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Run...with sound effects

Posted on Sat Dec 15th, 2018 @ 1:08am by

Mission: Run Afoul
Location: USS Majestic
Timeline: Current
172 words - 0.3 OF Standard Post Measure

The ship's executive officer had just left the bridge. His training being in science, the andorian was feeling pretty useless. So naturally, he left the bridge. What else was there to do? The ship being dead in space, that was an engineering problem.

And Shev didn't reach the rank of Lieutenant Commander without knowing his limits. So with permission, he headed to his quarters.

Stripping out of his uniform, hidan Starfleet Academy workout gear and did the only thing he could think of doing. Going out for a run.

What a sight he was. A mass of blue huffing and puffing down the corridor.

“Go ahead. Laugh.” He said. He couldn't help but notice a couple of junior officers. “I'll remember that come promotions” Shev grinned as he went along. That was until he heard a loud POP followed by a thud

It wasn't long before Shev realized that the sounds came from him.

Embarrassed more than he let on, he began hobbling to sickbay

LtCmdr Shev Th'aziavak
Executive Officer
USS Majestic


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