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Resuming a new course (Part I)

Posted on Thu Oct 29th, 2020 @ 2:55am by Lieutenant Lily Marlow

Mission: End of Line
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD3
2284 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure

As agreed, Sekat walked into the new treatment room after his shift. He did wonder if the chief was going to the station for leave or not. He had made no such plans for himself even though he did want to have a stroll around at some point.

Patiently, he waited for the chief medical officer arrive, taking the time to change into a simple robe which he could easily slide out of when necessary. Spending the entire waiting time just wrapped in a sheet wasn't something he quite fancied.

Lily arrived as she had promised Sekat. Even though she was spending time on the station for shoreleave, she wasn't going to miss her appointment with him. She stepped inside, seeing Sekat waiting for her.

"Hello Sekat, how are you feeling today?" she asked."I must apologize to you, I had forgotten to let you know I was going on shoreleave on the station. Even though I have been there, I wasn't about to not be here for your next treatment." setting things up for his treatment. Turning on the screen with the forest scene and sounds, as well as the emitter for the scents as well. "It has been strange being on shoreleave right after I just arrived on the ship."

"In good spirits if not a little nervous," Sekat said, "please do not apologize for enjoying your leave. It is I who should apologize to you for keeping the appointment when you should be out there enjoying yourself." As she turned away from him, he let his robe slide from his shoulders and climbed up on the bead, sliding himself under the sheet. "can you tell me what you do, as you do it? Or would that break your concentration?"

Lily walked back to the massage table, and stood by Sekat. "It won't break my concentration to speak of what I do while working on the massage therapy. You do have a choice for this appointment. A massage or, Acupuncture. Either one I can tell you of what I do, though, at another time I can demonstrate to you the methods on a holographic person so you can get a different perspective." Lily taking a seat on the stool she pulled over, to talk with Sekat.

"I believe we were going to try acupuncture today," Sekat reminded her, "because a massage was too painful and too stressful." He didn't mention that he had taken the day off before, because he felt barely able to move.

Lily nodded, "Thank you." Lily stood up and retrieved her set up for acupuncture rolling it over within easy reach. "What I will be doing is called Surrounding the Dragon, meaning I will be placing acupuncture needles around the scar tissue area that will be treated.In addition with that I'll be using an herb called mugwort."

Pulling out a small rod made up of that herb called a moxa. "What I will be doing is burning this Moxa, and will touch the needles while they are embedded in your scar tissue. What it will do is increases circulation and aid in the healing of the scar tissue. Which area would you like me to start with, shoulder, thigh or foot?" she asked as she went to get two of the large long pillows with which he could be comfortable with supporting him on his side while she treated the scar tissue on his left side.

"Can you start with my shoulder?" He paused to look at her. "Do I still need to be lying down, or can I sit up?" The shoulder injury was towards his front rather than his back as the Panthalon had bitten him there rather than clawed, intending to sever the jugular but thankfully the feline had missed.

"Most times it is done with people lying down, but I have just the thing for you to be more comfortable. I will be just a moment. I hadn't unpacked this as of yet so you will be the first to utilize it here." Lily smiling. "Almost like opening a present." giving a laugh. "I know, its silly, but its fun to think of it like this. A gift of healing."

In a matter of minutes, the object was unfolded and put in place, not too far from where Sekat was laying. It was another massage table, it was constructed differently to where it could be moved to where a client could either be laying down upon it or, be seated for a treatment. Lily retrieve a sheet, covering it, placing some covers over the arms of the chair as well. The lower half of the massage chair/table was raised to where it was level, but the back was up to where Sekat would be seated comfortably.

"There you go, this will be easier for you to see what I am doing whilst I'm using the acupuncture upon you." turning her back towards him so he could make his way over to the other massage chair/table.

He appreciated the small gesture of privacy as he shifted over to the new semi reclined chair. "This is more comfortable," he commented as he leaned back, draping his sheet across his lap. "I would prefer seeing what you do, so perhaps it is better to start with my foot or my thigh," he added, "I may not be able to see you work if you start with my shoulder." He gave a minute nod. "I give you the choice."

She brought over a needle for him to inspect, the end so fine, much thinner than a needle used for injections. "There is little to no sensation when the needle is put in the skin." Lily commented.

"I'll start with the foot, then continue upwards."Lily stated, getting the other needles and the moxa. she pulled over the stool, and sat upon it, to begin.

"The patients I have treated, have always indicated the pain level they were experiencing went down by several levels. Even I have experienced this when I received treatment from my mother." deftly putting in the needles surrounding the scar upon his foot, the insertion of the needles . She then placed the lit moxa upon the top of the needles, allowing just the right amount of warmth to permeate the needles and down to the skin. "This helps the circulation"

Sekat watched in fascination, especially as he didn't really seem to feel the needles penetrate his skin. "Why am I not feeling them as you insert them?" he asked curiously, while trying to keep his foot utterly still so she couldn't misjudge. "It is starting to feel warm," he said, "I have not much issue with my foot since the incident, I do believe it was healed well enough. Despite the scarring, there was, to my recollection, no infection."

