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Chicken Run

Posted on Wed Jan 9th, 2019 @ 5:19pm by Commodore Jane Saulitis

Mission: Run Afoul
Location: USS Majestic
Timeline: Current
562 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Jane was walking down the corridor when a haggard looking ensign ran past her, dropping things as he moved and only realizing it when he was a ways down the corridor. Jane stopped and began to pick things up as she headed toward him. "Where's the fire?" She asked, a small smile on her face to let him know she was not upset.

The ensign, wearing the gold of operations facepalmed. "Uh..thanks Captain." He said, face turning command red. "A lot to fix I guess."

"I'm sure keeping a starship running is nothing but busy days of maintenance." She handed him the items he'd dropped. "I just don't want anyone tripping or getting knocked down in your hustle, not that I don't appreciate your spirit and willingness to get the job done. What's your name?" She should know it, but it escaped her mind at the moment.

He facepalmed. "Price, Captain. Ensign Drew Price" he said. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Something I can help with? I don't seem to have a lot to do at the moment." She was no operations officer but she'd dabbled in fixing things had a need to feel as if she were helping out, or at least doing something. It would keep her from wanting to call Hak.

"Uhh." Price blushed. "If you want to." He said. "I was about to fix a replicator in engineering lab 2."

Jane eyed him curiously. She didn't want to impose but she also didn't want to be idle. "Lead the way, if nothing else I can hand you tools or hold them. I'm desperate for something to get my mind off this investigation."

Price chuckled. It just kind of slipped out. , There was no canning it. "Here we are, Captain." He said smiling as he began to kneel. He got the panel off. "Distraction can be good" Drew said. "Keeps my mind fresh. Needed it in that awful linguistics final" he laughed.

"Linguistics? I had always enjoyed languages until I met Admiral LeVous. Biggest windbag I ever talked to. If you even thought about putting the wrong emphases on the wrong syllable he was jumping up and down on you. I haven't studied my Irish since. Which, is a shame now that I think about it. Oh," She crouched down with him, holding out any tools she thought he might need.

"Same here. But I had Commander Sohal senior year. The most Vulcan of the Vulcans of all of Vulcan." He laughed as he grabbed a spanner from his CO. "His class was brutal."

"Well we both survived." Jane pointed out. "What was your favorite subject? Mine was warp theory but even back then I didn't know I wanted to be a pilot, I'd never been at the helm of anything."

Drew laughed. "I'd say. God, I don't know. I did ok in basic diplomacy." He said. "I like peace I guess."

"Good, next time we run into a new alien species I'll call you." She handed him one final tool. "I should probably be going but Ensign?"

"Yes, Captain?" Drew said

"Try not to run over any other Commanders." Jane gave him a smile that said she wasn't really upset and left, hastily returning to Engineering to see if anything else had been uncovered.

A post between
Commander Jane Saulitus
Ensign Drew Price (played by LtCmdr Shev Th'aziavak)


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