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The Run Down

Posted on Tue Nov 27th, 2018 @ 9:09am by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: Run Afoul
Location: Captain's Ready Room
1069 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Jane yawned and put her chin down on the arm propped on her desk. One more appointment for the day, a security investigations officer. She'd always found the position very interesting and was grateful the position had been filled on her ship. The chime sounded and Jane called out. "Come in." She straightened and looked toward the door.

This would be Tuka's first starship posting since graduating the academy. Sure, he had plenty of intrigue to play with on outposts and star bases, but, it had been getting stale. Why wait for it to come to him... for as much as the federation prided itself in non-intervention, Star Fleet sure had its nose in everyone's business, and he aimed to lend his gumshoes and lobes to that great big sniffer of a fleet, and, liven up his adventures. "Here we go" he muttered just before presenting a big, perfectly sharpened grin. The doors swooshed open and there she was. He deftly stepped in just far enough to allow the doors to shush behind him. "Greetings captain" he blurted out as he stood to attention, proffering the best grin he could muster. Heck, he had just had his teeth professionally sharpened before leaving the station...

She'd been waiting for this all day. A Ferengi Starfleet Officer, those were so rare and she was fascinated about how it was going to work on her ship. "Lieutenant, please have a seat." She pointed to the chair across from her desk. "I have to say I was quite surprised to see a member of your species on the crew. I've never had the pleasure before."

Tuka had been expecting this sort of reaction. Ferengi working with the Federation were still relatively few and far between. He briefly, and gently, rubbed his right ear lobe to help calm his nerves. He then burst over to the chair, sat quickly, and pulled it forward and straightened his uniform. "Thank you sir. Indeed, this would also be my first time serving aboard starship such as this." He gave a sort of shrug of acceptance and continued... "As for the pleasure, not many would agree with you, still, on that attitude, even the egalitarian Federation has it's... shall we say, less open minded citizens." Tuka grinned slightly, showing off again, his newly sharpened teeth. "However sir, your pleasure aside, it is indeed quite a pleasure to meet you too." He proffered his right hand to shake hers. Handshakes were certainly an ancient Ferengi custom, one that came with the art of the deal. Though, it also used to be a widespread hooman custom, and, it still seemed to be used by many of them, which perhaps is one reason both species had started warming to each other. We did seem to have more in common than many other species in the galaxy, he thought to himself, until he realized he was drifting into memories of Ferenginar's rains, and snapped out of it.

Jane released his hand. She noted his enthusiasm and went back to a point of clarification about his file. "And yet you hold the rank of Lieutenant Junior grade? A high achievement for any Starfleet Officer who had never set foot aboard a starship before. I assume this is because of your time serving in the . . ." What was the word she was looking for?

Clearly someone had done their background work on him. Although his service in the FCA suited his investigative intuition quite well, it wasn't something he liked to share broadly with non-Ferengi, given the FCA's reputation. Hopefully she didn't know of any other services he had provided the Alliance at times... "Why thank you sir." Tuka, in deference, nodded in return. "In the... security game?" Again, he showed his teeth. "So to speak."

"Right yes," She couldn't help but let out a small smile at that. "Well I hope your time here is productive, although boring wouldn't be amiss on a starship that runs smoothly which I dearly desire this to." Jane let out a small sigh. "Do you have any questions for me? Have you been assigned quarters yet?"

A smile, but one without teeth. His mind started to analyze her facial expressions... Suddenly he stopped himself, this wasn't the time to sink too deeply into the proverbial mud of distrust Ferengi tended to swim in. "No Captain, no quarters yet." and then quickly, "Yes Captain, I too hope my time is productive here. Dearly desire though? Is there anything I can directly help you with sir?" he responded, perhaps a little too eagerly and, perhaps too big of a toothy grin to boot.

"Not yet Lieutenant, I'd like to keep it that way but we shall see how it goes. Speak to Commander Th'aziavak about the quarters, he can assign some for you." She made a couple of notations on her PADD. "Anything else?" She asked looking up at him again.

"Uhhh... no ma'am, I mean, sir!" he could slap his ears letting that slip, but he had to admit, she made him nervous, yet, her authority was somehow alluring... and, then, the damn meeting had seemed so quick, somehow he had expected more, curt, as the hoomans would say. It left him jarred. And then there was that bun! What was that about? Exposing those cute little human lobes... he shook his head slightly, trying to hide a rush of blood to his own lobes. "My apologies sir!" How could this meeting have gone so smoothly!? Then, plop! Dry mud caked on my face! "Thank you, I will speak to Commander... Tha, zeeahvac, thank you" he continued, stammering, almost tripping over the chair as a stood up to attention.

"It's all right lieutenant, I answer to either term. The commander will help you there." She smiled at him. "At ease, don't want the new people spraining something before their first day."

"Thank you.... sir." Tuka turned, rubbed a lobe in confusion, and stepped through the doorway. As it swooshed, closing behind him, he fought the urge to run, he didn't know where, but his heart was beating and suddenly he felt a little overwhelmed with his decision to move his career onto a starship. As he slumped against a wall, he steadied his breathing, straightened himself, and set off to find Commander Th'aziavak.

Commander Jane Saulitis
Commanding Officer
USS Majestic

Lieutenant JG Tuka Rezig,
Security Investigation Officer
USS Majestic


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