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Unexpected Surprises

Posted on Sun Feb 28th, 2021 @ 12:00pm by
Edited on on Mon Mar 14th, 2022 @ 8:31am

Mission: A Day In The Life
Location: Starbase 42, Waiting for Assignment
Timeline: Some Time Back
1647 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Megan reached over slapping Andy’s free hand, “knock it off you big baby,” she scolded him. “Seriously, I have treated children who can sit through this better than you.” She took the tweezers and carefully removed the bits of glass from the man’s hand, as he flinched again. “If you’re good, maybe you’ll get a treat when we are done,” she spoke in a condescending voice.

Andy took his free hand and dug a finger into Megan’s side, “oh, I’m getting a treat alright,” he winked.

“Seriously,” she cocked an eyebrow, “really?” She snorted with a laugh, “I’m sitting here digging glass out of your hand and you’re thinking of that…” She took the tweezers and pulled another piece of glass, this time noting that Andy didn’t move, only hissed a bit of air out. She was ready to pull the last little bits out when out of the corner of her eye she saw his hand move up her tunic to the top-bottom.

She dropped her tweezer beside her, “Andrew Michael Callaghan, boy, I know you’re not doin what I think you are doin, are you?” Her tone switched from warm and welcoming to stern and serious. She held up her other hand, “besides, we’re not married..” she winked.

Andrew pulled his hand free as he rested his head in her lap, “fine, then marry me?”

Megan gave a hard belly laugh, as she kissed his forehead, “Oh honey, you’re gonna have to do better than that. Now give me your damn hand and let’s fix this,” she patted his cheek, with a bit of a hard slap. Reaching over she picked up her dermal regenerator and began to make several passes over the affected area. “Might I suggest a holodeck program, a sport, or something constructive the next time you lose your temper at your father,” she smiled, “strictly speaking as your Doctor, of course.”

Andrew sat up looking her in the face, “you weren’t there, he didn’t…”

Megan held up a finger interrupting him, “I don’t wanna hear it.”

“But, you need to know,” Andrew managed to get out before Megan stopped him.

Wagging said finger, this time, “baby, it doesn’t matter.” She kissed him, “you’re sweet, but I gotta seriously ask. Are you outta your damn mind, you hit a Commodore and then a display case?” She could see that he was forming something to say, more than likely it wasn’t helpful or constructive. “Baby,” she grabbed both of his cheeks cupping his face in her hands, “I don’t care who started it. I don’t care who finished it, and I don’t care what was said. You want a command eventually, right?”

“Yes, but…”

She placed a finger over his mouth, “then, shhhh. You can’t let him affect you like this, his opinion doesn’t matter. You’re better than that and we both know it. Baby, I don’t care if you are an Executive Officer, Commanding Officer, or the Waste Management Extractor on Gamma watch; that doesn’t matter to me. What matters is that you are a kind man and that you care for others. You’re a good man, Andy Callaghan,” she slapped his shoulder, “start acting like it.”

Running her fingers through his hair, “now get dressed, you’re taking me to lunch.”

“Oh am I now,” he commented. Grabbing her around the waist, he pulled her in close, “I love you Doctor Megan DuBois.”

She rested her left hand on him as she patted his chest, “you’re adorable,...”

Over the internal comm system, the voice of Commander Wenchell filled the space, “Lieutenant Callaghan meet me in station operations.”

Megan smiled, “I guess lunch will have to wait.”

Andrew couldn’t help but wonder, had his father turned him in? This couldn’t just be a coincidence, could it? The two had a notable and rather public fight, that ended in the younger Callaghan placing a firm left hook on the older Callaghan’s face. Andrew tapped his comm badge, “Callaghan here, on my way, Sir.”

He stood up, “wish me luck.”

Part 2

Andrew ran from Ops, sure it wasn’t very formal but he didn’t care. After getting directions to Megan’s location he headed to the station’s promenade section. It wasn’t going to be hard to locate her, she’d been talking about a particular shop now for weeks. He knew where she would be. He entered the lobby of the eatery spotting Megan he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

“I got it,” he whispered in her ear.

Megan screamed at first, but then realized who it was. “You got what,” she looked in his eyes, “No you didn’t,” it suddenly hit her without needing an explanation. “You got a Chief spot,” she smiled. “Oh my god babe,” she grabbed him, “What did you get?”