"The needles are thinner than a hypodermic needle, combine those with someone who is skilled enough to use them, there wouldn't be any pain. From your question, It proves that I was able to do the acupuncture right. These can't be used by someone who isn't trained as said person can cause quite abit of pain." her demeanor being focused on what she was doing.

Once done with the moxa, Lily went on to the next scarred area, this being a larger area therefore needing more acupuncture needles. She placed the needles around the scarred area on the thigh, then started applying the moxa.

Despite not feeling the keen needles penetrate his skin, Sekat hissed unconsciously. He didn't feel it in the literal sense but somehow his brain was sending signals that he was supposed to. The area was tender, but as she had explained he shouldn't feel this. "That is very sensitive," he offered as explanation, "I cannot explain why."

"It is probably due to seeing the needles I've placed around the scar tissue, I experienced that sort of sensation when I first had this done to me. It is easier to be the one placing the needles in the skin, as you can distance yourself into a more clinical state of mind. Here, it is being done to you, different perceptions at work here. " continuing with the moxa. "Perhaps it is better for you to close your eyes, and not watch. Especially since the next part will be your shoulder."

"But if I do not watch, then how will I learn?" Sekat asked earnestly, though he did avert his eyes, looking away from the procedure.

"I will be teaching you, with hands-on training. We will be utilizing a holographic program that was designed just for that purpose." Lily stated. "Once all the needles are in place, it will be around 10 to 20 minutes for the process to take effect."

She went quiet for a moment, thinking of the facts that Sekat, remembering something that her instructor had spoken of where those who had more sensitive skin.

"I just remembered something my instructor had told me that at times those who have sensitive skin, will feel a mild soreness. It will pass, the acupuncture should begin to cause a heaviness or a numbness radiating out from where I placed the needles. It causes a relaxation which affects the body. After this treatment, you will have to wait for a few days before we continue, just to let your body adjust to not as much pain as before."

Lily moved up to place the needles into the area around the scarring on his shoulder.

"I am not experiencing pain," he told her, though he didn't watch her place the needles in his shoulder, "though my leg does start to feel numb. Is it safe to walk when you are done?" Obviously he was still using his cane to walk, but could he trust himself to make it home without making a fool out of himself? "My foot is feeling very warm, which is rather uncomfortable to having no sensation on the remainder of my leg."

"It will be safe once Today's treatment is done, but I will walk you to your quarters. Its been known to make people rather relaxed, maybe even feel as if they are tipsy. With this in mind, I will accompany you and I will not acknowledge any objections from you at this time." her gaze is rather firm. "It would not be good for you to find yourself flat on your face before you get to your quarters."

"That would be most embarrassing," Sekat murmured, "and extremely undignified." He offered the smallest of smiles. "I will accept, if you will join me for dinner..." It was an open invitation, merely to thank her for her efforts. It was the least he could do, besides being a motivated student, wasn't it? By Vulcan standards he was still young, and he was open to learning new things if that would benefit those he treated.

" I will accept your offer." Lily replied, as she finished placing the last needle on Sekat's shoulder, and began applying the moxa to the needles, a slow warmth radiating from it through the needles to the skin.

"You will definitely be needing something to eat after this, as well as something to drink. And one more thing to let you know, you will need sleep, the body will demand it." Lily chuckled. " I know from my own experience with acupuncture, I barely managed to eat before having the extreme desire for much needed sleep."

"I would assume I do have more control than a Human when it comes to staying awake," Sekat chuckled, "do you still carry fruit everywhere you go?" He didn't mention that he himself was actually part -if only a small part- Human.

Lily smiled, "I actually do carry fruit still. Maybe not in that big bag like I did when I came onboard, but yes, I do carry fruit still. You never know when you might need it. I do have fruit in my main office too."

"Do you have any peaches" he wondered if that was a Human thing to do, though he couldn't recall any others he knew that did it. "Why do you do it?" He asked at last.

"I do have peaches, but not in my bag. Those I have in stasis. They don't travel well if carried around like I do the apples and oranges. I carry the apples and oranges, as I like sharing the fruit my sister and aunt gave to me. I guess spreading a little bit of love? I suppose it is strange for someone to do so, but." she shrugged, "Its just a part of who I am."

"It is the little things that make someone into who he or she is," Sekat acknowledged with a slight nod as he didn't want to unsettle anything by moving too much. "How long do they need to remain in place?"

Glancing over towards the timepiece she had nearby, Lily replied, "For this set." indicating the shoulder, you will have ten more minutes. I can start removing the ones on your foot now. I calculate that, by the time I get the needles out from your foot and thigh, it will be time to remove the ones from your shoulder."

Lily having finished up warming the shoulder needles with the moxa, took the moxa back to the cart and extinguished it. Once that was done, she proceeded to gently take the acupuncture needles out of the foot, putting them into a proper bin for that sort of use. Continuing upwards to the thigh, Lily focused on her work, making certain to not cause any pain. As each needle was taken out, the numbness would be lessening.


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