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Fun and Games (Part II)

Posted on Tue Dec 1st, 2020 @ 11:34pm by Lieutenant Lily Marlow

Mission: End of Line
Location: Starbase Adna
Timeline: Mission Day 2
2669 words - 5.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Next morning, Lily was all ready up, having had a quick shower and dressed in a dark green long sleeved shirt and black slacks. Her bed was even made, a habit she had since she was a child. Even if she was sleeping in a hotel room, Lily made her bed.

"Hey Nichelle, I'll be outside waiting, sitting on that bench there." pointing out towards the indicated bench. "Then lets go have some fun. I don't know if i want to have a holo person do my hair. I'll just not worry about it. Besides I just took a shower." giving a wry smile.

"Give me a couple more minutes." Vannan said from the bathroom as she was drying her hair.

"Not a problem." Lily stated, stepping outside to look around. She was feeling rather energetic, just the notion of seeing some different things tended to give her an energy boost.

Vannan was out a very short time later, walking up to Lily in a Overall style mini dress; pockets for a useful look to them with a skirt to the knee, gray in color and a red blouse paired with the sandals that had straps that wound around her leg to boot height. Her hair loose and her smile just drank in the day.

"So where do we go first?" Her eyes sparkling with the possibilities.

"We can just stroll around, I'd like to go look at their gardens then go see if they have different environmental areas to experience. Wonder if they have a beach area, as well as a snow area. Or for that matter, a place with a forest." Lily remarked. "Definitely have a need to find out."

"No asking the computer." Vannan teased. "That would take out all the fun of wondering about." She said. "We look at displays and maps like tourists."

"No worries, I don't plan on asking the Station how to get somewhere. We'll just explore and make our own maps. And as you said, take a look at the maps as well." And off they went.

Lily loved being a tourist, there was so much to see. One thing that caught her eye was directions to the multi environmental suites. "Look Nichelle, there's several of these that I am interested in. We can go play in the snow, go on a hike in the forest or go play on the beach or all of the above! What do you think. Which one do you want to go to first?"

"Never really been in... snow; my world where I was raised was not that cold. No one at Academy ever talked me into going Skiing." She glanced to Lily. "Which bring to mind; what is a Snow Bunny?"

Lily thought for a moment, then said with a wry expression, "Well, there are two types of definitions for that term. One is an attractive female skier, and the other is a promiscuous girl who is sexually attracted to the promiscuous skiers after they ski down the slopes. "

She shook her head, "I prefer the first one myself." giving a nod. "Skiing is fun, so is snowboarding. How about we go to the area where there is snow, this way you can experience what its like to play in the snow. It can be a lot of fun."

"If I get called a Snow Bunny should I hurl a Snowball in that direction?" Vannan laughed. I am in something not best for winter; hope they have attire for us?"

Lily laughed, "Perhaps you can do so, if you wish. It may lead into a snowball fight." They arrived at envirionmental suites, Lily ordered clothing for herself, boots which were black, jacket which was dark green, hat which was black with a dark green stripes. The ski pants were black. Her gloves were black and green and the same with her scarf, which was green with black stripes. She also added some goggles.

"Have to protect the eyes." she said, "Now your turn. It's my treat. I'll change while you decide." Disappearing into a changing room with her winter gear.

The Hologram was normal male, checking out her legs; in a not as subtle way while Vannan made her choices. It was not as easy as she did not want to get something extravagant as she was not comfortable in the cold; a skirt for the short walk did not help. Yet she did like so many choices. She went with a Pair of Naval Blue Pants and matching jacket with white stripes down the sleeves and legs, Red hat and boots for a splash of colors and a silver trimmed set of goggles and a blue neoprene face mask that tucked into her jacket with a dark blue Long sleeve shirt for under the jacket and she bought a small duffle for she and Lily to keep the 'Tourist clothes in while they do what they are doing? Quickly going into the Changing room to get dressed.

Thoughts of cold had Vannan out quickly as she emerged with goggles in the cap and jacket draped over her arms with the black ski gloves snugly in the jacket pockets. She smiled when she saw Lily.