“USS Majestic, it’s a…” Andrew stated, but was interrupted.

“The Majestic Class Starship,” Megan laughed, “I looked into all the open positions this morning.” She blushed, “After the Commander called you, I had to peak just in case.”

Andrew laughed, “I should have known better,” he looked around, “Let’s go,” he grabbed her arm, “We can come back here, afterwards. I promise.”

“Andy,” Megan pulled her hand back, “I bumped into someone a few minutes ago, I’m meeting them here for lunch.”

Andrew looked around, “who?”

“Hello, Andrew,” a voice from behind him called out.

Andrew froze in his steps, the voice was one that was very familiar. He turned around, “hello mother.” His tone went from happy and excited to distant and cold. He looked over her shoulder as if preparing for something.

“Don’t worry, your father isn’t here,” Helena stated.

“I wasn’t looking for the Commodore,” Andrew lied, “I was just looking.”

“You’re a terrible liar son and I wish you wouldn’t call him that,” Helena added, “He’s still your father.”

Megan took Andrew’s hand, intertwining their fingers together, “Andy, be nice. She just wants to eat and spend some time with …”

“How did you two even meet?” he asked?

Helena smiled at the waiter as he came to escort them to their table. “Imagine my surprise, when I literally ran into this beautiful woman. I took note of her ring and congratulated her.”

“The Commander asked about my fiance,” Megan smiled, “So I told her about you.”

“Got to say, I was a little taken back when I heard,” Helena looked at her son, “We didn’t even know you were dating let alone engaged. You should have mentioned that,” Helena scolded her son.

“Forgive me if we ain't exactly on speaking terms,” Andrew took his drink from the waiter and looked at his mother. “Talking to you typically involves the Commodore…”

“Andy…” Megan raised her voice. “Behave.”

Andrew just folded his napkin in his lap as he took a sip of the water. He wanted to say more, but he wasn’t going to make a scene in front of Megan.

Helena looked at her son then over to Megan with a bit of shock in her face, “I’ve been trying to get him to shut up for years, how did you do that,” she smiled, “and please dear called me Helena. You’re practically family, no need to use titles.”

Andrew looked at his mother, he desperately wanted to say something but knew that he’d upset Megan.

“Oh it takes some work,” Megan laughed, “He’s a stubborn one. You just have to learn how to give him that look and the voice.”

Helena laughed, “Stubborn, you should meet his father. The two of them are a,” she leaned over close to Megan, “a lot alike.”

“Oh like hell we are,” Andrew snapped.

“Shh, dear,” Helena looked at him, “the girls are talking now.”

Andrew threw his arms up, “Shh, really?” What am I mother, three?”

“Sometimes honey,” Megan patted his leg.

Helena looked at Megan and smiled, “You’re gonna fit in just nicely, dear.” She looked over to Andrew and then to Megan, “Does he know?”

“Not yet,” Megan replied.

“Know what,” Andrew looked at both, “I am not sure I like where this is going. You two are not supposed to be…”

“Oh be quiet dear,” Helena looked at Andrew. “So he has a new assignment and a…” she gave Megan a look. “Oh, you poor dear.”

Andrew was getting upset, this wasn’t how he saw today going. “You both know I am sitting right here,” he raised his voice.

Megan laughed, “you get so cute when you’re upset.”

“You should have seen him when he was three,” Helena shook her head, “it was awful.”

“Ok, that’s enough,” Andrew tossed his napkin on the table, “Why does this feel like a setup?”

“You should tell him,” Helena smiled, “Before he…” she raised an eyebrow.

“Andy,” Megan placed a hand on his leg trying to calm him down. “I’m pregnant.”

Andrew felt the blood drain from his face as he just sat there looking at Megan, “you’re what.”

“Pregnant,” she added, again.

Andrew stood up, “but I mean how… when…” He started to breathe heavily. “I mean, does she know,” he jerked a finger over to his mother. He was suddenly light-headed, confused, and lost. He picked up his glass of water just as the lights went out. With a loud thud, Andrew landed back in the chair, as a waiter came running over.

“Yep just like his father,” Helena looked at Megan, “Cullum did the same thing.”

Lieutenant Andrew Callaghan
Chief of Security
USS Majestic

Lieutenant JG Megan DuBois
Medical Officer, NPC


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