and she didn't want to chase off her daughter. "So . . . do I have a grandchild yet?"

Lhaes nearly choked as his wife asked the question. With a toddler at home he wasn't even thinking of grandchildren and his very expression showed just how much age difference there was between them. "Beatrice, I'm sure they'll consider children, when they're ready?"

Hak wasn't really surprised by the question. Beatrice seemed to enjoy catching people off guard, saying what was on her mind, perhaps for shock value alone or maybe she just lacked a certain empathy. On that regard, Hak actually found her refreshing. "As far as I know, we've only been talking about house plants and maybe a Syryxian tree cat. I'm still only leaning toward the house plants, myself," he answered easily. The non-answer seemed the easiest way to let the question slide by without awkwardness, even if it was intended to be awkward.

"I'm the one who wants the cat," Jane supplied. Though she was of course bothered by what her mother had asked, she'd learned long ago not to show her that or she'd only get worse. "How are your little ones Lhaes?" Now that Jane thought about it, they were actually her step siblings.

"Getting bigger by the day," Lhaes answered, somewhat sadly. "Galan insists he can walk by himself now. On the plus, it means I won't have to carry him that often. Evaste and Liviana they are practicing in trying to confuse us, see if they can impersonate the other."

"Will you two be having any more?" Hak asked, immediately following up to Beactrice and Lhaes. "You're obviously very good at this parenting thing, both of you."

"I wasn't planning on it," Lhaes answered almost immediately, "if it happens, it happens, but if not then that's fine with me too."

"Oh I think I'm past that point now," Beatrice snorted. But she wasn't upset by the question.

"I uh, just heard that Hak and I are going to to have a little half sibling. Could this family get any stranger?" Jane said, staying with the topic a bit longer but sort of directing it away from everyone at the table. "At least by Human standards." She gave a soft shrug. Having been raised an only child she was actually pleasantly surprised and pleased by the fact.

It was that moment that the server brought over everyone's drink orders.

"Thanks," Hak told the nervous-looking man as he received his iced tea, then looked across the table. "From here on in, we should probably just avoid talk of creating new relatives until or unless it actually happens. Probably make for more polite conversation and certainly less awkward mental images, don't you think?" He raised his glass. "A toast? To family and being together."

"I'll raise my glass to that," Jane replied. And she did.


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