"Please tell me this is not Snow Bunny colors." She teased.

Lily stepped out just as Nichelle asked her question.

"That is definitely not snow bunny colors, though, you do look lovely in that outfit. Very chic." giving her a thumbs up. "Okay lets go play in the snow!"

Heading out into the winter wonderland. Lily ran out into the middle of a snowfield, scooping up some snow and throwing it in the air, laughing. Then she bent down to pick up some more snow, making a snowball, and said, "Incoming Nichelle!" throwing it towards her friend.

Vannan instinctively moved aside and with a look of mischief had watched but still needed a little more.

"No fair I cannot return the gesture, no way to make the ammunition." She laughed and started to stalk towards Lily. "I have heard of a fate from other humans..." Her grin like a kitten trying to play tough. "I will make you into a Snow Angel..." She rushed forward to try and take Lily down.

Lily side stepped Nichelle, darting even further into the snow covered landscape laughing. "Come on, lets build a snowman, or..." catching sight of some sleds and toboggans. "We can go tobogganing!" heading in that direction.

"Don't know what you are talking about but is sure sound like fun." Vannan quickly followed Lily towards the top of a hill; or do they call it that 'Slope' reference recalled. "Is this where we stand and slide down the snow or one of those sled things?"

"No, that would be skiing, where you stand on the skis and head down hill. These..." Lily picking up the toboggan. " You place it down here. Then sit down, grab the sides of it with your hands and you slide downhill, then climb back to the top to repeat the fun." she grinned. "Let me demonstrate. Oh make certain you don't lean to the side that will make the toboggan turn, in the direction you might not want to go. If you do want to curve to the right, you lean right. If you want to go to the left, you lean left. Now, watch or you can head down right after me."

Lily sat down on the toboggan made a forward motion and then swoosh, she was down the hill with a "Yahooooo!"which echoed in the air.

After a couple of second or two she hopped upon one of the Toboggan and she forced herself forward and started behind her friend. Hoping she had the control instructions and lean forward a bit to see if it would make her go a little faster as she squeaked while keeping herself centered as one would a Hang Glider, just the sides rather than the bar she normally used. She started to get a little more momentum and realized that no-one had told her 'braking.'

Lily loved the feeling of sliding down a hill covered in snow on a toboggan. It was like flying, but more connected to the earth. She glanced back to check on Nichelle, only to realize that her friend was coming towards her at a rather fast pace. If she didn't make a quick move Nichelle would collide into her. In less than a second, Lily had her foot out to steer her toboggan out of the way, her toboggan angling away from Nichelle's path.

"Nichelle, put your feet out on the snow to stop yourself!" Lily yelled out as she twisted the front of the tobaggan once more to the left to get herself back on a more straight path. The bottom of the hill came to view and a large patch of level ground which would help the toboggan to come to a stop. Lily pulled up on the front of the toboggan and placed her feet out on both sides to come to a gentle stop. She swiftly got off her toboggan and moved out of the area. Lily turned to check to see if Nichelle was doing all right.

Vannan was like a torpedo skipping on the water; a look upon her face that could be horror; fear of just brain freeze, she pulled the front of the thing as hard as she could whole putting her feet like a drag from too fast a Hang Glide approach and held on for all she was worth. Sliding easily to a stop and a wet thwack of the front coming down onto the snow.

"OH my Gosh!" Vannan sprang to ger feet and grabbed the toboggan , slinging it over her shoulder. "We are SOOO doing that again." She squeaked. "I almost caught air on the way down, are there places for jumps?"

"I don't know if there are any jumps for the toboggans, but, there is snowboarding which is like skateboarding or surfing but in snow. Those are fun to experience." Lily stated with a smile. "Want to give that a try?" leading the way. "With your dexterity and zeal, I think you would be catching on pretty quickly. " giving a nod.

"Are there possibility of jumps if I get it down?" She asked with total glee. "Snow is much softer than sand on a beach after a shallow glider landing."

"Yes there are jumps, and there will be some snow to fall down on. Its great fun to grab air with the snowboard." Lily said with enthusiasm, "Let's do this!" leading the way to a higher point where the snowboards were located.

"I can do the surfing thing." Vannan followed. "But what do you do after a Wipe-out?" Asking while walking with her friend. "No pole tings to get ack up and it lookis more like Wake-boarding than surfing?" Shrugging.

"You know, Skiing is safer than snowboarding, that is due to the ski boots can detach to keep you from getting hurt. To stop on snowboard you end up having to do a judo sort of maneuver, looking like you are flying and you fall forward. " Lily looking at Nichelle. "Or we can go back to tobogganing." giving Nichelle a smile. "Or go skiing."

"Both." Vannan said with a happy grin. "How will I know which is more fun if I do not at least try them both and see what fun we have?" She glanced about and watched the Snowboarding. "That looks more like Wakeboarding and maybe a little surfing, I have done those on a beach can we try that first?"

"Snowboarding first, then skiing." Lily laughed, leading the way. She showed Nichelle the padding that was meant to be used for riding on the snowboard, just like they would have for skateboarding. Once they were outfitted, Lily took Nichelle to the more moderate slopes.

"Gonna start here then we can work to the other area. I am going to be needing just a small warm up before we go there." pointing towards where some other people were involved in making their way over the jumps.

"When you want to stop your snowboard, there are several methods, press firmly with your heels; or turn your snowboard up hill utilizing your toes, and also turn your snowboard horizontally to come to a complete stop. "

Lily strapped her feet on the snowboard, and then did a little hop landing on the slope, she almost toppled over but regained her balance as she headed further down. Soon her movements smoothed out, as she hit several little bumps sending her into the air, then dropping down. Her speed picked up, then she started to angle her snowboard towards where it was facing up hill and then going horizontally. She unstrapped her snowboard from her feet and moved out of the way.

"Okay, give it a go Nichelle!" Lily called out.

Vannan made the first mistake trying to stand and ended the attempt on her bum; that did not work well for her so she got over on her hands and knees then did a vault like push from some tumbling and such to her feet and the board started to move. She had done some 'Wake boarding, being a flat board thrown into the shallow water and then jump on and like skateboarding. The Snowboard worked on a similar type of guidance.

Gaining some trajectory Vannan figured how to guide the board quickly with the subtle weight adjustments and when she had her first launch it was controlled and she smiled. Htting the snow she wobbled as her center of Gravity was off and she had to fight more to keep upright. Going down she was getting another hill and a little less loss of center. WHile coming to the bottom she did as she saw and angled up hill in a short sweeping turn the 'sat' in the snow. Unbuckling her boots she stood and dust herself off.

"Can we do that again?" She beamed.

Lily laughed. " Sure we can do that again, or we can save something like this for the holo deck on the ship. How about we do some skiing? " giving her friend a nudge with her shoulder.

Later on once they were safely down the hill, Lily looked at Vannan, "So, the best way to warm up and end this day, why don't you come to my quarters and I'll make the promised cookies. What do you say?"

"Anything sounds good that is warm." Vannan said.

They arrived back on the ship, and went to Lily's quarters to where she made hot chocolate and quickly prepped the chocolate chip cookies. Soon the scent of freshly baked cookies permeated the quarters, and when they were done, Lily set them out on a counter.

"I am hoping that this will become a habit of us getting together to have cookies and hot chocolate." Lily said with a smile before she took a bite of the gooey goodness of the cookie.

Vannan's sparkle had faded a bit as she kept the smile on her face. "I would like that if I could. I feel that it is not going to be, I -I have to be on my way soon." She look at her potential friend. "I have transfer orders."

Lily's smile faded just a bit as well. "Well.. guess its a good thing we got to do this then. Just remember this though, Nichelle. We will be friends no matter where you and I end up. "Lily walking over and giving her friend a tight hug. "I will miss you very much, Sis."

"The feeling is mutual." Vannan returned the hug. "I will not be out of touch, just not around as much."

"I am glad, I am very glad." wiping away a tear and getting back to eating cookies and drinking hot chocolate trying to spend the last moments with her friend, before she leaves.


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